SYSTEM / Manual / Type/Number
Supplementary Questions

BSBWHS402AAssist with Compliance with WHS Laws

Answer the following questions below (type the answers in the boxes). Put the answers in your own words. Please also put in the document reference where you have gained the information.

1. What is ‘duty of care’? What is ‘due diligence’? How would an organisation demonstrate ‘due diligence’?
2. What is the current WHS legislation and when was the current legislation implemented?
3. What are the aims/objectives of the WHS legislation?
4. What is Statutory Legislation and Non Statutory legislation – provide detailed examples of both.
5. What is the website for the following organisations/bodies. What documents/publications would you be able to find on the websites:
WorkCover NSW:
Safe Work Australia:
Standards Australia:
Australasian Legal Information Institute:
6. What are the main duties of care requirements for the PCBU? Explain in a paragraph in at least 100 words.
7. What duty of care does a PCBU have to contractors, visitors, trainees etc? Explain in a paragraph in at least 100 words.
8. What is the worker duty of care requirements within the workplace? Explain in a paragraph in at least 100 words.
9. What are the contractors/sub-contractors duties of care requirements? Are they a PCBU or Worker? Explain in a paragraph in at least 150 words.
10. What are the duty of care requirements for designers, manufacturers and suppliers of plant and substances? Explain in a paragraph in at least 100 words for each one.
11. Who is responsible for enforcing WHS legislation within your state?
12. What are the powers of an inspector under the Work Health and Safety Act? Explain in a paragraph in at least 100 words.
13. What is the difference between the three different penalty categories? What is the monetary amount within each category for the different levels of employee?
14. What is a ‘Notifiable Incident’ under the Work Health and Safety Act? Provide an overview between ‘serious injury/illness’ and ‘dangerous incident’?
15. As a WHS officer how would you systematic update yourself and the organisation on changes to statutory and non-statutory legislation affecting the workplace? Explain in a paragraph in at least 150 words.

BSBWHS404A Contribute to WHS Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control

  1. What is risk management?Explain in a paragraph in at least 150 words.
  1. What are the four steps in risk management?Explain in a paragraph in at least 100 words for each one.
  1. Who are the risk management internal and external stakeholders in your workplace that you would need to consider? Why should they be involved?Explain in a paragraph in at least 150 words.
  1. What internal and external resources would you need to have access to prior to hazard identification?Explain each one in detail.
  1. What is a hazard?
  1. What are the six categories of hazards?Explain in a paragraph in at least 100 words for each one.
  1. Identify and explain four methods of identifying hazards?Explain in a paragraph in at least 100 words for each one.
  1. How could you use the expertise of external specialists? Provide examples.
  1. Explain in detail the process of conducting a workplace inspection?
  1. Explain the process of completing a job safety analysis?
  1. What is risk?
  1. Why do you need to identify the risk level ie. High, Medium, Low?Explain in a paragraph in at least 100 words.
  1. How would you identify the risk level ie. High, Medium, Low?Explain in a paragraph in at least 100 words.
  1. What is Risk Evaluation?Explain in a paragraph in at least 100 words.
  1. What is the Hierarchy of Controls? List all 5 controls and provide an example of each.
  1. Who would you talk to if you need assistance with information on controls?
  1. What is a Risk Register and Control Plan?
  1. Why is it important to monitor and review controls?Explain in a paragraph in at least 100 words.

PUAWER002B Ensure Workplace Emergency Prevention Procedures, Systems and Processes are implemented

  1. What is an Emergency?
  1. How can an Emergency escalate from a risk to emergency – crisis – disaster? Provide an example.
  1. Provide 3 examples each of natural, manmade, technological types of emergencies?
  1. What are the legal obligations of a PCBU and Worker in relation to Emergency Management?Explain in a paragraph in at least 100 words.
  1. What are the four phases of emergency management? Explain in a paragraph in at least 100 words for each.
  1. What is emergency risk management?Explain in a paragraph in at least 100 words.
  1. Provide an overview of 4 methods on how you would identify emergency hazards?
  1. Why is it important to analyse capability and vulnerability after this stage?
  1. What is emergency planning and why is it important?Explain in a paragraph in at least 100 words.
  1. Who should be on the Emergency Team, as stated under AS/NZ3745:2010?
  1. What types of training should be provided? Split the training into general and emergency team requirements?
  1. What are emergency resources? List 5 internal and 5 external resources required.
  1. Describe the different types of fire extinguishers available and the types of fire they should be used with.
  1. What should you consider when identifying emergency escape routes?Explain in a paragraph in at least 100 words.
  1. What are emergency procedures? Why are they important?
  1. What should be considered during emergency communication?
  1. How often should emergency evacuation drills be scheduled? Why are they important?
  1. What is the role of each emergency response service personnel member?
  1. When would you need to consider special needs evacuation procedures?Explain in a paragraph in at least 100 words.
  1. Provide an overview on what you would need to consider within the post emergency response requirements?Explain in a paragraph in at least 150 words.

BSBWHS406A Assist with Responding to Incidents

  1. What is an incident?
  1. Provide three (3) reasons why we report incidents?
  1. Provide a summary of a. internal reporting requirements within your organisation and b. external reporting requirements (if required)?
  1. Why do incidents happen?
  1. What are the main factors that contribute towards incidents?Explain in a paragraph in at least 100 words for each.
  1. What is the difference between incident investigation and incident analysis?
  1. Why do we need to investigate near misses?
  1. How would you determine who should be on the investigation team?
  1. Why is it important to secure the scene?
  1. Why is it important to start investigation as soon as possible?
  1. What will you need to consider when you are documenting the scene?
  1. What documents/records would you need to ‘interview’ post incident to assist within the investigation analysis phase?Explain in a paragraph in at least 100 words.
  1. What is the ‘sequence of events’? Why is it important to establish and document the ‘sequence of events’?
  1. What is cause and effect analysis?Explain in a paragraph in at least 100 words.
  1. What are the ‘Root Causes’? What it is the process of identifying ‘Root Causes’? Why do we need to identify ‘Root Causes’?Explain in a paragraph in at least 100 words.
  1. What ‘Follow-up’ would be required after incident investigation and analysis?

BSBWHS405A Contribute to the Implementation and Maintenance of a WHS Management System

BSBWHS403A Contribute to the Implementation and Maintenance of WHS Consultation and Participation Process

  1. What is a Workplace Health and Management System (WHSM)?Explain in a paragraph in at least 100 words.
  1. What is the difference between an ad-hoc system and a formalized system?Explain in a paragraph in at least 100 words.
  1. What are the recommended 12 programs within a WHS Management System? Explain each one in detail.
  1. What is the difference between policy, programs, procedures and tools?Explain in a paragraph in at least 100 words.
  1. What is the Australian and International Standards for Designing, developing, implementing and reviewing a WHS Management System?
  1. What are the five principles under AS/NZ4801:2001 in designing and developing a WHS Management System? Explain each one.
  1. Within Principle 1, the standard AS/NZ4801 details undertaking an Initial Review? What is an ‘Initial Review’ and what would be required?Explain in a paragraph in at least 100 words.
  1. Why do you need to ensure you reference legislation, codes of practice, standards when designing and developing a WHS Management System?
  1. Who are the stakeholders when designing/reviewing a WHS Management System? Why is it important to consult and communicate with the stakeholders regarding changes?
  1. Why is leadership and commitment important when developing or reviewing a WHS Management System?
  1. Outline the 9 requirements that a WHS Policy could contain/require. Explain in detail each one.
  1. What are the elements within planning a WHS Management System?
  1. What are the six capability requirements when implementing a WHS Management System?– provide a summary of each one.
  1. What are the supporting requirements when implementing a WHS Management System – provide a summary of each one?
  1. What would be the barriers within your organisation/department to implementing a WHS Management System?Explain in a paragraph in at least 100 words.
  1. List the seven methods used to monitor and evaluate the WHS Management System? Explain in detail each one.
  1. Why is management review important when evaluating and measuring the WHS Management System?Explain in a paragraph in at least 100 words.
  1. What is continuous improvement?
  1. What are the six areas of continuous improvement that should be reviewed within the WHS Management System? Explain each one.

Authorised by: Director / Date: 01/07/12 / Review Date: 01/07/14 / Issue No: 2 / Page 1 of 19

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