Key campaigner call to action – protect out of work support

Details of template letters

There are three template letters below. Please pick one of them. You can send it as it is, or put it into your own words. They are for three different circumstances:

- You have already written to your MP about this (following RNIB’s recent MP letter campaign);

- You haven’t yet written and are yourself getting Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) and are in the Work-Related Activity Group (WRAG);

- You haven’t yet written, are not yourself in the ESA WRAG, but would like to express your concern.

The three letters are on separate pages below.

Template letter to MP (You have already written to your MP about this)

[Subject line title for e-mail or heading for letter]:

Proposed abolition of Work-Related Activity payment


[MP’s address]


Further to my recent e-mail message [or letter] of [give date if possible].

I continue to be concerned that Clause 13 of the Welfare Reform and Work Bill changes the Employment and Support Allowance rules so that new claims by disabled people placed in the Work-Related Activity Group will no longer include a payment (currently £29.05) to compensate for the extra expenses of being on a low income for a long period. At current rates, this is a loss of nearly £30 per week, taking weekly ESA down to £73.10.

I would welcome an opportunity to discuss this with you at a forthcoming surgery and should be grateful if you would indicate a suitable time, date and location.

Yours sincerely,



Template letter to MP (You haven’t yet written and are yourself getting ESA and are in the WRAG)

[Subject line title for e-mail or heading for letter]:

Proposed abolition of Work-Related Activity payment


[MP’s address]


I am concerned to learn that Clause 13 of the Welfare Reform and Work Bill changes the Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) rules so that new claims by disabled people placed in the Work-Related Activity Group (WRAG) will, from April 2017, no longer include a payment to compensate for the extra expenses of being on a low income for a long period. At current rates, this is a loss of nearly £30 per week, taking weekly ESA down to £73.10.

I receive ESA myself and am in the WRAG. Although I realise that this measure will affect new and not existing claimants, I can well imagine what a struggle it would be if I had to make ends meet on £30 less than I get now.

Also, I understand that if I were able to find a job and then lost it again after 12 weeks, I would only be able to re-claim ESA at the reduced rate – not much of a work incentive.

The WRAG is intended for those disabled people who may be able to work at some future stage, but are currently unable to. We are required to prepare for work through activities such as work-related courses and support sessions.

Claimants in the WRAG are, by definition, preparing for the point at which they will be able to work. Most will not have reached that point and many will not reach it for some time. This measure will push into poverty and debt many people who have no realistic escape route via a job in the near future. Worrying about paying bills and just getting by will make it harder, not easier, to be ready to look for a job.

I know that the Government says that employment services for disabled people are going to be improved. This is welcome, but in no way justifies making disabled people poorer until they are in a position to get a job.

I would welcome an opportunity to discuss this with you at a forthcoming surgery and should be grateful if you would indicate a suitable time, date and location.

Yours sincerely,



Template letter to MP (You haven’t yet written, are not yourself in the ESA WRAG, but would like to express your concern)


[MP’s address]


I am concerned to learn that Clause 13 of the Welfare Reform and Work Bill changes the Employment and Support Allowance rules so that new claims by disabled people placed in the Work-Related Activity Group (WRAG) will, from April 2017, no longer include a payment to compensate for the extra expenses of being on a low income for a long period. At current rates, this is a loss of nearly £30 per week, taking weekly ESA down to £73.10.

The WRAG is intended for those disabled people who may be able to work at some future stage, but are currently unable to. They are required to prepare for work through activities such as work-related courses and support sessions.

Claimants in the WRAG are, by definition, preparing for the point at which they will be able to work. Most will not have reached that point and many will not reach it for some time. This measure will push into poverty and debt many people who have no realistic escape route via a job in the near future. Worrying about paying bills and just getting by will make it harder, not easier, to be ready to look for a job.

Also, I understand that those who do manage to find a job and then lose it again after 12 weeks would only be able to re-claim ESA at the reduced rate – not much of a work incentive.

I know that the Government says that employment services for disabled people are going to be improved. This is welcome, but in no way justifies making disabled people poorer until they are in a position to get a job.

I would welcome an opportunity to discuss this with you at a forthcoming surgery and should be grateful if you would indicate a suitable time, date and location.

Yours sincerely,

