Bryan C. MainePage 1
Bryan C. Maine
1825 S. 5th St. Apt. 37, Waco, TX 76708
847-224-9358 |
Ph.D., Baylor University, Department of Religion Waco, TX, Anticipated May 2015.
- Religion Major: History of Christianity
- Religion Minor: Theology (9 hours)
- Outside Minor: History (18 hours)
- Teaching Certificate in Higher Education
Dissertation: “Parental Affection and the Salvation of Children:
Representations of Children in England from the Late Medieval Era to1660.”
Adviser:Dr. David Whitford
M.Div., George W. Truett Theological Seminary, Baylor University, Waco, TX, 2007.
- Theology
B.A., Williams Baptist College, Walnut Ridge, AR, 2004.
- Major: Christian Ministries
- Minor: Ancient Languages
Early Modern England; History of Children and the Family, English Separatism; Early English Baptists; Dutch Anabaptism
"Bishop John Hughes of New York and His Representations of Catholics and Protestants During the Public School Controversy, 1840-1842." Southwest Social Science Association. New Orleans, LA. March 2013.
“The Place of the Apocrypha in the Writings of Menno Simons in Relation to other
Protestant Reformers.”Sixteenth Century Studies and Conference. Cincinnati, OH. October, 2012.
"Representations of Children in Late Medieval English Sermons and Exempla."National Association of Baptist Professors of Religion. Nashville, TN. May 2012.
"A Theology of Hope: Henry de Lubac and the International Theological Commission’s Publication of 'The Hope of Salvation for Infants Who Die Without Being Baptized.'” Southwest Commission on Religious Studies. Dallas, TX. March 2012
"'A True Servant of the Master': Charles Darwin, Natural Selection, and the Perfect Race in the Writings of Charles Loring Brace." Central Texas Colloquium on Religion Research Conference. Austin, TX. February 2012.
"Separatism, the Church of England, and the English Reformation in the Debate Between Richard Bernard and John Robinson." Sixteenth Century Studies and Conference. Dallas, TX. October 2011.
“Pocket Testament League” and “Volunteers of America.InThe Baker Handbook of Denominations and Ministries.Eds. George Thomas Kurian and Mark E. Roberts. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker, 2011—forthcoming.
“Some Bastards . . . Surpass Legitimate Children in the Probity of their Character”: Erasmus on Illegitimacy and Moral Education.” Southwest Commission on Religious Studies. Dallas, TX. March 2011.
"Perceiving Children: The Radical Position of 17th Century Baptists on Children and their Place in the Church Community."Sixteenth Century Studies and Conference. Montreal, QC, October 2010.
"Anti-Calvinism and Pastoral Care in Thomas Helwys’ 'A Short and Plaine Proof' (1611)."American Society of Church History. Montreal, QC, March 2009.
"John Smyth, Anabaptism and the Quest for Ecclesial Purity."Sixteenth Century Studies and Conference. St. Louis, MO. October 2008.
"An Examination of Thomas Helwys' Use and Interpretation of the Bible in 'A Short and Plain Proof' (1611)." Icons and Iconoclast: The Long Seventeenth Century, 1603-1714. University of Aberdeen, July 2006.
Teaching Expereince
Teaching Fellow, Baylor University, Religion Department, Fall 2013-Present.
- REL 1310 – Introduction to Christian Scriptures
- REL 1350 – Christian Heritage
Guest Lecture, Baylor University, Religion Department
- REL 3330 – Introduction to Church History, “Magisterial Reform II,” Spring 2013.
- REL 1350 – Christian Heritage, “The Social Gospel,” Spring 2013.
- REL 1350 – Christian Heritage, “The Four Ecumenical Councils,” Spring 2013.
- REL 1350 – Christian Heritage, “The Catholic and English Reformation,” Fall 2012.
- REL 1350 – Christian Heritage, “The English Reformation,” Fall 2012.
- REL 4331 – History of Roman Catholicism, “Tertullian of Carthage,” Spring 2011.
- REL 1350 – Christian Heritage, “Tertullian of Carthage,” Fall 2010.
Graduate Assistant, Baylor University, Department of Religion
- Dr. David Whitford, 2013.
- REL 5333 – History of the Continental Reformation (Reformed)
- Dr. Doug Weaver, 2012-13.
- REL 1350 – Christian Heritage
- Dr. Joe Coker, 2011-12.
- John Murton Early English Baptist Text Project.
- Dr. RadyRoldan-Figueroa, 2009-2011
- REL 1350 – Christian Heritage
- REL 3330 – Introduction to Church History
- REL 4331 – History of Roman Catholicism
- REL 5131 – Historical Area Colloquium
- REL 5333 – History of the Continental Reformation (Catholic)
- REL 5334 – History of the English Reformation
Editorial Assistant, The Sixteenth Century Journal, 2013-Present.
Research Assistant, Baptist Studies Center for Research, Baylor University, 2013.
Organizer.“Menno Simons in Relation to Other Reformers of his Day.”Sixteenth Century Studies and Conference. Cincinnati, OH. October, 2012.
Transcribtionist/Editor, Complete Works of John Murton (1585-ca. 1626), ed. Joe Coker,in Early English Baptist Texts, eds., RadyRoldan-Figueroa and Doug Weaver (Macon: Mercer University Press, forthcoming), 2011-2012.
Contributor, The King James Bible 400th AnniversaryExhibit, Baylor University Libraries, 2011.
Transcribtionist/Editor, Collected Works of HanserdKnollys (1599?-1691), ed. RadyRoldan-Figueroa, in Early English Baptist Texts, eds., RadyRoldan-Figueroa and Doug Weaver (Macon: Mercer University Press, forthcoming), 2009-2011.
Member, Graduate Theological Fellowship, Baylor University, 2009-2012.
American Society of Church History
Sixteenth Century Society
American Academy of Religion
Ecclesial Experience and Service
Member, Educational Council, Seventh and James Baptist Church, Waco, TX, 2012-2015.
Sunday School Teacher, Seventh and James Baptist Church, Waco, TX, 2011-Present.
Ordained, First Baptist Church, Lakeside Village, TX, 2005.
Pastor, First Baptist Church, Lakeside Village, TX, 2005-2007.
Youth Minister, First Baptist Church, Newport, AR, 2003-2004.
Camp Minister, Traveling Camp Team, Arkansas and Missouri, 2002.
Youth Intern, Central Baptist Church, Jonesboro, AR, 2002.
Camp China English Teacher, English Language Institute of China, China, 2001.
Licensed for Ministry, Second Baptist Church, Hot Springs, AR, 2000.
Modern German (reading)
Modern French (reading)
Classical Latin (reading)
KoineGreek (reading)
Biblical Hebrew (reading)