Brundall Parish Council

To all members of Brundall Parish Council. You are summoned to the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council,which isto be held in the Memorial Hall, Brundall on Monday23rd May 2016 at 7.00 pm for the purpose of transacting the following business.


1.Election of Chairman of the Councilandto receive the Chairman’s Declaration of Acceptance of Office

2.Election of Vice-Chairman of the Councilandto receive the Vice-Chairman’s Declaration of Acceptance of Office

3.To consider apologies for absence

4.Declarations of interest on items on the Agenda

5.To confirm the Minutes of the meeting held on 18thApril 2016 and confidential Minute item 2016-0054

6.To report on actions arising from the Minutes not on the Agenda: for information only

7.Committees, Sub-committees and Outside Bodies

  • Existing committees – review of terms and conditions and nominations for co-option
  • To agree the appointment of Members to outside bodies

8.To approve the proposed changes to the Standing Orders

9.To approve the proposed changes to the Financial Regulations

10.To consider approval of Asset Register as at May 2016 and actions to be taken

11.To consider approval of Risk Assessment Report as at May 2016 and actions to be taken

12.To consider a resolution to adjourn the Meeting for 15 minutes for public participation andCounty Councillors’ and District Councillors’ reports

13.Re-convene the meeting

14.Chairman’s Report

15.CDROB –

  • To approve a resolution to engage a project management company to co-ordinate between the CDROB Committee and relevant organizations for the purposes of producing a project plan
  • To delegate authority to 3 Councillors and the Clerk to chose the Company as the project lead and make the necessary decisions between meetings

16.Station Road parking issues. To consider applying for parking restrictions on from the Brian Ward premises up to an including no 8 Station Road due to parked cars blocking the flow of traffic.


Chief Planning Adviser to report briefly on the Greater Norwich Local Plan Call for Sites (rolling forward the Greater Norwich Local Plan to 2036).

  • To consider Broadland District Council’s revised Statement of Community Involvement
  • Applications:
  • Application BA/2016/0188/HOUSEH 67 Riverside Estate, Brundall (Retrospective Application for reinstatement of 22 sqm decking on NW side of chalet
  • Application 20160829 18 Nurseries Avenue, Single Storey Rear Extension, Two Storey side extension and flat to Pitched Roof dormer
  • To ratify a decision to Support Application BA/2016/0116/HOUSEH 30 Riverside Estate, Brundall, Extension of decking approx 6-8 ft

18.Draft Annual Parish Report to approve


  • To consider approval of Financial Risk Assessment ReportMay 2016 and action to be taken
  • To consider the Clerk’s proposals for the virement of unspent funds to reserves
  • To approve the draft Annual Return for signature
  • To review the bank signatories for both the HSBC current account and Broadland Deposit Account
  • To approve bills for payment for May 2016(please refer to the schedule of cheques for approval/signature)

20.Parish Clerk’s Correspondence:

  • Letter re CIL collection of funds £596.38

Norfolk Minerals Site Specific Allocations DPD - Single Issue Silica Sand Review- Pre-Submission representations period

  • Site Allocations Adoption Notice

Copy Letter from Mrs Gibbs to BMH Trustees

21.Items for next agenda (not for discussion)

22.Date for next Parish Council Meeting 27th June 2016

S E SmythS E SmythParish Clerk 16/5/16