American Physical Therapy Association

Clinical Instructor Education and Credentialing Program

Date:Friday, June 1 and Saturday, June 2, 2018 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. – Friday

8 a.m. – 4 p.m. - Saturday

Location:University of Maryland Eastern Shore- Department of Physical Therapy

Hazel Hall- Classroom 2065 – Friday and Classroom 2064- Saturday

Instructor: Missy Wolff-Burke, PT, EdD, MS

About the Instructor:

Melissa Wolff-Burke, Ed.D, PT, MS, is the Director of Clinical Education for the Division of Physical Therapy at Shenandoah University, Winchester, Virginia. She earned her Bachelor of Science in Physical Therapy from the University of Vermont, and an Advanced Master’s in Orthopedic Physical Therapy from MGH Institute of Health Professions, Boston. She received her Doctorate in Education from the University of Tennessee in Knoxville, TN.

About the Program:

This program is recognized by the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) as a Clinical Instructor (CI) Education and Credentialing Program. This course was developed through a grant funded by APTA under the direction of principal investigator Michael J. Emery, EdD, PT, co-investigators Nancy Peatman, PT, MEd and Lynn Foord, MS, MEd, PT and materials used by the New England Consortium of Academic Coordinators of Clinical Education, Inc. It takes 15 hours to complete the entire program for CI Education and Credentialing.

NOTE: All participants must attend each session in its entirety. PTs and PTAs must complete the Assessment Center to be eligible for credentialing. Other health professionals will not take the assessment center, but will receive a certificate of participation.

The program addresses issues of planning and preparing for physical therapy students during their clinical education experiences, developing learning experiences and supporting ongoing learning through questioning and effective feedback. Skills of evaluation are discussed, as well as the identification and management of students with exceptional situations. The program includes a brief look at legal implications for clinical educators, including issues presented by ADA legislation.

The Assessment Center provides each participant with the opportunity to apply information from the program in simulated situations. Successful completion of each station in the Assessment Center results in the awarding of APTA CI Credentialing. The six stations of the Assessment Center have been integrated into the program schedule. It is essential each participant attend all sessions of the course and Assessment Center in its entirety.


Material to be covered over the 2 day course

  • The Clinician as Clinical Educator
Role of the CI
Behavioral Objectives
  • Readiness to Learn
Adult Learner
Stages of Learning
  • Facilitating Learning
Feedback /
  • Performance Assessment
Formative Tools
Summative Guidelines
  • Legal, Regulatory and ADA Issues in Clinical Education
  • Managing the Exceptional Student
  • Assessment Center

Who Should Attend:

This is for physical therapists, physical therapist assistants, occupational and speech therapists involved with clinical education who are interested in improving their skills as a clinical instructor. The Course and Assessment Center will be useful for both new and experienced clinical instructors. While the information presented covers basic skills for clinical instructors, the interactive tasks, large and small group discussions will benefit all educators. Continuing education credits are 15 contact hours or 1.5CEUs, 1.2 contact hours for non PTs/PTAs.

Registration Information:

Registration fees includes APTA’s cost for the CI Education Manual, Assessment Center, Credential and Registry on a National Database, and instruction. APTA provides discounts to facilities with five or more clinicians attending the same class. Contact instructor for details.

The class size is limited to 26 participants so early registration is encouraged. Minimum attendance is 18 participants to hold the course. To register complete a copy of the Participant Dossier which is enclosed. Copy that form as needed for multiple individuals registering from your facility. Also include a copy of your current PT/PTA license, or other health care license with the completed Dossier.

Registration and payment must be received by Monday, May 7, 2017. Please make check out to APTA. (check or credit card)

Cost:APTA Members – $90.00

Non-APTA Members - $180.00

Non-PT Providers - $230.00

Instructor fee - $30

Please provide the following to register for the course:

  1. A check made payable to the APTA: APTA Members - $90.00; Non-APTA Members - $180.00; Non-PT Attendees - $230.00. (Or you may also pay the APTA registration fee directly by credit card by using the attached form.)
  1. A check made payable to UMES Department of Physical Therapyfor $30 to cover the Instructor Fee.
  1. Your Dossier, completed and signed by your supervisor.
  1. A copy of your license for the state in which you are currently employed.

**Refund Policy for CIECP Course: Individuals must request a refund 72 hours prior to the date of the course beginning. The amount of refund will be equivalent to the APTA portion of the registration fee only.



Credit Card Payment Form

Full Name ______

Date of Course: ___June 1 - 2, 2018___ Name of Trainer: _Dr. Melissa Wolff-Burke__

Fee: ______APTA Membership Number: ______

APTA Members: $90

Non-Members: $180

Non-PT: $230

Method of Payment: (Visa, MasterCard and American Express only)

Card #: Exp. Date:

Print Cardholder’s name: ______

Billing Address: ______

Signature of Cardholder: ______Date: ______

Upon completion please mail or fax this form to the contact person for the course you will be attending.

Michelle Gorman, PT, DPT, GCS

Director of Clinical Education

University of Maryland Eastern Shore

Department of Physical Therapy

Hazel Hall Suite 2093

Princess Anne, MD 21853

PHONE (410) 621- 2291

FAX (410) 651-6259


Directions to course location

GPS address:
11868 Academic Oval
Princess Anne, MD 21853

Location: The University of Maryland Eastern Shore is located in Princess Anne, MD. The course will be held in Hazel Hall and is located on south side of campus. It is Building 31 on the map found at this site:

Classroom Location: Hazel Hall, 2nd floor, Classroom 2065 Friday, Classroom 2064 Saturday. Once you have reached the second floor and located the vending machines directly in front, turn to the right and enter down a hallway through double wood doors. The classrooms will be on the right.

Parking is available in the Ella Fitzgerald Performing Arts Center Lot A and the Student Development Center Lot B

From Delaware
Rt. 13 South (Dover, Delaware, or Norfolk, Virginia). Follow through Salisbury, Maryland to Princess Anne, Maryland and follow signs toMaryland Route 822, UMES Boulevard. Follow UMES Blvd (822) until you reach the stop sign then turn right. Follow the road turn left into the Student Development Center Parking Lot B and Ella Fitzgerald Performance Art Center Lot A to the right once you turn.

From Baltimore, Washington DC, and Alexandria, Virginia
Take appropriate Rt. to Chesapeake Bay Bridge (Eastern Shore of Maryland). Rt. 50 East to Salisbury, Maryland. Salisbury, use Business Rt. 50, take business Rt. 13 South (South Salisbury Blvd which becomes 13 South). Follow to Princess Anne, Maryland and follow signs toMaryland Route 822, UMES Boulevard. Follow UMES BLVD (822) until you reach the stop sign then turn right. Following the road turn left into the Student Development Center Parking Lot B and Ella Fitzgerald Performance Art Center Lot A to the right once you turn.

From North Carolina, South Carolina and points further South
Take Interstate 85, to Rt. 58, to Rt. 17 (Norfolk, Virginia) to Rt. 13 North. Across the Chesapeake Bay Bridge and Tunnel. Follow signs to Maryland. Pass through Pocomoke City, Maryland to Princess Anne, Maryland. Once near Princess Anne, follow signs to Somerset Ave., MD-675. Make a right on Broad Street (second light in Princess Anne), cross over railroad tracks to enter the South entrance to campus. Make a Left, then make first right into the Student Development Center Parking lot B. Ella Fitzgerald Performance Arts Center Parking Lot A to the right once you turn.

If you have any issues finding the UMES Department of Physical Therapy, located in Hazel Hall, please contact Ms. Alice Smith, Administrative Assistant at (410) 651-6351.