
Conor Mc Cormick



Scene One


Bruce Banner’s Room.

Thirteen-year-old Bruce Banner and his friend Tom Kerr are in Bruce’s Bedroom. They have lots of complicated science equipment, especially for their age. They are performing some kind of experiment. Bruce lies down on his bed.

BRUCE: OK Tom, plug me in.

TOM: Right you are Bruce.

Tom take a long cable with a needle at the end of it and injects it into Bruce’s arm. Bruce starts to sweat. The camera shows that the cable is connected to a strange liquid in a jar. The jar is being pumped through the cable and into Bruce’s bloodstream. Tom attaches a lead to Bruce and watches for results from his computer.

TOM: Your heartbeat is still normal Bruce, no change to your DNA either, should I pull the plug?

BRUCE(Slowly): No, continue operation, Urgh!Ah!, complete tests. Is any – ahh – Gamma-Structure altered?

Tom looks at his computer again and gasps.

TOM: Bruce – your DNA levels have exceeded human! It’s working!

Bruce try’s to smile but suddenly he lapses into a fit of pain. He looks angry.

BRUCE: Stop it!!!! AHHH! It hurts – stop it!

Tom looks at Bruce with an evil look on his face. Bruce is almost screaming in pain but Tom merely smiles.

TOM(Calmly): No. We will continue this experiment.


TOM: Oh, yes Bruce – haha – you’ll thank me later . . . maybe.

Close-up of Bruce’s eyes.

BRUCE: You’ll payyyyahhhhhh! Stop! Stop! Stop! Your making me angry . . .

Camera pans to Bruce’s mouth.

BRUCE(continued): . . . and your not going to like me when I’m angry.


Scene Two.


Bruce Banner’s Room.

The entire room is wrecked. Bruce Banner is lying on a bed, all his clothes are ripped. His whole body is covered with sweat, he is sleeping. Camera moves across the room to show that Tom Kerr is lying in a heap of broken machinery. He is dead. He is covered with blood; it stains his shirt from beneath. Slowly Bruce awakes, dizzy.

BRUCE: What … happened?

Bruce gets up and looks at his Experiments room.

BRUCE: No, no. Not the experiments room, not my experiments room! Who would do this?

Bruce blinks.

BRUCE: Who would do this – I did this!

Bruce closes his eyes.

Scene Three.

Bruce’s Mind.

Deep breathing drowns out any sound of the green memory we watch. Tom Kerr dashes frantically around the experiments room. He types into his computer quickly. We are watching from Bruce Banner’s point of view. Bruce looks down at his arm, it has green veins lumped out of it. He pulls out the cable that is there.


Bruce(The Hulk) jumps up and smashes everything in his course until he gets to Tom.

TOM: Bruce – what happened? Look at yo- please don’t hurt me – please, I was gonna’ unplug you but-AHHHH!

Tom cowers into a corner as the hulk pushes towards him. Tom screams.


Scene Four


Bruce Banner’s Room.

Bruce opens his eyes. He can’t believe what he just saw. He looks up and see’s Tom lying on the ground. He jumps up and runs to Tom, then gets down on his knees.

BRUCE: Oh, god – no. What have I done? What have I done?


Scene Five


Bruce Banner’s House.


Establishing shot.

Scene Six

Int./ Morning

Bruce Banner’s Dining Room.

Bruce enters the room. He sits at the table and clicks his fingers twice. The door to the room opens and a waiter enters carrying a tray. He takes a bowl of cereal and orange juice from the tray, sets in before Bruce and leaves the room. Bruce puts his head in his hands, deep in thought.

BRUCE(To himself): What happened?

Bruce shakes his head and starts to eat his breakfast.

Scene Seven



Bruce is sitting in a swing. He doesn’t notice two boys coming from behind him. They reach him and push him off the swing and start laughing.

BOY#1: What ya’ doing poindexter?

BOY#2: He didn’t answer ya’ Leo – that wus jus’ rude!

Leo: You’re right John, maybe he needs t’ be taught a lesson, haha.

John: Yeah – dat is a good idea! You can do thee honours Leo.

Bruce who had been on the ground gets up and starts to run but John catches up with him easily and trips him up. He then takes his arms behind his back and Leo comes up to them.

LEO: That wasn’t a very nice thing you did there, runnin’ away when we were tryin’ t’ teach ya’ sumthin’.

Leo punches Bruce in the stomach. Bruce coughs up some blood and looks at Leo.

BRUCE: Stop it. (Cough). You’re making me angry … and I don’t want to get angry – and you won’t like it much either.

LEO: Don’t you tell me what to do you daft little twerp!

Leo punches Bruce again. Bruce’s face sprouts long green veins.

BRUCE: I – Warned –You!

Bruce suddenly morphs into a larger version of himself, and he has green skin. He is angry! We see another person walk into the park, he/she is a tourist and he/she has a camera. He/She quickly takes a picture of the green monstrosity and listens to it cry.


The tourist runs away.

TOURIST: its name is Hulk, its name is Hulk . . .

The Hulk is bashing the two bullies as though they were babies, they could do nothing but scream.



Scene Eight


Bruce Banner’s reading Room.

Bruce walks to a table and lifts up the paper. He gasps. Camera shows the paper; the headline reads: CHILDREN OF THE WORLD ARE MURDERED BY HULK.

BRUCE: This is getting out of control – I have to do something! I have to find out how to stop myself.

Scene Nine


Army Base

We see only one man in Army uniform sitting at his desk. He has lots of papers on his desk. He flicks through them. His name is Officer Grant.

Grant: …twelve … twenty, twenty-one. Twenty-one kids have died because of this monster. Something has to be done.

Grant picks up his phone and dials a number someone answers at the other end.

GRANT: Hello, Admiral Tusav? This is Officer Grant. I request permission to stop the Hulk creature. Granted sir? Thank you sir.

Grant hangs up.

GRANT: Now that thing will pay.

Grant takes a parcel from underneath his desk. He unwraps it and see’s a bomb within it.

GRANT: … I will make it pay!

Scene Ten


Experiments Room.

Bruce has attached some pulse readers to himself. They are attached to a computer. Bruce types into the computer.

BRUCE: My pulse rate is normal, what keeps happening to me?

Bruce opens a file on his computer and starts downloading something.

BRUCE: Downloading DNA sample.

Bruce keeps looking at the computer screen.

BRUCE: Oh goodness. My DNA structure is totally different to what it was a year ago. These particles they are more enhanced to the others. It is almost as though if they were triggered they would take over the other particles. That must be how I turn into the Hulk!

Bruce opens another file on his computer.

BRUCE: The only way I might be able to go back to how I would be if the smaller DNA particles overgrow and took over the enhanced one’s. But how?

Bruce types into his computer.

BRUCE: What if I reversed the chemical that Tom put into me and put that in instead that would unenhance the enhanced particles. That might get rid of the hulk!

Bruce suddenly flys off his chair, as though punched by nothing.

VOICE: You won’t kill Hulk! Hulk kill you!

BRUCE: No … you … won’t … AHHHH!

Bruce’s hands start to turn green.


Bruce’s face turns green and starts to inflate and his arms grow muscles.

Scene Eleven


Bruce Banner’s House.

The side of Bruce’s house explodes open and the Hulk springs out of it.

HULK: Banner no want Hulk – hulk no want Banner! Hulk will stay Hulk, Banner no more! Hulk doesn’t want anybody! Hulk wants to be alone!

Scene Twelve



The Hulk has been running, he jumps over a log and sits down.

HULK: Hulk, wants to be alone.

The hulk closes his eyes. He begins transformation back to Bruce Banner. Suddenly he turns bright green again and wakes up. The Hulk sniffs the air.

HULK: Hulk smells man!

Hulk sniffs the air again. Suddenly we hear a pop and a dart fly’s into the hulk’s back.


The Hulk falls unconscious but remains to be the Hulk. Out of the bushes comes Officer Grant. He spits on the Hulk.


Scene Thirteen


Location Unknown.

The Hulk is lying in a heap. He is in an inescapable room. In a corner of the room is the bomb Officer Grant had revealed earlier. A timer on it counts down and is on the number: 1:06. This is the time left until the bomb explodes. The Hulk wakes up. It starts banging the walks with his fists. They shake, but do not even crack. The Hulk notices the bomb. He goes to it.

HULK: Bomb?

The hulk lifts the bomb, it reads: 0:05. The Hulk doesn’t notice the timer – instead he just opens his mouth and swallows it. Hulk smiles briefly, before his stomach booms magnificently and the Hulk wails like a demented banshee!


The Hulk continues to scream but he slowly returns to the state of Bruce Banner, who takes Hulk’s place in screaming. He is in immense pain! After a while the pain subsides and Banner sits on the ground in a corner, pondering why he returned to himself.

BRUCE: Maybe the bomb stopped me being angry. No, that’s not it – wait, I’ve got it! The bomb must have destroyed the enhanced DNA molecules. That would totally explain why I turned back to myself!

The door to the room opened and Officer Grant walks into the room.

GRANT: Mr. Banner, I believe you have some explaining to do.

Bruce smiles at Officer Grant and starts to explain the Hulk ordeal.

Scene Fourteen



Bruce is taking his dog for a walk. He sees two bully’s beating up a boy around his age. Camera zooms on Bruce’s face. He smiles. He drops his dog’s lead and walks over to the bully’s. He pull’s them off the boy. The camera takes the two bully’s point of view.

BRUCE: Bad move punks.

Bruces’ fist lunges into the camera.