BromleyRoadPrimary School
PE Curriculum Map
Autumn 1 / Autumn 2 / Spring 1 / Spring 2 / Summer 1 / Summer 2Reception / Getting dressed for PE independently
- Finding own PE bag
- Changing for PE
- Managing fastenings
- To move safely around a space.
- To change direction to avoid obstacles.
- To stop when asked.
- Respond to a story and music
- Copy movements and move spontaneously
- Move with confidence, control and imagination
- Combine movements to create a dance
- Perform a dance
- To use space safely.
- To recognise directions and travel with control.
- Identify and use different parts of the body.
- To work co-operatively and safely to move simple apparatus.
- To travel with control in a variety of ways.
- To show an awareness of contrasts in speed and level.
- To show an awareness of space and share space safely.
- To use apparatus safely.
- Show awareness of space, themselves and others
- Show increasing control over equipment.
- Work collaboratively with others.
- Show co-ordination and control when using small equipment.
- To push, throw, catch or kick a ball successfully.
- To balance, roll and throw equipment.
- To keep control of their body when using equipment.
Year 1 / Dance LCP Puppets
- Respond imaginatively to a range of stimuli.
- To remember and repeat a range of actions.
- To copy, watch and describe dance movement.
- To know how to carry apparatus safely.
- Move confidently and safely in their own space, changing speed and direction.
- To explore travelling in different ways on floor and apparatus.
- To explore still shapes.
- To link movements and shapes to create simple sequences.
- Respond imaginatively to a range of stimuli.
- To remember and repeat a range of actions.
- To compose movement phrases using a range of body actions and body parts.
- To know how to carry apparatus safely.
- Move confidently and safely in their own space, changing speed and direction.
- To explore travelling in different ways.
- To explore still shapes.
- To link movements and shapes to create simple sequences.
- To develop spatial awareness.
- To develop basic game-playing skills.
- To develop throwing and catching skills.
- Engage in competitive and co-operative physical activities.
Year 2 / Dance LCP Ourselves- The Body
- To explore movement ideas and respond imaginatively to a range of stimuli.
- Move confidently and safely in own space, using changes of speed, level and direction.
- To remember and repeat a range of actions.
- To compose and link movement phrases to make simple dances with clear beginnings, middles and ends.
- To know how to carry apparatus safely.
- To explore different ways to balance on floor and apparatus.
- Learn how to forward roll.
- Remember, repeat and link combinations of gymnastic actions to create a sequence.
- To explore movement ideas and respond imaginatively to a range of stimuli.
- Move confidently and safely in own space, using changes of speed, level and direction.
- To compose dance phrases that express moods, ideas and feelings.
- To compose and link movement phrases to make simple dances with clear beginnings, middles and ends.
- To know how to carry apparatus safely.
- To explore different ways to balance on floor and apparatus.
- Learn how to forward roll.
- Remember, repeat and link combinations of gymnastic actions to create a sequence.
- Improve and apply their basic skills in games.
- To learn how to make simple choices and decisions on how to use space to avoid opponents and score points.
- Engage in competitive and co-operative physical activities, in a range of increasingly challenging situations.
- Develop basic movements including running, jumping, throwing and catching.
- Develop balance, agility and co-ordination.
- Bring to apply skills to different situations.
Year 3 / Street Dance with Magdelene
- Respond to a range of stimuli and use dance to communicate ideas.
- Create, adapt and link a range of dance actions
- Create dances individually and in small groups.
- Perform dances think of ways to improve work.
- Explore different shapes, balances and ways of travelling on floor and on apparatus
- Remember, repeat and link combinations of gymnastic actions to create sequences on own and with a partner
- Perform sequences and think about how to improve work.
- Enter the water and move around confidently
- Learn to keep afloat and move in the water
- Breathe when swimming
- Throw, catch and move with a ball
- Keep control of a ball
- Use simple rules fairly
- Develop ways of travelling, throwing and jumping
- Explore how to achieve the greatest possible speed, height, distance or accuracy
- Take park in challenges and competitions
Year 4 / Outdoor and Adventurous Activities LCP 1
- Take part in simple orientation activities using maps and diagrams
- Solve physical challenges individually and in groups
- Learn to work safely in a range of situations
- Explore different partner balances, rolls and ways of travelling on the floor and on apparatus
- Link actions and movements together to create sequences with a partner
- Perform sequences and improve their work
- Develop dribbling and kicking skills
- Pass and receive a ball accurately
- Keep control of a ball
- Learn attacking and defending tactics
- Remember simple rules to complete tasks
Striking and Fielding 1 / Athletics LCP 2
- Develop running, jumping and throwing techniques.
- Take part in challenges and competitions.
- Learn to better own performance.
Year 5
Year 6