Brockley Assembly Fund 2012/13
Application summaries
Please note, these summaries are taken directly from each project’s original application form.
Project A1 – Tyrwhitt Road Neighbourhood Beautification Programme – Tyrwhitt Road Neighbourhood Watch
This group have applied for £500 from the Brockley Assembly Fund
Action Plan priority addressed
The project addresses directly 3 of the assembly priorities and actions:
· Parks and Green Spaces
· Clean up dirty streets
· Bringing together the community
And the other two indirectly:
· Safety and reducing crime and anti-social behaviour
· Increased facilities and activities for children and young people
Project description
Provide planters and hanging baskets to beautify Tyrwhitt Road in keeping with the history and character of the Conservation area. The project will enhance the appearance of the neighbourhood and build community spirit.
Project resources
ExpenditureLarge containers for plants (5) / 150
Hanging Baskets (10) / 75
Plants / 150
Materials and equipment to hang and secure planters and baskets / 50
Fertiliser and watering equipment / 75
Plants and topsoil (in kind) / n/c
Total Project Expenditure / £ 500
Brockley Assembly Fund requirement / 500
Other Council funding (please specify)Note: A similar application will be submitted to the Ladywell Assembly as one side of Tyrwhitt Road is in Brockley Ward and the other in Ladywell. However this project can proceed regardless of the outcome of the application to Ladywell Assembly. / none
Other funding (please specify) / Applied for / Confirmed
Regenter plants and topsoil (in kind) / 200 / 200 / n/c
Regenter technical advice and training / n/c
Total Project Income / £500
Project A2 – Christmas theatre trip for local families who have children under 5 years old – Brockley Parents Forum
This group have applied for £200 from the Brockley Assembly Fund
Action Plan priority addressed
This trip would address the ‘Increased facilities and activities for children and young people in the Brockley Ward’ part of the action plan, and also ‘Bringing together the community’.
Project description
The Brockley Parents Forum hopes to take 40 people to see the children's Christmas show 'Rumpelstiltskin' at The Albany Theatre in Deptford this November or December. The first third of the tickets would be offered to families indentified as being ‘in need’ by Children’s Centre staff, for example those referred by social services or families in temporary accommodation. Remaining tickets would be made available to all families in the area with children under 5 years old. Brockley Parents Forum has a strong history of running trips of this kind, where families who live close by but who would perhaps otherwise not meet, are able to socialise together and build friendships and networks of support with one another. This trip will mean children (and some adults) who may never have been to the theatre before have a wonderful, positive experience of it in a friendly, communal group.
Project resources
Expenditure40 tickets costing £6.50 each / £260
Cost of flyers (see below) / n.a.
Total Project Expenditure / £260
Brockley Assembly Fund requirement / £200
Other Council funding (please specify) / print costs for flyers will be covered by Childrens Centres
Other funding (please specify) / Applied for / Confirmed
Those on trip to pay £1.50 per ticket each / n.a. / n.a. / £60
Total Project Income / £260 (including that provided by the assembly)
Project B1 – Hatcham Village Big Lunch 2013 – New Cross Learning
This group have applied for £1000 from the Brockley Assembly Fund
Action Plan priority addressed
· To introduce children and young people who live and go to school in the Brockley Ward to meet on common ground for the collective purpose of sharing activities and food
· Enabling a platform for all ages, all cultures and all languages to feel safe in each other’s company and thereby gain respect for all
· The consortium is made up of the Church, the School, the Pub and the Library and therefore a huge reflection of people who are the community
· Bringing a sense of ownership to a street in Brockley Ward that will encourage users to appreciate the trees and greenery in relation to the extremely busy road running at the bottom
Project description
The Big Lunch is the perfect forum to bring together members of a community that is divided by the A2 that has had serious problems with prevailing gang-cultures from the 3 areas and wards that meet at the road known as St James. A precedent was set this year 2012, during the Jubilee celebrations. It is now hoped that on the success of that Street Party that the Hatcham Village Fair, taking the style of an old village fair along with the idea of sharing food and entertainment will continue to enable such goodwill amongst our local communities.
Project resources
ExpenditureMadcap Coalition:
· Mantling and Dismantling, insurance of marquees / £200
· Face Painter / clown performances / £200
· Provision of side show and arts and craft materials/ bouncy castles / £200
· Stage / transport and other equipment / £100
· Publicity / £150
· Volunteer expenses/provision of food and drink / £150
Total Project Expenditure / £1000
Brockley Assembly Fund requirement / £1000
Other Council funding (please specify)
Other funding (please specify) / Applied for / Confirmed
Total Project Income / £1000
Project B2 – To purchase toys and play equipment for St John’s Baby and Toddler Group – St John’s Baby and Toddler Group
This group have applied for £1500 from the Brockley Assembly Fund
Action Plan priority addressed
This project supports the Assembly’s priority of ‘Increased facilities and activities for children and young people in the Brockley Ward’. St John’s Baby and Toddler Group offers twice weekly high quality play sessions open to all children under 5 years and their parents and carers in the local neighbourhood. Children can take part in arts and crafts activities, socialise and play and be read to, take part in singing sessions and enjoy a healthy snack. Parents and carers can meet, chat and find support through the experience of others and enjoy a tea or coffee. Running costs are covered by a modest entrance charge of £2.00 per family
Project description
St John’s Baby and Toddler Group is a friendly and popular playgroup, open to all in the local community, which runs every Wednesday and Thursday morning throughout term time. We are fund-raising to buy, renew and upgrade the playgroup’s toys and play equipment. Much of this equipment has been in use at the Group sessions in excess of 10 years and due for replacement under our Fit-for-Use review. Our aim when choosing equipment and activities for the playgroup is to give the children as many opportunities as possible to think and learn for themselves through play. We are looking to purchase new items which are robust and long-lasting. We have, during the course of the last two years, raised £600 ourselves for this purpose, through regular cake sales and once-termly Nearly New Sales.
Project resources
ExpenditureToys including:
Wooden climbing frame (folding) / £650.00
Mats for climbing frame / £350.00
Tent / £50.00
New books / £150.00
Toy Animals / £100.00
Play equipment including:
Baby Mats / £200.00
Total Project Expenditure / £1500.00
Brockley Assembly Fund requirement / £750.00
Other Council funding (please specify)
Other funding (please specify) / Applied for / Confirmed
Fund-raising activities to June 2012 / £600.00
Further fund-raising 2012 / £150.00
Total Project Income / £1500.00
Project B3 – Garden Ambassadors Course: two one day pilot training courses for young people (8-12yrs) – Tanners Hill TRA Garden Committee
This group have applied for £680.05 from the Brockley Assembly Fund
Action Plan priority addressed
· Increased facilities and activities for children/young people in the Brockley Ward
· Bringing together the community
· Parks and green spaces
Project description
Two one day (pilot) training courses. The Course aims to provide the opportunity for young people to explore and develop their own ideas using an informal 'participation style' learning model. Our starting point is the sharing of information that we already have, then through practical tasks and hands-on activities; map making, quizzes, challenges, artwork, hand outs and information sheets, to increase knowledge and skills, so that the young people themselves will formulate and develop the role of the Garden Ambassador.
They may choose to lead guided tours of the garden for residents, help run events, demonstrate skills to volunteers ie pruning/planting, take part in consultations of residents, produce or contribute to a News Letter, influence the future development of Heston Garden. As part of the course, participants will be asked what they would like to learn more about, this will inform fund raising plans for the future.
Participants will create their own resource folder throughout the day, which will be continue to be used for future events and activities.
Project resources
ExpenditureLeaflets (Marketing) / £3.75
Stationary: folders/clipboards/scissors/glue/badges / £52.74
pens/crayons/coloured pencils / £20.57
photocopy paper/printer ink / £22.99
Refreshments (2 breaks plus lunch) / £100.00
Fees: Trainer plus Assistant x 16 hours / £320.00
Preparation x 8 hours / £80.00
Wet weather contingency / £80.00
Total Project Expenditure / £680.05
Brockley Assembly Fund requirement / £680.05
Other Council funding (please specify)
Other funding (please specify) / Applied for / Confirmed
Total Project Income / £680.05
Project C1 – Threadz: Girls-only fashion project raising the aspirations of young women in Brockley – Peabody
This group have applied for £5000 from the Brockley Assembly Fund
Action Plan priority addressed: Threadz addresses the Brockley Assembly priority of safety and reducing crime and anti-social behaviour. Young women will be provided with a safe space to discuss gender specific issues such as sexual exploitation, risky behaviour and community violence. Through building up an increased understanding of the challenges they face as well as strong, positive friendship networks that can act as an alternative to engagement in local gangs – young women will be better enabled to keep themselves safe.
Project description: Threadz uses fashion design to engage disadvantaged young women living on our Leander Estate, providing them with a safe space for participating, experimenting, reassessing their lives and enhancing aspirations. The project will be run by a Senior Fashion Trainer. Creative arts students from Goldsmiths University will act as Ambassadors for the young women and will assist in delivering weekly workshops and provide one-to-one mentoring. Artistic mentorship is central to the project, building on connections between artists and teens - both are actively engaged in challenging the status quo.
Young women will be supported to design and produce their own clothing collection/ brand, gaining a range of life skills for example:, increased literacy through advertising of their own Lookbooks and putting on a Charity Fashion show; numeracy Maths will be covered through aspects such as cutting accurate technical patterns and budgeting for material purchase; IT will be used for everything from creating a Trends/Moodboard and to setting up and maintaining a website showcasing their talent. These e Enhanced basic skills and increased self-confidence will have a positive impact on young women’s educational and employment potential in the long-term.
Threadz will also create a safe, female-only space where young women can participate and be creative as well as explore gender sensitive issues such as self-esteem, risky behaviour, family relationships and community violence. Young women will be enabled to create affirming friendship networks and build their aspirations – countering the “pull” of gangs and negative life styles and thereby reducing anti-social behaviour and crime in the local area. All of this will lead to strengthen communities, ensuring long term sustainability through community participation and active citizenship.
Project resources
ExpenditureFashion training sessions @ £200/session x 10 / £2000
2 sessional youth workers @ £20/hour x 3 hours x 10 weeks / £600
Refreshments £4 x 20 participants x 10 weeks / £800
Materials £5 x 20 participants x 10 weeks / £1,000
Mentor travelling expenses £5 x 5 mentors x 10 weeks / £250
Marketing / £300
Total Project Expenditure / £5,000
Brockley Assembly Fund requirement / £5,000
Other Council funding (please specify)
Other funding (please specify) / Applied for / Confirmed
Total Project Income / £5,000
Project C2 - short sharp educational experience for three age groups of young people - Somali Education Development Centre
This group have applied for £2000 from the Brockley Assembly Fund
Action Plan priority addressed
· Increased facilities and activities for children and young people in the Brockley Ward
Project description
Aim of the project is to engage young people (YP) age 9-16 yrs. It is an after school club activities that will help them to develop their self confidence, self esteem, a sense of identity.
The activities are one of the youth provisions that most of Somali young people and their parents. It is structured activities, which has its venue, time, and volunteers.
This is indoor activities for Somali children and young people in Brokley Ward and surrounding area. There will be workshop sessions focusing personal develop, health awareness and skills that will help them fulfil their full potential.
There will be two sessions in every month in SEDEC centre and It will be starting October 12 till March 13.
Project resources
Expenditure2sessionspermonthx2tutorsx£13phx2hoursx6months = / £624
20participantsx2sessionx£0.50x6months = / £120
3volunteersx£6x2daysx6months / £216
Rent contribution of the centre £30x2daysx2hrsx6months / £720
Stationary / £120
One day trip / £200
Total Project Expenditure / £2,000
Brockley Assembly Fund requirement / £2,000
Other Council funding (please specify)
Other funding (please specify) / Applied for / Confirmed
Total Project Income / £2,000
Project C3 - Continued improvements to Wickham/Manor Mews to create a useable and maintained space for the local community – Wickham Mews residents
This group have applied for £3000 from the Brockley Assembly Fund.