Broadways Terminales – page 84 - Worksheet on ‘Blood on their hands’

Type of document: ______

Source: ______

Date (in full) : ______

Writer: ______

The Toronto Star is printed every day in ______and it is ______by 400,000 people.

Pick out the following information or choose the correct element (indicate line numbers)

If you have ‘blood on your hands’, your hands are clean / dirty. ( Blood is red / white )

It means you are innocent / guilty and it implies you have done something good / bad.

From line 1 to line 11

‘I’ in line 1 refers to Paul VERHOEVEN / Sharon STONE / Michael DOUGLAS / Joe ESZTERHAS.

This man is a film director / a film producer / a scriptwriter / an actor.

He writes plays / novels / short stories / screenplays.

He lives and works in the USA / in Europe / in Hungary.

(l. 4) ‘I was a militant smoker’. What does ‘was’ imply?


He started to smoke when he was a child / he married Sharon STONE / he developed cancer.

He stopped smoking after immigrating into the USA / marrying Sharon STONE / learning he had cancer.

Quote 3 hobbies he used to have :

He used to ______, he used to ______, he used to ______

Quote 1 hobby he doesn’t have anymore :

He doesn’t ______any more. (= He has stopped ______ing = He no longer ______s)

What did he consider an ‘assault on personal freedoms’ (l. 8)?: ______.

‘Do-gooders’: he loves them / he despises them / he can’t stand them / he admires them.

For him, to be ‘politically correct’ is to be

permissive / tolerant / intolerant / understanding / narrow-minded /open-minded / lenient.

From line 12 to line 22

To seduce Michael DOUGLAS, the main actress uses : her charm / her glamour / her cigarette.

After the film, one tobacco company created a new brand / a new product / a new film.

From line 23 to line 32

(l. 24) ‘ I have been an accomplice to the murders of untold numbers of human beings’

reveals Joe ESZTERHAS is feeling: responsible / guilty / innocent / indifferent / involved / detached.

Joe has made a pact with God: if he survives, he will try to stop smokers / smoking / to smoke.

He suffers from a terrible disease: he has a throat cancer / a lung cancer / AIDS.

From line 33 to the end

To glamorize smoking is to show smoking as something negative / positive / normal.

The films made in Hollywood usually support / defend / attack / condemn minorities.

He eventually compares a cigarette to a weapon / an arm / a pistol / a toy.

Sometimes, the people who ask for smoking scenes in films are the spectators / the actors / the producers.

The people he blames for inciting young people to smoke are the actors / the producers / the filmmakers.

There are 10 mistakes in this summary: correct them by using the words in the list below.

In this article, Hungarian-born Joe Eszterhas, a famous film producer apologizes for being an accomplice to murder. He begs for forgiveness after deliberately showing many of his characters smoke in his novels. He feels he has encouraged too many elderly people to smoke. He has read this anti-smoking article to stop an anti-smoking campaign against the film industry in Bollywood. What changed him from a militant heavy drinker into a staunch anti-smoker was the fortune he had after smoking so much. Today, he is urging Hollywood to stop denouncing smoking in their series.

screenwriter / films / young / written / launch / Hollywood / smoker / cancer / glamorizing / films

Vocabulary – Find the English equivalents in the text


faire la fête


un scénario


dans le passé

tabagisme passif

une attaque

une bonne âme

une opinion


arrêter de

controversée, critiquée

le sujet sous-jacent



lancer, démarrer

mondial, international

un succès

une marque



en vie


faire un marché

la gorge





les dégâts

mourir d’envie de


à l’écran


exiger de mettre un terme à


la force de vente (=les commerciaux)

présenter sous des couleurs séduisantes

un secteur

une agence de publicité

une croyance


de nobles paroles

des mensonges

la paresse

partir (un coup de feu)

pointé(e) sur

se cacher

un crétin

un immigré

une arme à feu


un scénariste

être susceptible de

un rôle

accro à

le tournage (la fusillade)

mortel (qui tue)



le sort, le destin

nettoyer, purifier
