Erie Community College
Title III
Algebra Project
Interdisciplinary Course Materials
Allied Health
Course: MT 006 and MT 007 (College Elementary Algebra I and II) or MT 013 (College Elementary Algebra)
Course Outline Topics:
· Perform fundamental operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) with real numbers.
· Evaluate formulas, solve linear equations, linear inequalities, and ratio proportion problems.
· Demonstrate a sense of numbers by determining if a mathematical solution is “reasonable”.
· Present organized written work.
· Read critically and think logically when solving application problems.
· Demonstrate an understanding of order of operations to complete calculations on a scientific calculator.
Project Title: Using Ratio and Proportion in Problems related to Disease
Project Description:
Students will use ratio and proportion to solve and interpret problems related to dosage and cholesterol.
Author: Lynette Meslinsky, Mathematics/Computer Science
Curriculum Expert: Jill O’Malley, Biology
Semester Created: Fall 2008
A. Essential Question
How do I interpret cholesterol ratios? How can I determine appropriate dosage amounts by using ratio and proportion?
B. Introduction:
This project will allow you to explore and interpret ratio and proportion in the context of two common health issues: cholesterol and asthma. You will use ratio and proportion to calculate dosage amounts for albuterol, an asthma medication. In addition you will examine cholesterol ratios and interpret them.
C. Things to Learn Before Starting the Project
You will need to know how to use your calculator to compute answers using order of operations and exponent keys. In addition, you will need to have knowledge of how to solve an algebraic equation and use variables in a formula. You will also need to know how to interpret ratios and solve a problem involving proportion
D & E. Directions & Project Assignment
Problem 1: Three ratios are used in assessing risk of heart disease due to cholesterol levels.
1. HDL/LDL Ratio. High density lipoprotein (HDL for short) is also known as “good cholesterol”. It picks up extra cholesterol in the blood and returns it to the liver. Low density lipoprotein (LDL) is also known as “bad cholesterol”. It is the main transporter of cholesterol in the body. The HDL/LDL ratio looks at the ratio of good cholesterol (HDL) to bad cholesterol (LDL). The ratio is determined by dividing the LDL cholesterol into the HDL cholesterol. The goal is to keep the HDL/LDL ratio above .3, with the ideal HDL/LDL ratio being above .4.
2. Total Cholesterol/HDL Ratio is found by dividing total cholesterol by HDL cholesterol. High ratios indicate high risks of heart attacks, low ratios indicate lower risk. The safe Total/HDL ratio is less than 4.
3. LDL/HDL Ratio is determined by taking your LDL number, and dividing it by your HDL number. The result is what doctors use to determine your risk of cardiovascular disease as shown in the table below.
Assume a person has an HDL level of 40. Find the HDL/LDL, LDL/HDL and Total/HDL for each of the values listed in the table and then answer each question below:
a) What happens to the HDL/LDL ratio as LDL increases?
b) What happens to the LDL/HDL ratio as LDL increases?
c) What happens to the Total/HDL ratio as LDL increases?
d) Are any of the situations below at risk for heart disease? Use the information in 1 – 3 above to justify your answer.
LDL / Total / HDL/LDL / LDL/HDL / Total/HDL115 / 155
145 / 185
175 / 215
205 / 245
265 / 305
Now assume a person has a total cholesterol of 200. He starts a program of diet and exercise to improve his cholesterol and the results are shown in the table below. Find the HDL/LDL, LDL/HDL and Total/HDL for each of the rows listed in the table and then answer each question below:
e) What happens to the HDL/LDL ratio as HDL increases and LDL decreases?
f) What happens to the LDL/HDL ratio as HDL increases and the LDL decreases?
g) What happens to the Total/HDL ratio as HDL increases and the LDL decreases?
h) Is the program working? Use the information in 1 – 3 above to justify your answer.
LDL / HDL / Total / HDL/LDL / LDL/HDL / Total/HDL170 / 30 / 200
160 / 40 / 200
155 / 45 / 200
150 / 50 / 200
140 / 60 / 200
Problem 2
One illness that draws a lot of attention and is increasing in incidence is asthma. You will use ratio and proportion to determine the appropriate dosage amounts of medicines used to treat this illness.
Albuterol Syryp is a licensed treatment among children 1 year and older. Recommended treatment dosages vary by the weight of the child. For 2 – 5 year olds the dosage is .225 mg per 5 pounds of weight three times per day. The starting dose should not be greater than 2 mg (equal to 5 ml or one teaspoonful) three times per day.
Dosage of albuterol can be calculated using ratio and proportion.
where x is used to represent the desired dosage.
Calculate a dosage of albuterol for each weight given in the table below. You will need the conversion that 2.2 lbs is equal to one kg. to compute the dosage in the second part of the table. Set up the following proportion to change kg. to pounds.
Weight (lbs) / Dosage / Weight (kg) / Dosage35 / 85
42 / 76
63 / 48
81 / 100
F. Student Resources
Students will need a scientific calculator. Students who have their own LDL, HDL and total cholesterol levels can interpret the ratios for their own health information. For more information on cholesterol ratios students can visit the following websites:
G. Faculty Resources
Students will need to have developed the procedural knowledge necessary to manipulate formulas, ratios and proportions. In addition they will need instruction in the use of a scientific calculator to execute the mathematical operations needed to work the problems. You will need to have covered ratio and proportion prior to assigning this project.
H. Scoring Rubric
All parts should be graded on Mathematical logic used through work shown (50%) as well as accuracy (50%)
Problem 1 Table Completion 30%
Questions a – h 30%
Problem 2 Table Completion 40%
Erie Community College
Title III Grant