2017-18 Parent-Student Handbook
School Colors: Blue, Grey, Orange, and White
Broadview Middle School’s VISION STATEMENT
Be a Bobcat. Broadview Middle School will offer an educational experience that inspires students to recognize and strengthen their individual talents. Through collaboration with caring and responsive educators, activating the community, and invigorating innovations, Bobcats will make a positive contribution to the local and global community.
Broadview Middle School’s MISSION STATEMENT
●As a Bobcat educator, my mission is to use innovative strategies and set high expectations to engage all learners to reach their fullest potential.
●As a Bobcat student, my mission is to know and understand my strengths and utilize them to reach my fullest potential.
●As a Bobcat community member, my mission is to support the students and educators of Broadview Middle School by being accessible, providing resources, and actively participating in the school community.
Alamance-Burlington School District
Board of Education
Mr. Steve Van Pelt Chair
Ms. Allison Gant Vice Chair
Ms. Pamela Thompson Board Member
Mr. Tony Rose Board Member
Ms. Patsy Simpson Board Member
Mr. Mark Payne Board Member
Mr. Brian Feeley Board Member
Dr. William C. Harrison Superintendent
Alamance-Burlington School District
Dr. William C. Harrison Superintendent
Dr. Charles Monroe Assistant Superintendent for School Administration and Student Services
Dr. Angela Bost Assistant Superintendent of School Improvement
Dr. Todd Thorpe Assistant Superintendent for Operations
Dawn Madren Executive Director of Human Resources
Dr. Joe Ferrell Executive Director of Secondary Education
Shannon Dennison Executive Director of Finance
Kimberly Scales Director of Title I
Amy Richardson Director of Accountability, Research, and Evaluation
Dr. Kristy Davis Executive Director of Exceptional Children
Carlos Oliveira Director of Services of ELLs
LaJuana M. Norfleet, Ed.D. Director of Student Support Services
Jay Fuller Director of Facilities
Dennis Frye Executive Director of Technology Services
Al Smith Director of Transportation
George Robinson Director of Athletics
Broadview Middle School
Office Personnel
Yolanda Anderson Principal
Jason Slagle Assistant Principal
Michelle R. Thompson Assistant Principal
Kenneth Malloy Lead Secretary/Treasurer
Sabrina Crump Receptionist
Bertha Luna Interpreter/Translator
Yvette Chrisp Data Manager
Anne Goldberg Counselor
Jasmine Chiles Counselor
Beatrice Gore Guidance Secretary
Contact Information
Web Address:
Street Address: 2229 Broadview Drive, Burlington, NC 27217
Phone: 336-570-6195Fax: 336-570-6202 Central Office: 336-570-6060
School Hours
Literacy Block/Core 18:05 AM
Tardy8:10 AM
Dismissal3:25 PM
Dear Broadview Parents and Students,
We would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to the 2017-2018 school year. We have prepared this Student-Parent Handbook to provide you with important information about our school. We are excited about the upcoming year and look forward to working in collaboration with Broadviews’ families to make this year a successful one for all students.
This handbook provides both general information about our school and highlights the most often used policies and procedures. We suggest that you read it carefully. After reading and reviewing the handbook, please sign the due process form (in the back of the handbook) and return it to his/her Literacy Block teacher. Should you have a question about any aspect of Broadview Middle School do not hesitate to contact us.
-Broadview Administration Team
In compliance with federal laws, the Alamance-Burlington School System administers all educational programs, employment activities and admissions without discrimination because of race, religion, national or ethnic origin, color, age, military service, disability, or gender, except where exemption is appropriate and allowed by law. Inquiries or complaints should be directed to Vernetta Bridges, Director of Student Services, Alamance-Burlington School System, 1712 Vaughn Road, Burlington, N.C., 27217, (336) 570-6060.
“En cumplimiento con las leyes federales, el Sistema Escolar Alamance-Burlington aplica todos los programas educativos, actividades de empleo y de admisión sin ningún tipo de discriminación basada en la raza, religión, nacionalidad o grupo étnico, color, edad, servicio militar, discapacidad o género, a excepción de aquellos casos donde la exención es apropiada o permitida por la ley.” Preguntas o quejas al respecto deben ser dirigidas Vernetta Bridges Director de Servicios Estudiantiles del Sistema Escolar Alamance-Burlington, 1712 Vaughn Road, Burlington, NC 27215 (336) 570-6060.
Providing engaging work for our students will enable the Alamance-Burlington School System to educate all students to meet high academic standards and become responsible citizens in a rapidly changing world.
“Successfully engaging students in the teaching and learning process.”
Accessing Information from Home
Please visit our school website, to see news about our school, information about school supplies, schedules, upcoming events, and many extras. In addition, remember that all teachers, administrators, and student support staff have web pages where you will find information about courses, assignments, projects, upcoming events, and other pertinent information.
Personal Belongings
Please label all personal belongings, especially clothes. This will help identify articles when lost. Always check with office personnel and the lost and found for missing belongings.
Parents should plan for students to arrive no earlier than 7:45. Doors will not be opened prior to that time.
After School Pick-up
Staff supervision of students ends at 3:40. Please make arrangements so that your child is able to depart campus by that time.
School Visitors
Parents are welcome to visit the school for the purpose of communication with the principal or teachers, serving as volunteers, and or other legitimate business within the scope of school and home relations. Please enter the building through the front doors only. For the protection of the students and security in the school, all visitors must report directly to the school office, sign in and wear a visitor’s badge. Teacher or room visitations may be arranged either by directly contacting the teacher or by requesting an appointment through the principal’s office. It is extremely important that classroom activities be interrupted as seldom as possible!
Students Dismissed Early During the School Day
Any time a student needs to leave school early for a doctor’s appointment, funeral, etc., he/she must have a signed note from a parent or guardian stating the time and reason for leaving. After clearing this with the Literacy Block/Core 1 teacher, the note should be turned in at the office where the person picking a student up must sign him/her out before leaving.
If a student leaves and returns in the same day, he/she should be signed back in at the office by a parent or guardian.
Students will not be called up for dismissal until the parent/guardian arrives. If students are leaving with someone other than parent/guardian, they must have a note signed by the parent/guardian. Also no student may be signed out after 3:10 p.m.
All students are expected to show respect for themselves and all others and use appropriate manners at all times. The Alamance-Burlington School System publishes a student code of conduct that outlines behavioral guidelines. A student found to be in violation of the code will receive disciplinary action as outlined in this guide.
Student Code of Behavior
The Alamance Burlington Board of Education has adopted a Student Code of conduct pertaining to all students in the school system. Your child’s teacher has discussed this code with his/her class. All students received a copy of this code. Additional copies of this code may be obtained by parents upon request at the school office. The main points are as follows:
●A student shall not behave in such a way as to intentionally cause a disruption in the function of the school.
●A student shall not physically assault or abuse a student or other person.
●A student shall not possess weapons and/or dangerous instruments. (Violations could result in the student being recommended for long term suspension, 365 day suspension and/or expulsion.)
●A student shall not engage in disorderly, threatening, or highly offensive conduct.
●A student shall not steal, damage, or attempt to damage school property or private property on any school premises.
●A student shall not knowingly possess, use, distribute, or be under the influence of drugs, alcohol, or tobacco products.
The above rules prohibit certain behaviors by students and subject those who violate them to disciplinary actions, including the possibility of suspension or expulsion. In addition, behaviors which are against the law may also lead to legal prosecution.
BMS Student Code of Behavior
●Students are expected to demonstrate respect for themselves and others, as reflected in their dress (SMOD), behavior, and interactions with school personnel and other students.
●Bullying, hazing, threats/intimidation, and/or the extortion of money or property will not be tolerated. Students who are victims of such acts are instructed to report them immediately to teachers or administrators so that definite disciplinary action can be taken.
●Students are expected to demonstrate responsible citizenship by working cooperatively with the staff to promote a positive climate in the school.
●It is the student’s responsibility to have their textbooks, homework, and any money needed for the day upon arrival.
●During a fire drill, tornado drill, or other emergency situation, all students will follow the teacher’s directions without talking.
●Consumable items such as candy, gum, and soft drinks are not to be brought to school. Fast food items from outside the school building may not be brought into the school or cafeteria. Food is not to be taken from the cafeteria.
●Electronic devices such as cell phones, or any electronics, are not to be operated or visible while at school. (See the ABSS Code of Conduct for specific information regarding this policy.) An electronic device will be confiscated and returned only to a parent or guardian if a student is found to be using it during instructional hours. If using electronic devices become a recurring problem, the student will be assigned to ISS and/or OSS.
●The current craze of Fidget Spinners is spinning out of control and causing problems in our classrooms! Unless your child has a Special Education plan, Health Impairment, or 504 plan that allows for fidget items, please do not send them to school with your student. Any item causing disruption in the classroom, will be confiscated and returned at the end of the day or require a parent pick-up.
●Students are not permitted to buy from or sell anything to each other at any time on the school grounds or school buses.
●Broadview Middle School students are subject to the North Carolina General Statutes, the Alamance-Burlington School Board Policies, and the classroom teacher’s rules.
School-wide Expectations / Hallway / Cafeteria / Arrival and Dismissal / Restrooms / BusesBobcats / -Maintain clean hallways.
-Check for compliance with the school dress code (SMOD). / -Throw all trash away.
-Handle items appropriately.
-Clean area before leaving.
-Line up orderly.
-Check for compliance with the school dress code (SMOD). / -Enter/Exit safely and orderly through designated doors.
-Level 0 during announcements.
-Recite the BMS creed after the pledge of allegiance.
-Check for compliance with the school dress code (SMOD). / -Leave the restroom clean.
-Leave in a timely manner.
-Do not use electronic devices.
-Check for compliance with the school dress code (SMOD). / -Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
-Keep all objects and body parts inside the bus at all times.
-Check for compliance with the school dress code (SMOD).
Experience / -Display staff-issued hall pass during non-transitional times.
-No food or drink in the hallway.
-Demonstrate a single file line at all times.
-Face forward while in line. / -Gather needed items before sitting.
-Pick up trash even if it is not mine.
-Go to designated line.
-Push your chair in once you get up.
-No food or drink outside the cafeteria. / -Enter or exit the building through the designated door and proceed to designated areas.
-No food or drink outside the cafeteria.
-Display staff-issued hall pass to leave designated area. / -Flush when finished.
-Wash hands when finished.
-Use a level 1 voice while in the restroom. / -Follow the directions of the bus driver the first time they are given.
-Walk on the bus lot.
-Level 2 on the bus lot.
Success / -When transitioning in the hallways, stop at every orange paw.
-Use the appropriate voice level: class transitions are a Level 1 and a class to lunch change is a Level 0. / -Use volume level 0 while in line.
-5 students in serving area
-Go directly to assigned table.
-Remain seated unless you have permission. / -Keep hands, feet, and other objects to self.
-Maintain a voice level 0.
-Breakfast begins at 7:45 a.m.
-Late arrivals report to main office anytime after 8:05.
-Report to and from buses directly. / -Use a level 0 voice while waiting outside the restroom.
-Enter only when space is available (5 at a time).
-Place, don’t throw towels in the trash. / -Talk quietly and only with those in nearby seats.
-Do not throw things on the bus.
-No food or drinks are allowed to be out and opened on the bus.
Together / -Respond respectfully to all adults.
-Move to and from your designated areas quickly and quietly. / -Be respectful to all adults.
-Keep hands, feet, and objects to myself.
-Voice level 2 while at your table, while talking only to those at my table. / -Respond respectfully to adults checking SMOD.
-Use the restroom/get water before going to your Literacy Block.
-Report directly to your Literacy Block. / -Respect other’s privacy.
-Follow adult directions the first time given.
-Keep hands, feet, and objects to myself. / -Remain seated at all times except to get on and off the bus.
Discipline Procedures
Before a student is referred to their grade level Administrator for a discipline issue, teachers are expected to have made contact with the parents/guardians of the student, with the exception of non-routine discipline issues. Anytime a student is referred to their school administrator, it becomes an administrative matter. The administration will use appropriate intervention strategies for dealing with the matter.
The following non-routine disciplinary issues will be dealt with by the administration:
1. Drugs, Alcohol, Tobacco
2. Fighting/Assaults
3. Theft, Stealing
4. Vandalism, Property Damage
5. Weapons
6. Profanity
7. Sexual Harassment
8. Gambling
All non-routine discipline matters will be dealt with immediately. Non-routine discipline issues may result in immediate placement on Out-of-School Suspension (OSS). The Burlington Police Department may also be involved.
Students who are placed on out-of-school suspension may not be on the Broadview Middle School campus or on any ABSS campus during the time of the suspension. Students who are OSS may not attend any school sponsored functions nor participate in or practice for any athletic, cultural arts, or other extra-curricular activity of the school.
Disciplinary actions will include, but are not limited to, administrative warning, notification to parents/guardians, assignment to In-School Suspension (ISS), or Out-of-School Suspension (OSS), depending on the offense for which a referral is made.
Non-Compliance (4220.4, Rule #1)
Students shall comply with classroom and school rules and directives at all times while under the authority of school personnel. Referrals shall be written or administration called after the teacher has exhausted classroom procedure.
Safety and Order (4220.4, Rule #10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 & 25)
There will be “zero tolerance” for violating these selected rules of the Student Code of Conduct and students will be referred to administration immediately for appropriate action. Other rules not specifically listed here will be handled on a case by case basis by school personnel (including administration as needed).
Skipping (4220.4, Rule # 5)
Skipping - On CampusSkipping - Off Campus
1st offense - 1 day ISS1st offense - 2 days ISS
2nd offense - 2 days ISS2nd offense - 1 day OSS
3rd offense - 1 day OSS3rd offense - 2 days OSS
4th offense - Administrative discretion4th offense - Administrative discretion
Standard Mode of Dress (SMOD)
Polo shirt (short- or long-sleeved)
-Must have a collar
-School appropriate logos no larger than a credit card are allowed.
- Must have buttons all the way to the collar.
-Only TWO buttons are allowed to be undone.
-Solid colors
-Grade level colors:
6th – orange
7th – grey
8th – black /
Oxford Shirt
-Solid white color only
- Must have a collar
- Must have buttons all the way to the collar.
-School appropriate logos no larger than a credit card are allowed.
-Can have a pocket. -Any grade level can wear this shirt. /
Sweatshirt or Sweater
- Can be crewneck or v-neck
-Solid colors only (must be correct grade level color)
-School appropriate logos no larger than a credit card are allowed. /
- Fleece pullover or zip-up lightweight jacket
-School appropriate logos no larger than a credit card are allowed.
- Full zip or buttons all the way to the top
-Cardigans must be grade level solid colors.
-Grade level colors only – 6th orange – 7th grey – 8th black
- BMS spirit wear may be worn on Fridays only
-Dress jackets and ties are approved to wear any day.
-Non-SMOD jackets are allowed to be worn to school due to weather, but MUST be taken off upon entering the school.
-All clothing must be free of holes and wrinkles; they must also be laundered, and tucked in.
-All SMOD violations should be handled between 8:10-9:00.
-Students who fail to wear approved SMOD will be sent to the SMOD closet where the student will receive proper clothing and/or accessories.
-Repeat offenders will be dealt with at the discretion of the administration.
-If a student refuses to comply with SMOD expectations, he/she will report to ISS until a parent brings the appropriate grade level approved attire.