BRMSA Language Policy Revised

Effective May 1, 2015

With the effort to keep the softball diamonds and parks areas a family friendly area, the Language Policy is being revised, as following, effective May 1, 2015. Players will need to complete in addition to the player waiver, this additional waiver that they have read and understand the policies, and any punishments handed out by a BRMSA umpire or Board Member whether he/she is working the games or in attendance and this could be for players active in a game or spectating before/after his/her games.

Imagine your family with kids ages 3-10 being introduced to words that may be commonly used in social media, television, but not family appropriate, who would want his/her young kids to bring these back home?

Player will print his/her name and initial, and these initials will stand for understanding the policies.


Extreme profanity – “dropping the F-bomb”

Racial – “using the N word”

SINGLE WARNING: and this may be given by the umpire before games start

Sexual – using anatomical that refer to individuals as a form of human reproductive system

Any hostility directed at another, whether player, spectator, umpire, etc. that can be deemed could cause a reaction leading to possibly altercations.

In the event that a player(s) are ejected from a game, player is considered suspended, will not be available for any of his/her teams next game** and will need to pay Paul Cole @ Big Rapids City Hall a $25 reinstatement fee before he/she can participate and this list will be kept updated nightly with the umpires, suspended players are considered illegal players for a game.

** Next game could be in a league following the night of violation, Men’s to COED, etc.

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