Britton-Hecla School District 45-4

May 8, 2017

Board Meeting

The regular meeting of the Board of Education, Britton-Hecla School District 45-4, Marshall County,

Britton, SD was held on Monday, May 8, 2017. Vice-President Mandy Carlson called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Board members present were Mandy Carlson, Arlin Elsen, Ryan Furman, Josh Hawkinson, and Troy Knecht. Board Members Nick Fosness and Kurt Zuehlke were absent. Superintendent Steve Benson, Business Manager Cathy Telin, MS/HS Principal Carrie James, Elem Principal Kyla Richter, Staff Members Bev Dinger, Paula Hanson, and Dan Yelkin, EMC Insurance Representatives Merry Lone, Clint Jacobson, Nikki Zuehlke, and Jannine Fagerland were, also, in attendance.

PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all present.

AGENDA: Motion by Furman, second by Hawkinson and carried to adopt the agenda with the addition of items 7H to approve leave without pay requests, 7I to accept letters of resignation, and 7J to approve ASB Health Insurance Participation Agreement.

RECEPTION OF VISITORS: Staff Members Bev Dinger, Paula Hanson, and Dan Yelkin, EMC Insurance Representatives Merry Lone, Clint Jacobson, Nikki Zuehlke, and Jannine Fagerland

CONFLICT DISCLOSURE: No conflict disclosures.

REPORTS: The NESC, Building Committee, and transportation reports were discussed.

CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS: Motion by Knecht second by Elsen and carried to approve the consent agenda items as follow: April 10th board meetings minutes, financial reports, payment of bills as presented and charge them to their respective budget accounts, hiring Lindsay Bosse at $10.57/hr, Dayton Wade at 8.62/hr, and offer 3rd position to Carter Deutsch at $8.55/hr as summer helpers for custodians, certified staff signed contracts, Brie Lund as Extended School Year teacher at $25.00/hr, Galle Waletich and Whitney Bredvick as summer activities volunteers, leave without pay requests from Rachelle Kilker for 2 days and Kaitlyn Sasker for .25 day, letters of resignation from Amy Pierson and Mary Zuehlke with Mrs. Zuehlke’s final compensation to be paid in May payroll, and ASB Health Insurance Participation Agreement.

BEGINNING BALANCE / 46,865.20 / 561,376.34 / 306,254.41 / 742,843.18 / 0.00 / 119,641.68 / -9,352.34 / 161,866.54
Local / 105,715.92 / 86,153.93 / 27,717.70 / 571.31 / 7,532.93 / 1,167.00 / 10,874.96
County / 1,337.88
State / 52,564.00
Federal / 14,807.84
Total Revenue / 159,617.80 / 86,153.93 / 27,717.70 / 571.31 / 0.00 / 22,340.77 / 1,167.00 / 10,874.96
Total to be Accounted: / 206,483.00 / 647,530.27 / 333,972.11 / 743,414.49 / 0.00 / 141,982.45 / -8,185.34 / 172,741.50
BILLS / 63,288.09 / 3,248.09 / 12,105.21 / 22,531.48 / 114.81 / 23,306.12
PAYROLL / 225,028.30 / 27,704.81 / 9,005.88 / 1,046.60
VANCO FEE / -2.12
OPR TRANSFER / 197,100.00 / -197,100.00
AUDITORS ADJ ENTRY / 616.87 / -616.87
ADJ TRANSFER / -616.87 / 616.87
ENDING BALANCE / 115,266.61 / 447,182.18 / 294,162.09 / 743,414.49 / 0.00 / 110,442.97 / -9,346.75 / 149,435.38

CLAIMS APPROVED: Britton-Hecla School District, April Payroll, General Fund Salaries-143263.30; SpEd Salaries-17586.35; Food Service-6374.04; OST/DE-716.94; AFLAC, cancer/disability ins-1686.22; Britton Trust and Agency, cafeteria plan-2430.32; Delta Dental, dental ins-1359.00; First Savings Bank, Health Savings Plan-300.00; Guardian-568.34; Horace Mann Life Insurance, TSA-4249.00; SD Supplemental Retirement Plan-3075.00; Washington National Insurance Co, cancer ins.-22.80; EFTPS-Income Tax, S.S. & Med.-53859.54; SD Retirement System-retirement contributions-27294.74; Total PR: 262785.59

GENERAL FUND: Benson, Stephen-Mileage-75.60; Best Western Pierre-Travel-97.99; Britton Journal-Publishing-146.39; Britton Lumber And Home Center-Drama Supplies-186.83; CDJ Electric, Plumbing & Htg-Supplies-312.45; Challenger Learning Center-E Missions-800.00; CHS Credit Card-Gas-114.31; City Of Britton-Water & Sewer-618.81; Clubhouse Hotel & Suites-Lodging-146.00; Cole Papers-Supplies-643.59; Dean Foods-Supplies-114.70; Downie Piano Tuning-Piano Tuning-255.00; Earthgrains-FS Supplies-0.00; First Savings-ACH Fee-27.95; Full Circle Ag-Trans Motor Fuel-3,035.76; Grobe's Grocery & Hardware-Bus Fuel-294.83; Hicks Equipment-Supplies-70.66; Hillyard-Supplies-75.24; Holland Bros-Repairs & Maintenance-1,131.56; Holland NAPA Auto Parts-Supplies-378.05; Imprest Account-Reimbursement (Fees: Redfield School-125.00, Roncalli-40.00; Travel: TIE Meal Money-558.00, Busn Mgr Meal Money-26.00; Supplies: Wells Farago-41.51; Fuel: CHS Credit Card-137.62)-928.13; Jostens-Graduation-619.70; JW Pepper-Supplies-418.98; Ken's Food Fair-Non Tech Supplies-275.59; Lehr Sanitation-Garbage-600.00; Mack, Don -Prostart Supplies-150.37; Matheson Tri-Gas Inc-Supplies-34.48; Meyer Hardware Hank-Supplies-131.56; NE Educational Services Coop-Assessment-107.50; Otter Tail Power Co.-Electricity-9,901.73; Purchase Power-Postage-347.96; Reliastar Life Ins Co-Life Ins-49.52; Rschooltoday-Activity Scheduler-250.00; School Outfitters-Makerspace Tables/Chairs-1,400.86; Southside Equipment- Supplies-45.50; Symens, Stephanie -Trans Fuel-23.01; Telin, Cathy -Mileage-63.00; U.S. Food Service-Supplies-301.65; Varitronics- Supplies-487.24; Veblen Asbestos-3 Yr Inspection And Training-450.00; Venture Communications-Phone-396.75; Wellmark Blue Cross Blue Shield-Health Ins-29,101.71; Wells Fargo-Supplies-768.24; Fund Total:-55,379.20;

CAPITAL OUTLAY FUND: Century Business Products-Copier Lease-520.10; Golden West-Makerspace Mini Tower-1,139.00; Wells Fargo Vendor Fin Serv-Copier Lease-1,026.85; Fund Total: 2,685.95;

SPECIAL EDUCATION: Provider-1266.54; Supplier-21.39; Provider-6832.38; Provider-24.75; Provider-5114.29; Fund Total: 13259.35

FOOD SERVICE FUND: CWD-Food-3,007.10; Dean Foods-Milk-1,700.63; Earthgrains-Food-629.92; Ken's Food Fair-Food-278.88; Reliastar Life Ins Co-Life Ins-12.50; SD Dept Of Ed-FS Food-420.38; U.S. Food Service, Inc.-Food-2,703.24; Fund Total: 8,752.65

OST & DE FUND: Imprest Account-Reimbursement (Fees: SDACCD-25.00)-25.00; Reliastar Life Ins Co-Life Ins-4.28; Fund Total: 29.28

AMEND WORKING AGREEMENT: Motion by Furman, second by Elsen and carried to amend Ryan Nack’s working agreement in the amount of $750 for Designated Person for asbestos inspections.

SDHSAA BALLOT: Motion by Elsen, second by Hawkinson and carried to vote yes on SDHSAA Amendment No. 1 and for Steve Moore for Division II Representative.

COMMUNITY EVENT CENTER: Mr. Benson updated the board on the progress of the Community Event Center plans.

PROPERTY/LIABILITY INSURANCE: Motion by Knecht, second by Elsen and carried to change the Agent of Record for our EMC Property and Liability Insurance coverage to Western Agency.

AUDITORS: It was the Board of Education’s general agreement to request Eide Bailly to audit 2016-17 school records.

2017-18 PRELIMINARY BUDGET: Business Manager Cathy Telin presented the 2017-18 Preliminary Budget to the board for discussion.

PRINCIPALS’ REPORTS: Mrs Richter’s report included elementary field trips, WOW Track and Field Event, Authors’ Tea on May 9th, 4th grade play to be held on May 16th and 17th, Award’s Day on May 18th, Elementary Music Contest, Lighthouses activities. Mrs. James reported on Academic Excellence Banquet, Awards Day Program on May 10th, Spring Concert on May 11th, Sophomore Class touring Horton, Sunset School graduation on May 17th and Britton-Hecla High School graduation on May 21st.

SUPERINTENDENT REPORT: Mr. Benson’s superintendent report included: application for public school exemption certificate for next school year, Norm Mack’s Hall of Fame plaque for Athletic Director will be on display in the Arena Lobby, and changing April 13th In-service to April 20th on the 2017-18 School Calendar.

EXECUTIVE SESSION: Motion by Elsen, second by Furman and carried to go into executive session as per SDCL1-25-2(1) for personnel matters at 7:30 p.m. Board Vice-President declared executive session over at 7:50 p.m.

NEXT REGULAR BOARD MEETING DATE: Next regular board meeting is Monday, June 12th at 6:00 p.m. in the BH Board Room.

ADJOURNMENT: Motion by Knecht, second by Elsen and carried to adjourn at 7:51 p.m.


Mandy Carlson, Vice-President Cathy Telin, Business Manager