British Columbia Wrestling Association

Suite 3014, 3713 Kensington Ave., Burnaby, B.C. V5B OA7

Tel: 604-737-309, Website: www.bcwrestling.com, Email:

BC Wrestling Executive Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, March 30, 2016 6:30 pm

Suite 3014, 3713 Kensington Ave., Burnaby, B.C. V5B OA7

1.  Call to order:

Phil welcomed the committee and the meeting commenced at 6:27pm

2.  Additional changes to the agenda:

Summer student Grants to New Business

Motion Carried

3.  Acceptance of previous meeting minutes (Jan. 9th)

Motion Carried

4.  Business arising from previous meeting minutes

·  New Website launch: Concerns over 2 failed launch attempts, membership links were not working, and data was outdated. Executive Director to contact Tech regarding website concerns.

·  Canada Games & Team Leader Position:

We have received 11 coaching position applications & 2 team manager applications. Executive Director to follow up with technical committee to establish parameters for coaches, and review applicants. The decision needs to be finalized within two weeks.

Committee prefers to have at least one female coach.

5.  Fixtures:

·  2015 Audit Dates. Preferred dates identified as: 1) May 2-May 6

2) April 25-April 29

Executive Director to follow up to finalize dates for the audit

·  Nationals Update

Participation numbers for Cadet Nationals as of meeting time

151 athletes attending

12 officials

31 coaches

15 team leaders

It was confirmed by the executive that the fine for officials at nationals to come from High Performance budget.

·  2016 AGM Dates

It was established that May 28th would be the most appropriate date for the 2016 AGM, and the venue to be St. Thomas Moore if offered for free. Office Administrator to follow up regarding availability of the venue. Executive Director to follow up with zone reps in order to confirm if they plan on attending.

·  War on the Floor

The dates and location for War on the Floor to be decided at a later date. SFU Coach to decide if he wants to host the event.

·  Age Class

Hosting grant was awarded for the Age Class.

The dates for the age class will be Jan 13 & 14.

·  BCSSWA Championships

It was confirmed that dates for the championships would be March 2-4th

6.  New Business:

·  Financials/ Fiscal Year End/ Grant Status Update

Fiscal year end is tomorrow (March 31)

Office Administrator reminded the executive that the financials went out in the morning.

·  Student Grants

The President updated the executive on his application for student grants through Service Canada. 7 student positions have been applied for. The students could take part in the operation and management of Summer camps throughout the region.

·  Grant Statues Update


Executive Director informed that the BCSPP grant has been formally submitted.

Gaming Grant Application

The Persident asked for the status of the gaming grant application. Executive Director reported that he got in contact the week previous, and will follow up at the beginning of the next week.

·  Women’s Enhanced Excellence Position Update

Executive Director informed that Woman’s Coach has resigned her position as women’s Enhanced Excellence coach. The President to follow up with both the former Women’s Coach and the Provincial Coach to see if she will change her mind.

·  Executive Director Status

Executive Director noted his temporary contract expires the next day (March 31) and asked for a status update. The President informed that his existing status will be rolled over until funding situation has been confirmed

·  Kids on Mats Program

Executive Director informed the executive about a proposal brought forward by Judo BC to partner in a program to teach fundamental movements to elementary aged children as part of their physical education program. Judo has asked for a matched funding commitment from BC Wrestling in order to run the program and develop a training program for physical education teachers. The executive committee wanted more information. Executive Director to follow up with Judo BC

·  Travel Proposal

Executive Director informed the executive that the association was approached by a company to handle all travel arrangements for BC Wrestling for a fee. The executive felt it was not necessary and Wrestling Canada had experienced some troubles using the same service. The executive declined the proposal

·  New 6 Week After School Program in Prince George

Executive Director informed of an after school program that is to run 6 weeks for school children in grades 6-7. The program is primarily target Aboriginal youths. The coach is volunteering and already a member of BCWA. Executive Director asked if there should be a fee for this camp. The President instructed Executive Director to contact the coach to work out a nominal registration fee based on what the participants could afford.

·  BC Summer Games

The executive was informed that a member will be looking to redefine zone reps in their current configuration. He will follow up with the Executive Director the following week to confirm the status of zone reps for the games.

·  Insurance

The Executive Director informed that insurance expires the next day (March 31). The existing insurance policy will be rolled over as of April 1

7.  Next meeting date: April 23rd at 9:30 am.

8.  Adjournment: 8 pm