Please type the required information in the fields below and print this document. Provide me with a hard copy and send an electronic copy to . Please also provide me with any additional paper work that is applicable. Requests for early decision or early action must be submitted to me before the end of the academic school year.

School: / Academy Magnet Hills
Email Address:
Phone #(Cell):
Letter Type: / College Admissions Summer Program Scholarship Other
Anticipated Major / Name of Summer Program / Scholarship Description / Other
What are the key features that you are looking for in a college or university?
When would you like me to have your letter completed by?
What is the ABSOLUTE deadline that your letter must be received by?
You must include the names and corresponding deadlines of the schools that require a letter received before January 1st. Failure to accurately report the hard deadline may result in cancellation of your letter.
Please indicate the first few words (not sentences) that you would use to describe yourself.
Please indicate why you have asked me, Mr. Bermel, to write your letter.

1. Do you volunteer your time?YES NOT REALLY 

2. Are you kind hearted and or helpful to others?YES NOT REALLY 

3. Do you work very hard?YES NOT REALLY 

4. Do you ask questions when you do not understand?YES NOT REALLY 

5. Do you have disciplined work habits?YES NOT REALLY 

6. Do you have a genuine love for math (and making connections)?YES NOT REALLY 

7. Do you take academic risks?YES NOT REALLY 

8. Do you strive for good grades?YES NOT REALLY 

9. Do you respond well to bad grades or setbacks?YES NOT REALLY 

10. Do you aim to seek the root understanding of concepts?YES NOT REALLY 

11. Are you trustworthy upholding the highest degree of integrity? YES NOT REALLY 

12. Comment or elaborate on onlyone or two items (1 – 11) above.

13. Besides the items listed 1 – 12 above, what makes you “stand out” as a student in MY class? Please do not work too hard at coming up with an answer here. It is OK to leave this blank if you cannot think of something.

14. Are you an expert (have exceptional talents) at something? Explain.

No lectures please. A simple no will suffice if applicable.

15. Describe, as you would to the college admissions board, your academic performance in my calculus class.

16. Besides the items defined by questions 1 – 15 above, what else (if anything) would you want to the college admissions board (not me) to know about you?Please do not repeat items that can be learned from reading the other questions in this form.Please do not list extra-curricular activities that can be summarized by a résumé.

17. What are your weaknesses?

18. What is your dream job and why is it your dream job?

19. If you won the lottery today ($1 billion dollars) … what would you do for the next 25 years?

20. What, if anything, is the greatest source of your anxiety? Explain. Please leave this blank if you are not comfortable sharing this information.