British Airways Golf Section (London)

Minutes of meeting held on Tuesday 3rd May 2011

Attending: Chris Walker (chair), Roger Woof , Mike Robinson, Les Sibley, Jeff Brister , Richard Collard, David Burton, Bernie Forbes, Alan Snow

Apologies: Stan Knollman, Malcolm Coleman, Mick Parker
Minutes of last meeting
The minutes for the April meeting were approved. Proposed by Chris Walker and seconded by David Burton.
Captain’s Report
Chris said that overall we had a cracking day at Mill Ride with fine weather (again) and the course in pretty good condition. Food however was bland and portions, particularly of vegetables, were frugal. One problem was that yet again the club had set tables for 8 which made seating a problem. Mike will remind clubs in future that we play 3 balls and need tables set for 9.
Secretary’s Report
Roger had nothing to report.
Treasurer’s Report
Richard said that BA Clubs had still not advised the closing balance but he hoped for it this week. Payments have also been slow and Richard has had to chase them.
Day Meeting Secretary’s Report
Mike agreed that we had an excellent day at Mill Ride and that the course was in better condition than last year. Late starters had not finished until 1900 which caused problems with dinner and although some of this was due to slow play we will look at re-scheduling the lunch timings on 27 hole meetings to give an earlier afternoon finish. We have only 23 for Leatherhead so far which is worrying. Chris will get the cards as Malcolm is away. The team game in the afternoon will be Dubai stableford. Chris and Mike will agree nearest the pins.
Match Secretary’s Report
Although Dave has now heard from Karlstejn it is too late to arrange the match in May. Dave will continue to see if we can arrange it some other time. The SAS teams have been selected for both days but we have no one to organise the BBQ at the lake. Dave will ask Concorde Club if they can do it. Chris will contact Pat French about hiring the BA Clubs van to transport SAS team and volunteered to drive it. The venue for Richmond Police is still to be decided. We need 2 more players for FlyBE in August but may have one in prospect. We now have 9 names interested in the Delta match but hotline tickets currently look expensive.

Tournament Secretary’s Report

Stan was on holiday but Dave Burton reported that Bill Bissett won the Laleham Spring Medal.
Handicap Secretary’s Report
Everything is up to date and Richard has been cut for his exploits at Mill Ride. Bernie will get the roll up cards to Mike on Friday morning. The handicap list will be updated to include new members even if they do not yet have a handicap.
Publicity Secretary’s Report
The recruitment day at Waterside was well organised and very positive – we got one new member on the day. Jeff has emailed the people who gave us addresses but it was hard to decipher some. Alan will contact Nigel at the “Hackers” and give details of the programme - he has about 60 “members”. Next time we should write down the emails ourselves and make sure they are BA externals. The use of a PC or TV (unless very large screen) in this location is not worthwhile. Lee Evans has promised to get us an advertisement on the display screens at Concorde Centre. Alan will check out the possibility of visiting TBJ/K etc canteens at lunchtimes. It would be good to find a place for the “pop-up” so that it would be secure but visible to BA Staff – eg Concorde Centre, Cargo Reception. Logo for golf balls - carried forward. The Committee thanked Alan for all his exceptional work on recruitment.
Roll up Organiser’s Report
We had 16 players at Thorney Park. Clive Jones won with 34 points on countback from Bill Bissett. Mike asked that cards of leading players should be checked more carefully since he often finds errors. 4 new dates have been set for roll ups at Thorney Park and Laleham and these will be added to the web site. Dave will now look at more roll ups at other venues.
Membership Secretary’s Report
We have now got 42 members and probably up to 50 with expected renewals. The cards did have wrong year on them but we have advised both Thorney Park and Laleham and this is not expected to be a problem. We have produced questionnaires to go to members who do not renew and new joiners. Cards are produced already and any remaining ones will be posted if not handed out at Leatherhead or the roll up. Jeff will send a list to all committee members with email and phone contacts. Dave will set up a new emailing list.
Matters Arising
a)  Babcocks management have agreed to allow Chris to put posters in rest areas and will send out an email. Jeff will laminate some posters for Chris.
b)  Alan has another Waterside pitch for 13th May
c)  New courses for 2012 – under consideration - carried forward.
d)  Malcolm will fix date for October Guest Meeting when he returns from holiday.
e)  Winter Golf trip being considered for Feb/Mar 2012. Jeff advised that costs would be typically around £450 – 500 for four days.
Business Matters
a)  Mike and Roger agreed to be on the sub-committee to arrange ASCA 2012 and will invite Jim Griffiths to join them. Format is 3 rounds over 3 days. A self contained venue within striking distance of LHR would be ideal.
b)  In order to decide whether more day meetings should be reduced to 27 holes we will canvas members opinions at Leatherhead.
c)  There was a perception that 1130 start times for roll ups were more popular. Mike has numbers for the roll ups this year and will circulate.
New Members
We have now 3 new members.
No further news on the web site re-write - TBN.
Air Canada have a golf section and play in the USA – BA players would be welcome at their competition - Alan will forward the email.
Meeting ended at 1940
The next meeting will be at 18.00 on Tuesday 7th June. / MR