British Airways Golf Section (London)
Minutes of meeting held on Wednesday 7th September 2016
Attending: Stan Knollman, Jeff Brister, Richard Collard, Malcolm Coleman, Roger Woof, Chris Walker, David Burton, Alan Snow
Apologies: Manjit Bains, Mike Robinson, Les Sibley, Bernie ForbesMinutes of last meeting
Minutes of the August meeting were approved. Proposed by Chris and seconded by Jeff. Roger will amend minutes to reflect that Alan’s retirement is not yet agreed.
Conduct of Meetings
Future actions to speed up meetings were discussed and it was agreed that reports should be kept to a minimum and any major developments should be advised by email before the meeting. Stan said that he would aim to finish meetings by 1930 at the latest.
Officials’ Reports
In Manjit’s absence there was no report.
Roger reported that the key for the trophy cabinet will now be kept at the BA Clubs reception in the Sports Hall. The proposed change in the number of Committee meetings complies with BA Clubs’ rules which stipulate a minimum of 4 section meetings per year. The times, dates and venues for the meetings in 2017 will be discussed at the October meeting.
The latest monthly accounts have been circulated.
Day Meeting Secretary
Malcolm reported that Puttenham Day Meeting had gone very well but that there had been a complaint about the limited vegetarian options. All information about Gerrards Cross Day Meeting is now on the web site. 4 groups will start from the 11th tee in the afternoon in order to ensure timely completion of the round. Richard advised that he would not be able to provide prizes for the Xmas Day Meeting as he has done for many years and suggested that it was a good time to review what is offered. This will be discussed at the October meeting.
Match Secretary
Nest Year’s FlyBE match will be at Bowood House in Wiltshire. All venues for the Delta match are booked and a subsidy of £10 for BA players was agreed. There will be 10 to 14 Delta players and BA will pay for their meal (including wives) which Jeff has negotiated for £15 at Harleyford.
Tournament Secretary
Results for the August medal are on the web site.
Handicap Secretary
All up to date after Farnham Park.
Publicity Secretary
Alan had nothing to report.
Roll up Organiser
Once again important errors were not spotted on the cards from Farnham Park. In future it is essential that two people check the top few cards to ensure prizes are awarded correctly.
Membership Secretary
We have one new member Rob Pavlov.
KO Organiser
Les sent report that we are now at semi final stage.
Web site Manager
David advised that from 01 October any events for 2017 that have been entered will appear on the web site. The presentation of Rules, Tips and FAQs has been reorganised – Roger and David will review. Updated contact details for BA Clubs will be added to the web site.
Matters Arising
a) Covered under Web site Manager’s report.
b) David and Jeff will discuss with Mike how best to handle handicap updates when he is away.
c) It was agreed that guests may play up to 3 times in Roll ups in any one year. ( RW has been unable to find any record of a limit being agreed for guests playing in Day Meetings back to Jan 2009)
d) It was agreed that under the current BA Clubs structure it is NOT possible for a section to have any members who are not members of BA Clubs (with the possible exception of honorary members).
Business Matters
a) It was agreed that targeted efforts should be made by the Committee to recruit some new members. Several names were suggested and this will be followed up at the October meeting. Stan will suggest to Manjit that he makes an appeal for volunteers at Gerrards Cross Day Meeting. David suggested that this also presents an opportunity to consider possible changes to Committee roles.
· Stan reported that Manjit is making efforts to appoint a Vice Captain
· Malcolm will send out some ideas for new venues for 2017 and these will be discussed at the October meeting.
· David updated on ASCA. Chris Walden will replace Tony Weal. He has advised BA Clubs of our participation and this is now on their web news page. Next payment is due end Sep and David will advise players to pay into Section account. He will organise payment and section will reimburse him. David will ask players to advise Roger if they require Duty tickets.
· Jeff will be ordering 30 logo caps from Burridges .
· Jeff will not be able to do scoring at the Drift. We will do this manually.
· Richard will be away from 11 Sep until Gerrards Cross.
· Roger will miss the next meeting Chris will take minutes
· Stan stated that Cttee members should not always expect him to reply if he is only copied on emails.
Meeting closed at 1925
Next meeting scheduled for 1800 on October 12th at the Concorde Centre / RW