Autumn 2015 applications through the University of Oxford
Cover Sheet
Name:PhD/DPhil Details:
Date awarded:
(Or anticipated date of submission)
Research proposal title:
Research area:
Intended Faculty:
Possible mentor:
Have you approached this mentor? / Yes/no
Have they agreed to mentor you? / Yes/no
Confirmation of eligibility: / Viva passed/likely to be passed (please delete) by 1 Apr 2016 / Yes/No
Viva passed no more than 3 years before 1 April 2016 / Yes/No
Have not previously held a permanent academic appointment / Yes/No
Either: a British citizen; a doctorate from a UK University; an EEA national (regardless of whether or not they have a UK doctorate); or prior association to the UK academic community (through, for example, a temporary academic post [minimum of 6 months]) / Yes/No
If your answer to any of the above questions is no, please outline any extenuating circumstances (e.g. career breaks) that might make you eligible for the scheme in the personal statement section below.
Applicant Personal Details
Full Address details:
University and Country for PhD:
Email address:
Telephone (work):
Applicant Career Summary
Statement of Qualifications and career: / Please give details of all qualifications in reverse chronological order.Present appointment: / Please state your present appointment and the institution at which you are currently based. If doctoral student please say so. If no current academic employment, please indicate if employed in a non-academic post
Publications: / If you have an extensive list of publications already, please attach the list as an uploaded PDF file. Please list publications to date in reverse chronological order.
Unpublished research: / Please include the title of the doctoral thesis and any other unpublished research here.
Name of doctoral supervisor: / Please state the names of your doctoral supervisor(s).
Name of examiners: / Please state the names of both internal and external examiners where known.
Other academic experience: / Please provide details of all academic posts held prior to, and including, your present position (with dates), including any teaching experience gained during the course of doctoral registration. Please include any experience in organizing conferences, workshops etc. If none, please state none. (max 250 words)
Title of project: / Please state the title of your project.Previous research: / Please give a description of research already undertaken, normally referring to the doctoral thesis (500 words max.).
Proposed programme: / Please give a detailed description of the research programme, including methodology and intended outcomes. (1000 words max.).
Language/skills: / Please indicate here, if relevant, your level of language competence, or any other skills required conduct the research programme.