Britain 1603-1642 Fact Sheets

Religion in James’ Reign

  1. James religious beliefs


  1. James’ 3 main religious aims

Religious balance

Toleration towards Catholics

Episcopacy (bishops) to support monarch’s power.

  1. Four main demands of the 1603 Millenary Petition

Wearing surplice should not be compulsory

Sign of the cross should not be used in baptism

More emphasis on sermons and preaching

Improve the standards of the clergy

  1. Conference to discuss Millenary Petition (with date)

Hampton Court Conference, 1604

  1. James’ quote at the conference rejecting Presbyterianism

“No Bishop, No King”

  1. How did the conference end?

Amicably, with agreement on some reforms.

  1. Main success of the conference

Committees to produce a new authorised bible

  1. Archbishop appointed in 1604 who restricted puritan ministers

Richard Bancroft

  1. Three main laws in Bancroft’s Canons

Clergy had to accept English Prayer Book and 39 Articles

Surplice to be worn in all services

Sign of the cross to be used in baptism

  1. Number of ministers who resigned or lost their livings as a result of the canons

80-90 (1% of total)

  1. Bancroft’s main achievement

Managed to separate a minority of radical puritans from the moderate critics of the church

  1. Archbishop appointed in 1610 who was more popular with puritans

George Abbot

  1. Date of publication of King James Bible


  1. Date of publication of Book of Sports


  1. Estimated percentage of Catholic recusants by 1600

Between 7% and 15% of population

  1. Number of Catholic priests executed in last 17 years of Elizabeth’s reign


  1. Name of the Catholic who petitioned James in 1603 for more lenient treatment of Catholics

Thomas Trentham

  1. The two Catholics plots against James (with dates)

Bye Plot (1603)

Gunpowder Plot (1605)

  1. Measures against Catholics after Gunpowder Plot

Oath of Allegiance (1606)

Increased recusancy fines

Catholics forbidden in live in and around London

  1. 3 ways in which James kept Catholic discontent at bay

Only 28 Catholics were executed for treason

Catholics appointed to high positions

Increase in number of Catholic priests

  1. System of church government in Scotland


  1. 3 ways James tried (and failed) to bring Scottish church in line with English church

1618 – bishops imposed (but within a Presbyterian structure)

1618 - Articles of Perth

1619 – plans for a new prayer book

  1. The confiscated lands of rebellious Irish Catholic earls, which were given to Protestant Scots and English Settlers, were known as the

UlsterPlantation (1607)

  1. Three main religious groups in Ireland

Catholic majority

OfficialChurch of Ireland (Protestant)

New Presbyterians

  1. Historians who point to James’ skill in religion

Fincham and Lake

  1. Historian who says James’ religious policies were a success until 1618 (religious war in Europe)


  1. Group of historians who are negative about James
