Bristol Central Athletic Booster Club Meeting

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Present: Teresa Colegrove, Caren Ziogas, Carolyn Ziogas.

Financial Report: Balance as of 3/31/2010 is $17,698.87. Total committed expenses to date are 9,898.29 which leaves a balance of $7,800.58.

At the request of Bunty Ray, we will carry over the committed amount of $3,000 for the dugouts to next year. They are not ready to proceed with the dugouts at this time.

There will be a discussion at the May 8 meeting concerning the amount to be carried over to the 2010-11 year.

Teresa reported that the Scholarship Committee is meeting on April 29, and a recommendation for this year’s scholarship awards would be made at the May meeting.

It was agreed that Thank You’s for contributions this year (advertisements in the program, Mr. Greenleaf for continued support, Archie for wrestling parents’ contribution of sandwiches for tournaments) must be sent out as soon as possible.

Discussion of officers for next year will take place at the May meeting.

We need to be sure that our application form is included in the summer packet that is sent from the high school. This seems to jump-start our membership drive.

Robin Romano and Connie Swenton joined the meeting to participate in the approval of the request from Phil Pirog for replacement of the legs (only) on the pitching machine for softball in the amount of $135.52. All in favor. Motion approved.

Meeting adjourned.