Bristol Bay photo captions

72 photos

Near Dillingham

1921 - Climbing into the rafts in the thigh-deep marsh at the edge of Nushagak Bay.

1929 - Alpacka rafts floating on calm glassy water on Nushagak Bay.

1930 - Alpacka rafts floating on calm glassy water on Nushagak Bay.

1932 - Alpacka rafts floating on calm glassy water on Nushagak Bay.

1934 - Paddling towards Dillingham in Nushagak Bay.

1936 - Rusting debris on the shore of Nushagak Bay, at the edge of Dillingham.

1939 - Muddy shores of Nushagak Bay, at the edge of Dillingham.

1946 - Wandering the mud flats of Nushagak Bay, near Dillingham.

1960 - Group photo in Dillingham with Jesse of the Bristol Bay Times.

1962 - Fishing boats on the horizon on Nushagak Bay.

Near Clark's Point and Ekuk

1966 - Alpacka rafts on the beach at Clark's Point, looking out across Nushagak Bay.

1969 - Decaying building at Clark's Point village, on Nushagak Bay.

1970 - Fish heads and tails discarded on the beach at Clark's Point.

1971 - Old boat and cemetary at Clark's Point.

1972 - Sea encroaching on buildings and cemetary at Clark's Point.

1973 - Boats moored off Clark's Point in Nushagak Bay.

1974 - Fishermen picking set nets at low tide in Clark's Point.

1979 - Cat in the mud, Ekuk village in the background.

1982 - Cat in the mud near Ekuk.

1983 - Tom crossing a muddy bridge in the tidal sloughs behind Ekuk

1986 - Tidal sloughs behind Ekuk.

1990 - Looking through an abandoned building behind Ekuk.

1991 - Cracked mud on the floor of an abandoned building behind Ekuk.

1996 - Fence? (I'm not sure what this is), behind Ekuk.

1999 - Tidal slough behind Ekuk.

2000 - Tom jumping a tidal slough behind Ekuk.

2001 - Bird on a pole in Ekuk.

2002 - Man working on a shed roof in Ekuk.

2003 - Salmon strips drying near the beach in Ekuk.

Bristol Bay coast

2007 - Structure on the edge of the eroding bluffs.

2008 - Bluffs along the Bristol Bay coast.

2010 - Evening light and 4-wheeler tracks along the beach.

2013 - Clods of peat eroded from the bluffs along the beach.

2014 - Crumbling bluffs and tundra.

2023 - Tom fishing in the sunset on the Bristol Bay coast.

2028 - Sunset lights up a strip of water left behind by the tide.

2030 - Red glow of the setting sun on bluffs and a cabin.

2031 - Sunset on the Bristol Bay coast.

2034 - Sunset over Bristol Bay.

2036 - Sunset on the bluffs along the Bristol Bay coast.

2039 - Sunset sky behind grass on the bluffs.

2049 - Rusting trucks and cabin along the beach.

2054 - Water running down a muddy landslide slope on the Bristol Bay coast.

2063 - Texture of the bluffs.

2065 - Hills on the horizon beyond the Bristol Bay mud flats.

2066 - Alder and grass on the Bristol Bay bluffs.

2068 - Puffy clouds reflected in the mud flats at low tide.

2069 - Edge of the beach and hills on the horizon, over the Bristol Bay mud flats.

2083 - Tom checking out a dead walrus washed up on the shore.

2092 - Bear tracks in the mud on the Bristol Bay coast.

2095 - A cloud of dust rises from Tom's feet as he skates down the bluff.

2096 - Unidentified tracks on the beach.

2097 - Bristol Bay coast.

2100 - Tom walking along the beach, with fishing rod.

2106 - Eagle soaring over Bristol Bay.

2117 - Low tide on Bristol Bay.

2119 - Mt. Katmai visible across the bay.

2129 - Approaching abandoned cabins on the bluffs over Bristol Bay.

2130 - Abandoned cabin at the edge of the bluffs.

2144 - Bluffs along the Bristol Bay coast.

2149 - Muddy stream feeding into Bristol Bay.

2154 - Abandoned cabin against a dark sky along the Bristol Bay coast.

2162 - Ripples in the mud at low tide.

2163 - Sandhill cranes feeding in the Bristol Bay mud flats at low tide.

2171 - Muddy tidal slough on Bristol Bay.

2184 - Swallow homes in the bluffs along Bristol Bay.

2185 - Happy face building on the Bristol Bay coast.

2191 - Steel cables on the beach.

Kvichak Bay

2197 - Beluga surfacing near the mouth of Kvichak Bay.

2198 - Splash showing how close the belugas were to shore.

2206 - Beluga in Kvichak Bay, part of 100+ pod.

2218 - Tom wading thigh-deep mud in a slough on Kvichak Bay.

2225 - Tom crawling in thigh-deep mud in a slough on Kvichak Bay.