Name Date
I Have A Dream
During the night you have a crystal clear vision.
A beautiful gilt-edged scroll is unfurled with these words inscribed:
I believe in a generous and loving God
Fully present in our world; in you and in me,
Fully present in our world; in you and in me,
Present in all of creation
Present in the brokenness and the suffering. Present in the journey we each walk
I believe in Jesus, in whom God was fully present. Jesus, the person who showed us our God and showed us how to live our lives
I believe in the Holy Spirit. The Spirit residing within us all.
The same Spirit that has worked for generations through people who have inspired us in the way they live their lives. Their quest to make the world a better place
I believe that our church is a Community of Christ’s disciples called to be his visible sign in our world today.
I believe that I am called to live as God created us to be. To live my life to the full.
I believe I am called to love. Love our God, love my neighbour and love myself.
I believe, and in truly believing
The evidence will be in how I live my life,
In how I participate in the mission to bring the reign of God to our world today.
I believe
And it is this faith that is God’s greatest gift to me.
After reading these words, you know that you must do something to make this world a better place.
You happen to watch a clip on TV the same night a documentary on remote tribes in Papua New Guinea. Watch the clip - Warm reception by a remote tribe - First Contact – BBC (stop at 1:32).
You know that this must be a challenge that God (te Atua) has given to you, to be the best you can, and you know you need to travel deep in the jungle of Papua New Guinea and tell the people there that ‘Every person is God’s work of art gifted with a body, soul, emotions, intellect and will.’
Record in your RE/topic books, how you would explain this. You will have an interpreter but you also need a visual representation so that the people truly understand.