BRIS Newsletter, Week 7, Term 1, 9th March, 2012
Executive News
/ WORKING BEEThe working bee was a huge success, with a dozen adults and several children working happily together to give the school an “Autumn Clean”. Windows were sparkling, the grass in the old chook yard was slashed to the ground, there were brooms, mops, ladders, blowers, mowers and all sorts of equipment being used to clean up. Thank you to everyone who helped to make this a great community event.
We were very sad to hear that our lovely teacher, Melissa, is unwell. She is unable to be in class at the moment, but has been replaced by Melissa Bland (from the Secondary School) for two days a week and Danielle Hicks (who taught the children last year on the days that Lavina and Rosemary weren’t here) for three days a week. Sarah is still capably acting as Teacher’s Aide. Please look after yourself Melissa. We wish you a speedy recovery.
The Annual General Meeting of the Blackall Range Independent School Association Inc. will be held at 6:30pm on Thursday, 15th March, 2012. You need to be a financial member to vote or attend this meeting If you are unable to attend the AGM, a proxy form can be completed and returned to:
The Secretary, Blackall Range Independent School Association Incorporated, 551 Mapleton Road, Kureelpa, 4560.
President: Colin President
Vice President: Marguerite Vice President
Secretary: Lynda Secretary
Member: Andy Member
Member: Kelly Member
Member: Marcus Member
Primary School News
/ Hi Trekker Families
WOW - what a huge week. Monday was a wet and wild day, which saw us insideuntilthe decision to go homewas made. The kids were all excited. Tuesday wasn't much better and only6 students braved the weather. Mel, Melissa and Danielle have all taught this week and we have continued to work on our space project. All families should have received aninvitation to join us for our space afternoon. Paper mache proved to be a monumental task. I think you all saw the mess on the kids. The art room was worse. If ANYONE could come and sharpen some pencils that would be AMAZING.
Some class reminders:-
- School Commences at9 am promptly every week day.
- It is really important that your child has a healthy breakfast to start the day and brings a healthy lunch.
- All students need a water bottle, hat, shoes and enough food for the day.
The focus for the next week will continue with the space and science theme. We will also continue with times tables, multiplication and the letter F. Special mention to Fionn & Sol for completing their handwriting books.
Please remember any fruit donations would be gratefully accepted. Have a great weekend see everyone on Monday.
The Primary School children were delighted to meet Pearl’s goat, Eva, when Melissa came in for a brief visit on Friday.
Secondary School News
/ In English, the High School are busy writing and exploring how to use language to create imaginative and descriptive writing. By selecting words carefully to create text, students will learn how to write effectively and create powerful images, mood, feeling and meaning. They have shared some of their own writing in class by reading some examples out loud. This is voluntary, as students need to gain confidence first, but by sharing, students learn to listen and appreciate each other’s writing and know that sometimes writing is for an audience. Using adjectives and adverbs appropriately can improve a piece of writing and make it more vivid for the reader or listener.We are also exploring narrative and story writing, including plot, setting, character and theme. We watched a film and discussed the plot, how the story takes the viewer from the beginning to the end, involving tension and resolution. We looked at the theme and how this was woven through the story, involving the interaction of characters. Students have also listened to a variety of ”beginnings” of written text and written their own learning to effectively set up a story in the opening paragraph. Students have also written dialogue, so they can use this in narrative writing to make it more interesting. This is all leading to understanding how to write a good story and to engage them in writing for enjoyment and communication.
Melissa & Les
Other News
Reminder: School FeesUnless you have a payment plan in place, Term One, 2012 school fees are now very overdue! Final notices will soon be sent out, followed by legal action if necessary.
A healthy attitude is contagious, but don't wait to catch it from others. Be a carrier.
Tom Stoppard Have a great week ~ Lynda