Brigitte McKenna

Student Experience

UNSW Business School

To whom it may concern,

Thank you for agreeing to provide an Industry ExperiencePlacement for a UNSW Business School student at your company as part of their studies. (Student).

The aim of the UNSW Business School Industry Experience Program is to enable students to gain work-based experience and skills to develop into a well-rounded, industry ready graduate. Through experiential learning, students will gain an understanding of the nature and complexities of work within a private, public or not-for-profit sector workplace, and enable them to put theory into practise.

Duration of Placement

The placement is a minimum of 140 hours, and the required number of hours can be completed in a flexible arrangement as negotiated by the Student and the Placement Provider.


The Student and UNSW Business School acknowledge the need to respect commercial-in-confidence and other material owned by the Placement Provider. No written report by the Student will be made available to any person or company, other than those designated in this agreement, without the consent in writing of the Placement Provider.

The UNSW Business School will request that the Student signs the Placement Provider’s confidentiality agreement before the commencement of Placement if required.

Roles and Responsibilities of all Parties

The UNSW Business School through the Student Experience Team agrees to:

  • Provide advice and support to the Student and/or Placement Provider as required
  • Provide an evaluation form for completion by the Placement Provider
  • Provide the opportunity for feedback through a survey mechanism for both Placement Provider and Student upon completion of the minimum 140 hours

The Student acknowledges and agrees to:

  • Abide by all the directions, policies, rules and regulations of the Placement Provider and the UNSW Business School.
  • Advise the Student Experience Team and the Placement Provider of any problems in relation to the Placement as soon as they arise, or of any planned absences in advance, as well as any unplanned absences as soon as possible.

The Placement Provider agrees to:

  • Provide a safe working environment and systems of work in accordance with all applicable work health and safety requirements as required by law for the Student.
  • Provide the Student with copies of, or access to, any relevant policies or procedures at the commencement of the Placement and ensure they are reasonably informed of any obligations under applicable regulations, policies or procedures, to observe as part of the Placement.
  • Designate a member of staff who has an appropriate level of authority to be responsible for supervising the Student and providing support.
  • Induct the student into the appropriate OH&S systems within the Placement Provider’s premises. E.g. evacuation procedures.
  • Advise any staff as appropriate that the student is completing an Industry Experience Program, and describe the nature and purpose of them being there.
  • Provide feedback and advice to the Student in a constructive manner.
  • Contact the Student Experience Team as soon as practicable if problems arise with the Placements to allow the UNSW Business School to intervene and take steps to achieve a resolution.
  • Return the Student Placement Appraisal report within one week of placement completion.
  • Contact the Student Experience Team promptly if the student is absent from placement without prior notice and/or agreement, ill or injured while on the Placement Provider’s premises.

Unsatisfactory Performance

  • If, at any stage, the Student is not performing to a satisfactory level the Placement Provider must inform the Student Experience Team without delay. Subject to agreement by the Placement Provider (to ensure the Placement still meets the Placement Provider’s needs) modified arrangements or remedial actions may be required, and UNSW Business School requires the opportunity to guide the Placement to satisfactory conclusion for all parties.

Please complete section A and B of this form and read the attached terms and conditions.

SECTION A: Placement Provider Details
Contact First Name
Contact Last Name / Click or tap here to enter text. /
Job Title / Click or tap here to enter text. /
Placement Provider / Click or tap here to enter text. /
Address / Click or tap here to enter text. /
Phone / Click or tap here to enter text. /
Email / Click or tap here to enter text. /
ABN / Click or tap here to enter text. /
Do you require UNSW to provide a letter for indemnity/ insurance purposes? / Yes☐ No ☐
Is the organisation a charity / not-for-profit? / Yes ☐No☐
SECTION B: Industry Experience Details
The student will be provided with a minimum 140 hours of work on placement / Yes No
I will support and guide the student to develop their business skills / Yes No
Placement start date / Click or tap to enter a date. /
Placement end date / Click or tap to enter a date. /

I have read and accept the terms and conditions of this Industry Experience Agreement. By typing my name below, I am electronically signing this Industry Experience Agreement for and onbehalf of the aforementioned company :

Supervisor signature: Date:

SECTION C: Student Details
First Name
Last Name
Student number

I have read and accept the terms and conditions of this Industry Experience Agreement. By typing my name below, I am electronically signing this Industry Experience Agreement:

Student signature: Date:

When this form has been completed and signed, please return it to and upload into the Industry Placement Portal.


1. Student Safety

1.1 The University of New South Wales (UNSW) recognises the responsibility of all employers/organisations who engage students in professional placements to meet the requirements under Work Health and Safety Act 2011. This Act requires all employers to provide a safe workplace for employees and visitors at all times, including travel to and from worksites and places of employment. It is understood that the employer accepts responsibility for UNSW students who are in their workplace for the duration of their engagement.

2. Student Insurance

2.1 The student will be covered by the UNSW insurance program, including public liability and personal injury cover for the student. This cover will be in place on the first day of the Student’s Placement.

2.2 UNSW indemnifies the Placement Provider, its directors, employees and contractors against loss, damage, expenses and claims which might be made, or loss that the Placement Provider may suffer, in respect of damage done to property, or personal injury, or otherwise arising out of the Placement.

3. Privacy

3.1 The Placement Provider acknowledges that UNSW is bound by the Personal Information Protection Act 1998 (NSW) ("PPIP Act").

3.2Each party agrees that if the other party provides it or the Student with Personal Information that it may use that personal information only for the purposes of performing its obligations under this Agreement; and must observe any directions of the other party concerning use, storage or security of that personal information that are consistent with each party’s obligations under the PPIP Act.

3.3 This clause 3 survives both expiration and termination of the Agreement.

3.4 "Personal Information" means personal information as defined under section 4in the PPIP Act.

4. Intellectual Property

4.1 The Student will own all Intellectual Property created by the Student during the Placement. The Placement Provider and Student can enter into a separate agreement of their own following the Placement if required.Subject to the obligations of confidentiality under this Agreement, the Placement provider grants a non-transferable, non-exclusive, fee-free licence to the Student to use the Intellectual Property and the Placement Provider’s pre-existing intellectual property solely for the purpose of undertaking the Placement and for the completion of the Student’s coursework requirements in relation to the Placement. The Student can only use Placement Provider’s logo with the Placement Provider’s consent.

4.2 "Intellectual Property means all intellectual property, including but not limited to copyright, inventions, patents, rights in circuit layouts, registered designs and trademarks capable of protection at law (whether registered or not).

5. General

5.1 This Agreement will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of New South Wales.

5.2 This Agreement constitutes the entire Agreement between the parties in respect of matters dealt with in it. It may only be varied by the further written Agreement of the parties where both parties sign the document recording that Agreement.

6. Performance of Student and Termination

6.1 If the Placement Provider is not satisfied that the Student is competent to perform an allotted task, or that the Student does not, or cannot, conduct themselves in a safe or professional manner, or is in breach of their undertakings to the Placement Provider, then the Placement Provider may do any or all of the following:

(a)suspend or terminate the Student’s Placement and immediately inform the Student Experience team

(b)direct that the Student leave the Placement Provider’s premises, or any other premises where they are located and/or

(c)take any other steps reasonably necessary to ensure the Student complies with a direction given under (a) or (b) of this clause

6.2 Unless terminated earlier, this Agreement will remain in force for a maximum of 12 months from the date it is signed by the parties.

6.3 Otherwise, this Agreement may be terminated:

(a)immediately by a party if the party has given notice of a breach of the Agreement to the other party and that breach has not been rectified within 7 days of the date of the notice; or

(b)immediately by a party if the party has given notice of a breach of Agreement to the other party and that breach is not capable of remedy. For the avoidance of doubt, such breach includes a failure by the Student to comply with the Placement Provider’s policies and procedures relating to access to and conduct while on premises and dealing with confidential information.


Last Updated 12 October 2017 CRICOS Code 00098G