This checklist will ensure an NQT is eligible to start their induction and that you are aware of your main roles and responsibilities. This list is not exhaustive, so please ensure you are familiar with the full guidance on the website:
Resp / Question / Yes / NoHT / Does the NQT have QTS? You should check the DfE Secure Access site: NQTs cannot start induction until QTS has been awarded.
HT / Have you sent an NQT registration form to the appropriate body?
HT / Have you arranged for the NQT to have 10% timetabled time for professional development, in addition to 10% reduction for PPA time?
HT / Is the NQT teaching within the age range and subjects for which they have been trained and/or appointed?
HT / Will the NQT be teaching the same class(es) on a regular basis and undertaking similar planning, teaching and assessment processes to other teachers in the school?
HT / If the NQT is part-time, have you agreed on the time-span of the induction period, with assessment due dates?
HT / Has the governing body been informed about the induction arrangements for NQTs in the school?
HT / Ind Tutor / Are you aware of your roles and responsibilities during the NQT’s induction year?
Ind Tutor / Have you attended induction tutor training since July 2012 so you are familiar with the Teachers’ Standards and revised assessment forms?
Ind Tutor / Have you discussed with the NQT their targets from the end of initial teacher training or previous roles?
Ind Tutor / Have you familiarised yourself with the key documents on the above website that support the induction process?
Ind Tutor / Have you begun to outline the programme of support, with agreed dates for lesson observations, feedback, professional progress reviews and assessment meetings?
Ind Tutor / Have you discussed with the NQT their programme of professional development, including any whole‐school CPD / INSET that will be available?
Brighton & Hove NQT induction – HT & induction tutor checklist
Updated SM Aug 14