ADRC of Northwest Michigan—Steering Committee Meeting
Friday, February 13, 2015
Meeting Minutes
Attendees: Judy Parliament, Kathy Kimmel, Jim Moore, Denise Plakmeyer, Georgia Durga, Meredith Hawes, Carrie McCombs, April Missias, Renee Louvierre-Mitchell, Bob Schlueter, Heidi Gustine, Connie Hintsala
Collaboration and networking – roundtable “What’s on your mind this week about how we are providing services to seniors and the disabled?”
- How do we solve problems together rather than individually, need a different kind of thinking.
- Opportunity to streamline systems with the Governor’s order for DHS-DCH merger.
- Many seniors without support systems – how to bring community together to assist people?
- This year is the 50th anniversary of the Older American’s Act and the 40th anniversary of the COA.
- This year is the 25th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Many uncertainties exist right now.
- Many efforts are tied together. There is a growing need for accurate information. Information about efforts to fund road repairs is needed – funding road repair could impact how other services are funded.
- Frustrated with lack of collaboration within community. It is difficult to communicate with others.
- It has been challenging to get agencies to work together and be on the same page.
- Happy to know the ADRC is here as a resource to give out.
- MIPPA grant includes 140 more enrollments. Building partnerships to support enrollment.
- How to keep fire and safety as a priority, particularly for those who could be most at risk.
General Updates
- Reviewed ADRC dashboard. Call volume is increasing. Working to increase usage of Partner area of the website.
- Person Centered Thinking (PCT) training will be offered face-to-face in the spring (dates are TBD). PCT training is available online. There is ADRC funding to assist with tuition.
- The state ADRC Advisory Committee will hold a planning session in March using the Collective Impact Model as a framework for discussion.
- Denise will be meeting with the Resource Database workgroup in Lansing to refine service definitions.
- The ADRC will be offering an education session about services offered by the Department of Human Services with emphasis on APS on 3/11 at 10am at the GT Metro Fire Station 11 off of Veterans Drive. There will also be a webinar option so that organizations from other counties can easily participate. Look for more information to come.
- The ADRC is a project of the NMC Communications class this term. There are two students assigned to us that will be working on a video for the website, design of an advertisement, redesign of an ADRC flyer, development of a Facebook page, and recommendations for easy improvements to the website. The Marketing and Outreach workgroup has met with the students.
- Consensus approval of the Partnership application for Northwest Michigan Health Services.
Work Plan -- Input Session
- The remainder of the meeting was spent reviewing the proposed work plan. Discussion and changes include:
Goal: Internal communication system for ADRC Partners to share information regarding services
- It was discovered during discussion that the email alert function of the Partner area is not working. This needs to be resolved with the vendor.
- Steering Committee members commit to posting in the Partner area once a week to build content and engagement in the forum.
Goal: Marketing and outreach plan that includes further development of the website
- Work with Partner agencies to intentionally define how to introduce the ADRC in existing presentations and forums within each community. Solidify elevator speech.
- Work through value proposition in the customer segments – family/individual, others we would like to tap into, think through the eyes of customer groups.
Goal: Shared referral system that has multiple points of entry, coordinated information sharing and provides warm transfers among Partner agencies
- Develop education about confidentiality – what can or cannot be shared.
- Explore free email encryption options.
Goal: Evaluate the effectiveness and the value of the ADRC
- Add customer advisory group or other mechanism to engage consumers in development – how to make sure we’re on point. Add customer feedback mechanism to the website.
Next meeting is 3/13 at 9:30am in the AAANM Conference Room.