Bright Futures is creating a ‘kitemark’ for employers to be more ‘Carer Aware’,
In order to advise employers we need to find out about YOUR experiences at work. Don’t worry if you do not work, there are questions for you as well.
We need at least 50 responses for this to be a relevant study , therefore, your help is really appreciated!
Employment Questionnaire
- Do you have a job?
YES (go to Q2)
NO, I have never worked (go to Q6)
NO, but I have had a job (answer all questions please)
- What attracted you to the job? (tick as many as you want)
It uses my skills
I studied for it and am qualified to do it
The pay was right
It was close to home and my other responsibilities
Flexible hours
I know the owner/manager
- Have you told your employer you are a carer?
YES (go to Q 4)
NO (go to Q5)
- Did your employer support/understand this?
Yes, and we have arranged a procedure for this, it works well
Yes, but despite having procedures in place I am made to feel guilty
Somewhat – they understood, but there is nothing official in place, but I don’t get into trouble
Somewhat – they said they understood, but there is nothing official in place and I get into trouble when I have to take time off work
No – they understood the role of a carer to a family member but will not put anything in place for me
No – they did not understand the role of a carer to a family member and I pretend I am off sick when I am looking after my relative
No and I have received warnings at work for my attendance even though I have tried to explain.
Go to Q7, 8, 9, 10, 11
- Why didn’t you tell your employer that you are a Carer?
They don’t need to know, my caring role rarely has an effect on my job, I just take annual leave if there is an appointment I need to attend – just like anyone else.
I don’t want them to know – I use different excuses when I can’t come in and a lot of my annual leave is taken up with my caring role.
I did not think that they would understand, if it doesn’t work out I will just leave
Go to Q7, 8, 9, 10 & 11
- Why are you not working?
I do not have enough/the right qualifications
I think I am probably better off financially if I continue with benefits
I cannot find a job that works around my caring role
I do not have the confidence to apply/interview for a job
There are no jobs that I want to do available
I don’t think an employer would understand my private life as a Carer
My caring role is equivalent to a full time job and there are no spare hours to work
Go to Q7, 8, 9 & 10
- What does your employer do/ What could an employer do to help people to talk to them about their role as a Carer? (tick as many as you want!)
It is/should be part of the job application process
It is/should be part of the interview process
It is/should be part of the staff handbook
It is/should be discussed as part of the contract signing and induction process
There is/should be relevant posters, information in staff areas (canteen, staff notice boards, work newslettersetc.)
It is/should be part of a regular one to one meeting with my manager
- What makes a carer a good employee? (tick as many as you want!)
Good time management
Able to multi-task
We are loyal and unlikely to leave if our employer understands
We understand finances
We are able to talk to various levels of people easily
We are organised
We are good at problem solving
Other ______
- If anything, what makes carers a bad choice of employee? (tick as many as you want!)
We come to work stressed and take it out on people
We are not always able to give our employer notice when we need to take time off
We do not always concentrate because we are worried about the person/people we care for
- Have you ever been over-looked for promotion PURELY because of your caring role?
I don’t know
- Would your employer be interested in becoming more carer friendly? Would you be able to put us in touch with your employer and enable us to work with them to produce a Carer Friendly Kitemark? Would you like to be involved in this project in some way?
If you answer YES to any, or all of Q11 enter your name and contact details below
If you would like careers advice, or would like to discuss your qualifications, CV, interview skills or anything to do with seeking employment, please contact your Transitions Worker or the contact details below
Thank you!
Please return to:
Samantha King
Bright Futures Programme Manager
14, Bridgeland Street
Bideford. EX39 2QE