Brigham Young Diary Entries

April 15, 1847

Summary:Laid out instructions on how the camp should be conducted.
Journal entry:Thursday. We crossed the Elk Horn river and proceeded to the Platte river and encamped near a grove of cottonwood trees.

I called the Pioneer camp together and addressed them on the necissity of being faithful, humble and prayerful on the journey. Exhorted the camp to vigilance in guarding and informed the brethren that I had intimations that the Pawnee Indians were advised to rob us. Said we should go to bed early, rest on Sabbath and go in such a manner as to claim the blessings of Heaven.

April 30, 1847

Summary:Cold and little grass.
Journal entry:Traveled 16 miles. Weather cold. Very little grass for the animals.

May 6, 1847

Summary:Lots of buffalo.
Journal entry:Thursday. Traveled nineteen miles. The prairie appeared black being covered with immense herds of buffalo.

June 18, 1847

Summary:Ferrying for a profit.
Journal entry:Friday. The brethren continued crossing the emigrants and received 1,295 lbs. flour at 2.5 cents per lb., also meal, beans, soap, and honey at corresponding prices, likewise two cows, total bill for ferrying $78.00.

June 27, 1847

Summary:Newspapers and unfavorable description of Salt Lake valley.
Journal entry:Sunday. Left the Sweetwater river and crossed the South pass of the Rocky Mountains and camped on the Dry Sandy after traveling 15 1/4 miles.

Moses Harris, a mountaineer, camped with us; from whom we received some Oregon newspapers and a "California Star" published at Yerba Buena by bro. Sam Brannan.

He said the country around Salt Lake was barren and sandy, destitute of timber and vegetation except wild sage.

June 30, 1847

Summary:Brannan talks up California.
Journal entry:Wednesday. Traveled 11 1/2 miles and camped on Green river.

Samual Brannan arrived from San Francisco bringing intelligence from the Saints who went around Cape Horn in the Ship Brooklyn, who were making farms and raising grain on the San Joaquin.

He had a file of the California Star published by himself. He gave a favorable account of the climate and soil of California.

Brannan came by way of Fort Hall.

July 12, 1847

Summary:Brigham takes ill.
Journal entry:Monday. Croseed Bear river. Afternoon, I was attacked with fever. Several sick in camp. My wagon with a few others encamped; the camp proceeded a few miles.

July 13, 1847

Summary:Orson Pratt group to go ahead.
Journal entry:Tuesday. I continued very sick.

The advance company voted that Elder Orson Pratt take charge of an expedition to go on and make a road down the Weber river.

July 21, 1847

Summary:Advance camp scouts to Salt Lake valley.
Journal entry:Wednesday. The advance company crossed the little mountain and camped in Emigration Kanyon. Ilders Orson Pratt and Erastus Snow rode to the mouth of the kanyon, when they emerged from the same into an open valley apparently about 30 miles long by 20 broad at the northwest of which the extensive waters of Salt Lake glistened in the sun.

They descended into the valley, made a circuit of about ten miles and returned to camp at 9 p.m.

July 24, 1847

Summary:Entered the valley to crops being put into the ground.
Journal entry:Saturday. I started early this morning and after crossing Emigration Kanyon Creek eighteen times, emerged from the Kanyon.

Encamped with the main body at 2 p.m.

At about noon, the five acre potato patch was plowed. when the brethren commenced planting their seed potatoes.

A five, a light shower accompanied by thunder and stiff breeze.