Minutes of Trustees Meeting held on 30th November 2012 at Southend Campus

Present: Nathan Bolton (President) - Chair

Zain Kukaswadia (VP Education)

Becky Fisher (VP Student Services)

Mirela Crunteanu (VP Loughton & Southend)

Leonidas Basatis (Student Trustee)

Jovanna Yiouselli (VP International)

David Motum (External Trustee)

James Potter (Student Trustee)

In Attendance: Craig Stephens (Chief Executive)

Sophie Seear (HR Officer) – Clerk

Barbara Reynolds (Director of Finance)

Apologies: Chris Fowler (VP Services & Communication) Paul Williams (Loughton Trustee)

Alina Jipa (Southend Trustee)

Lily Flaherty (VP Welfare & Community)

Barry Hadden (External Trustee)

Tyron Wilson (Student Trustee)

Camilla Thoresen (Student Trustee)

1.  Apologies and announcements
Apologies noted, there were no announcements
2.  Minutes of Last Meeting
An action arising from the last meeting was to load recipes onto EPOS in the Food Bar in order to monitor wastage, portion control and potential theft. CS reported that this had been done within a week of the last meeting and had uncovered a potential theft issue that was being dealt with. It was noted that there was still work to be done in terms of wastage and portion control.
Risk Register
At the last meeting members were asked to look at the Risk Register. CS reported that he BR and Reeves would be meeting to review and make any changes to present at the next A&R meeting.
3.  Matter Arising
4.  Student Union Steering Group Minutes
5.  Audited Accounts – Crowe, Clark, Whitehill
Alastair presented the consolidated accounts to the Board for approval. He explained that his firm used a risk based approach based on sampling that focused on key risk areas including cash handling and retail. Only one minor point just accounting finessing a credit to BR and the systems in place. The Board collectively approved the accounts and agreed that NB and BH would sign off the consolidated accounts and that CS would sign off UESU and Student Lets. Following Alastair’s departure BR wanted to clarify a couple of points. She explained that Lettings closed with a debtor balance as it didn’t have the cash to pay its recharges. When it becomes profitable next year this will be converted to a capital loan. With regard to the technical error identified by the auditors for redundancy accrual BR knew of the redundancy and wanted to put the accrual in for last year. The University has since agreed to pay for the redundancy so the budgeted 18k can now be used to finance research for the ‘Big Plan’. The remaining surplus at year end had been put into a clubs and societies development fund and Trustees would need to decide how it should be spent. CS reported that he and BR would be doing a piece of work looking at overheads and the real cost of supporting commercial activity, he and BR would report back to the Board with their findings. The only core service the Union has to provide is representation. The grant the Union receives from the University was based on service provision not student numbers although as student numbers increase higher demand was likely. When the Union hits its reserve target of 500k it would then look to reinvest money. Current reserves stood at 330k.
6.  Period 3 Accounts
It was reported that period 3 had been a good month although there were concerns over the performance of the SU Bar and Food Bar who were off budget. Southend made a profit for the first time 1500k profit due to commission from Dominoes. The main issue with the SU Bar was that between 4pm and 7pm trade was poor due to students going to the library then not going out till 11.45pm. Over the next few weeks staff would be conducting NPS surveys to hopefully get some answers. The Big Plan research also would be useful. RF reported that the quiz and karaoke and been better attended. The trend in Sub-Zero was that the average spend per head continued to decline to less than £2 per head but the venue was 12k up due to ticket sales. With regard to the Food Bar Reeves and his team were looking at what could be done to improve performance as at the moment this operation was being carried by Noms Noms. Retail was continuing to grow and the Burrow was doing well. CS reported that the University’s commercial arm was struggling and Fusion had bottomed out. ZK reported that Exec budget was overspent due to a credit note not received.
7.  Chief Exec - Verbal Report
CS reported that the new VC had started and had already made lots of changes. He and NB had met on several of occasions.
There had been an incident in square 1 where a female student had inadvertently been glassed and a clear as you go policy was being introduced to ensure that glass bottles were removed from the squares to avoid a repeat.
Student Centre
The Student Centre was back on track and the Union was being extremely protective of the space it had been given backed by the Registrar. It would be built by 2014 and would be open for business in September 2014.
The Forum was shooting up and the Union had been granted 48 square metres of office space extra funding would be needed. The Union would be tendering for the cafe in the bottom of the building and was also looking to take over what was the bagel bar around the corner rent free. The only stipulation was that the Union had to provide hot food. They would also be working with the University and IT to build in learning pods and wireless connectivity.
The Maltings development was moving forward and CS had submitted a paper to SUSG to appoint a Property Manager, there would also be further investment in Lettings over the coming months.
Following the departure of its Democracy & Representation Coordinator the Union would be looking at Democracy & Representation in more detail and at staffing in Admin and HR.
It was reported that UEPS had been taken over by SAUL and that the University would be taking on the cost risk. The Union currently has four members in the scheme.
8.  CIO Status
CS reported that he’d had a brief conversation with Alastair on the matter. He was of the opinion that the Union shouldn’t rush and that it should wait and see. This would give CS and the Officers time to look at the Union’s Constitution against the model. It was agreed that a decision would be made when registration opened in March 2013.
9.  Governance Committee’s – Chair Reports
A&G – 29/10/12
NB reported that External Trustee recruitment was discussed and that interviews were taking place this afternoon. The effectiveness of Trustee Induction and development was also discussed.
A&R – 29/11/12
Risk Register – It was agreed that CS, BR and Reeves would meet to review and would report back
Period 3 Accounts
Insurance Claim Schedule
IT Strategy
It was noted that first meeting in October hadn’t happened and that the group would be meeting on 4th December and would be discussing cap-ex policy and the final disbursement of the University grant.
Marketing & Development
Marketing Strategy
Marketing department – current position, expectations etc.
Issues with the green booklet in terms of membership and quoracy had been identified and CS recommended that it went on the Agenda for the next A&G. Levels of support and commitment to the committees were also being looked at.
10.  Big Plan
CS announced that the student questionnaire would go out next week containing 25-26 questions and the opportunity existed to target first years specifically and do analysis on that. First questionnaire based entirely on the student experience for a reward token. Students would then be asked to complete a shorter second questionnaire based around the Students’ Union with a chance to win an iPad Mini. There would be street teams of staff from Alterline and Student Staff on campus next Monday and Thursday other research mediums would include starting conversations on hot topics through social media and one to one interviews. Once finalised the Big Plan would then be presented to the Board for ratification in August 2013. In the absence of a strategic plan CS requested that members come up with objectives they would like the Union to achieve in the next 12 months. As an example CS suggested increasing student engagement by 5%. Each department would then set its own KPI’s based on the objective. NB suggested that the Sabbs meet to discuss. JP and DM both requested that copies of the questionnaire be emailed to them. / ALL
11.  Risk Register
As mentioned previously CS, BR and Reeves would be meeting to review and would then report back to A&R. / CS
12.  George’s Letter
NB to write to George to inform him that the Board were content that the policy was within remit. / NB
13.  AOB
BR presented the first draft of a document that would replace the narrative that accompanied the management accounts. The document would contain less words, additional reporting, cashflow, forecast, restricted funds and a summary of high areas of concern, core services KPI’s. Names have been replaced with the more familiar logo’s. The report would also contain information about student numbers and graphical information depicting performance against forecast and budget. She would still produce the RAG report so that detailed informational on individual departments was still available. She would welcome feedback on any further improvements.
14.  Date and time of next meeting
Friday 25th January, 11am – 1pm (Loughton)

S:\Governance\Trustee Meetings\July 2011 - June 2012\16.09.11 - Trustee Meeting Minutes.docx

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