Period Covered: / 10-2009 to 09-2010
Date of Report: / 10-18-2010
Annual Meeting Dates: / 05-Aug-2010 to 06-Aug-2010
Participants:Charlotte Coffman (Cornell University), Susan Ashdown (Cornell University), Juyeon Park (Colorado State University), Jessica Barker (Iowa State University), Young-A Lee (Iowa State University), Lynn Boorady (University of Missouri - Columbia), Anugrah Shaw (University of Maryland - Eastern Shore), Shu-Hwa Lin (University of Hawaii - Manoa), Lucy Dunne (University of Minnesota), and Marilyn DeLong (Administrative Advisor).
Brief Summary of Minutes of Annual Meeting
Approved Agenda
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Breakfast at the hotel. Meet in hotel lobby for pick-up at 8:45.
8:45 – 9:00 Transport from Hilton Garden Inn to Palmer Building.
9:00 – 10:00Call to order, Introductions, Approval of agenda
Comments from Dr. DeLong, Administrative advisor
Election of officers: Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary
Plan 2011 Annual Meeting: Date and Place
10:00 – 10:30State Progress Reports: California, Iowa
10:30 – 10:45Break
10:45 – 11:45State Progress Reports: Maryland, Minnesota, Missouri
11:45 – 12:45 Lunch
12:45 – 1:15State Progress Reports: New York, Oklahoma
1:15 – 1:30Walk/drive to ISU Virtual Reality Applications Center
1:30 – 3:00Tour of ISU Virtual Reality Applications Center
3:00 – 3:15Break
3:15 - 5:00Meet with Bill Van Lent, Veridian Limited
6:00Dinner at the Café Shi
Friday, August 6, 2010
Breakfast at the hotel. Meet in hotel lobby for pick-up at 8:45.
8:45 – 9:00 Transport from Hilton Garden Inn to Palmer Building.
9:00 – 9:15State Progress Report: Hawaii
9:15 – 12:00 Future planning
12:00Meeting adjourn
August 5, 2010
The meeting was called to order by Dr. Lynn Booradyat 9:20 AM. The agenda was revised, moved, seconded and approved unanimously. As there were new members and visitors, individuals attending the meeting introduced themselves and provided a brief overview of their interests and areas of research. Dr. Juyeon Parkjoined this meeting as the new member from Colorado.
Susan Ashdown and Charlotte Coffman from Cornell University were delayed by air transportation problems. They joined the meeting later in the morning.
Shu Hwa Lin from the University of Hawaii joined the meeting later in the day.
UC at Davis and OK members did not join this year’s meeting.
Election of officers discussion was started but the decision was not made until the rest of members arrived. The location and date for next year’s meeting werediscussed.
Dr. DeLong, Administrative Advisor,informed the group that this year is her last term as Administrative Advisor for NC-170 group. She advised that we as a group can search for another Administrative Advisor OR can ask her to continue as the Advisor. If the later is the case, we need to find out an appropriate procedure. Members unanimously agreed on her as the Advisor.
Dr. Delong also congratulated the group on being selected as the NC regional nominee for the national multistate research award. Our application has been submitted to the ESCOP Science and Technology Committee and the final, national award winner will be announced at the fall ESS meeting in Nashville, TN.Dr. DeLong also shared information on the Fashion Practice journal as an avenue for publication of applied research.
Tour of ISU Virtual Reality Applications Center (VRAC) occurred after lunch. Dr. Stephen Gilbert, the associate director of VRAC, first provided the brief intro presentation of VRAC’s research capabilities and interdisciplinary approach of its facility. Various innovative simulation demos were providedi.e., V6 3D firefighter simulation exercise.
Bill Van Lent from Veridian Limited joined the meeting right after the members’ VRAC tour. He brought sets of gear and materials his company produces and uses. He shared the history of his company and also shared his opinion of current firefighter gear and offered his willingness to assist NC-170 project if we need.
State reports were given in the order listed in the agenda. CA and OK members did not participate this meeting but they sent their progress reports in advance. Accomplishments reported by the member states are summarized by objectives under “Accomplishments.” Information on linkages, funding sources, and partnerships is given below:
Firefighter Gear– One additional focus group interview was conducted of 6 female firefighters to add to the focus group data collected by IA, MO, NY, and HI.Further analysis of male and female firefighter focus group data was conducted. Scan study of FF turnout gear design in active positions was progressed by NY, MO, and IA. Physiological impact testing of FF gear was also conducted and progressed by IA and OK. OK conducted an extensive thermal study using a sweating thermal manikin and also completed wear trials in a controlled environment, which is the final step in development of smart clothing. Susan at Cornell brought the sample student work of Hood design for firefighters and shared with the members. An innovative design for a new type of firefighter hood that incorporates impact protection, thereby replacing the hood and helmet combination was developed by a student design team at NY. MN initiated a collaboration with Virginia Tech to develop a virtual design environment to assist designers in investigating the impact of design choices on garment-integrated sensor performance. Test application for this research is a collaboration with Globe Firesuits on the development of bio-sensing firefighter turnout gear. In addition, wildland firefighter project, progressed by UCD working in collaboration with CAL FIRE, focused on evaluating a single-layer clothing system and a double-layer clothing system under four different heat flux conditions.
PPE and Coverall Design–MD worked with Safe Use Initiative (SUI) to evaluate the performance of garments with repellent finish used in Portugal, Greece and Poland. The questionnaire developed jointly with SUI and the drop tests were used for the study. NY and MD together conducted a wear study to determine the performance of garments with a repellent fabric. The findings were used to develop a simple test to serve as end of life indicator for garments with repellent finish. Investigation of the usefulness of virtual fit programs for collection of fit data for development of new sizing systems for PPE is underway at NY. NY continues to work on testing the new coverall design that was developed with the goal of maximizing movement without sacrificing comfort or protection, and minimizing the overall silhouette to reduce the incidence of tears from catching on equipment or orchard tree branches. Sets of coveralls of the new design have been manufactured. Protocols have been developed for fit testing (using the 3D body scanner) and for field-testing, and will be tested in MN, NY, OK, CO, and IA.
New Textiles and Materials – NY prepared TiO2/PAN fibers in less than 1 mm and used the photocatalytic properties of fibers containing TiO2 nanoparticles as a self decontaminating material in degradation of the pesticide aldicarb as the model toxin. Self-decontaminating systems were developed using polyacrylonitrile (PAN)/metal oxide composite fibers. Good progress was made with respect to biocidal halamine polypropylene fibers in both pilot production and lab scale experiments of new structures at UCD. UCD also developed one new monomer that can bring very powerful halamine biocidal functions to polypropylene. UCD conducted a study on using certain dyes as photo-induced functional agents on textiles and polymers. The results proved that some natural dyes could provide photo-active functions and some anthraquinone acids dyes could generate reactive oxygen species (ROS) under UVA light. The research on halamine nanofibers at UCD has drawn funding from the Defense Threat Reduction Agency of DOD regarding the use of these nanofibers in chemical/biological protective clothing.HI continued research to explore new textiles and materials collaborating with the Department of Textile Engineering at the Chinese Culture University in Taiwan. OK continued to produce nanofibers with selected individual and combined PCMs using a base fabric, a polyester fabric, conductive yarn, and the selected PCMs.
Medical Textiles–UCD did additional analyses of data from nationwide surveys of operating room nurses and doctors using the critical incident technique. The study indicated that while strike through was a major problem for both surgical gowns and drapes, a number of other factors such as fit and durability should also be considered by product developers and purchasing agents.
Communication and Education System for Personal Protective Technology – NY developed a new website ‘Firefighters — Suit Up!’ using historical, current, and experimental turnout gear to increase awareness about how design features relate to fit, function, comfort, and safety. A second website in the Suit Up! series is being developed for pesticide handlers at NY. MN initiated outreach efforts with the Washington Technology Magnet High School in St Paul, MN. A field-trip workshop was conducted for their summer camp, to introduce middle-school girls to wearable technology through hands-on activities. MD facilitated wear study research across university and industry. These preliminary findings will be used for designing a more extensive study to assist in development of educational materials. ASTM F2669 - 09 Standard Performance Specification for Protective Clothing Worn by Operators Applying Pesticides was approved as an ASTM International standard. ISO/DIS 27065 was also approved. The establishment of performance specifications will facilitate industry collaborations and serve as the basis for the development of educational materials.
August 6, 2010
Hawaii progress reportwas given. (See the above summary notes of state progress reports on August 5)
Nominations for chair, vice chair, and secretary were solicited. Anugrah Shaw will become Chair for the next year. Shu-Hwa Lin was elected asVice Chair and Lucy Dunne as Secretary. The place and date for next year’s meeting werediscussed as August 4-5, 2011 in Hawaii OR alternatively the week of June 13, 2011 in Anaheim, CA., along with the Ninth Symposium on Protective Clothing and Equipment: Emerging Issues and Technologies, that will be held Thursday and Friday, June 16-17, 2011, sponsored by ASTM Committee F23 on Personal Protective Clothing and Equipment. It was agreed that Shuwha and Anugrah will inform the group of the location for next year’s meeting.
Plans for next year were discussed by the respective groups: Coverall design and development, textile materials, education/communication system.
The project proposal was reviewed to determine if the activities are being completed as proposed. The group agreed that there is no change that needs to be reported.
The meeting was adjourned at noon.