Method of construction:
1. Construction by Individual beneficiary
2. Construction through SLF/TLF/NGOS/contractor
Procedure involved in Method 1
1. Before starting the construction, the vacant site where the toilet is going to be constructed is to be geo-tagged along with the beneficiary.
2. After completion of Basement of toilet, the Basement level is to be geo-tagged then payment of Rs.5000/- will be released directly to his individual account through online. Geo-tagging will be done by AEE+FTO will be generated by CO+Payment processing by MC using DSK.
3. After completion of roof level of toilet, the roof level is to be geo-tagged then payment of Rs.5000/- will be released.
4. After completion of fixing of pan, fixing the door, and plastering and white wash and putting the Swchha Andhra logo over the IHHT structure, the same is to be geo-tagged and then final payment of Rs.5000/- will be released.
Procedure involved in Method 2
1. The SLF/TLF/NGO/Contractor will enter into an agreement with the willing beneficiaries. SLF/TLF/NGO/Contractor will open a bank account and get the agency registered with TCS. Before starting the construction, the vacant site where the toilet is going to be constructed is to be geo-tagged along with the beneficiary. Then an advance payment of Rs.5000/- will be released to SLF/TLF/NGO/Contractor’s account.
2. After completion of Basement of toilet, the Basement level is to be geo-tagged then second payment of Rs.5000/- will be released as second advance.
3. After completion of roof level of toilet, and after completion of fixing of pan, fixing the door, and plastering and white wash the emblem has to be printed over wall, after completion of all, the above the stage is to be geo-tagged then final payment of Rs.5000/- will be released.
4. If the construction is taken up by SLF/TLF an incentive amount of Rs. 300/- will be paid to SLF/TLF in two stages.
a) After completion of toilet and at the time of 3rd payment an amount of Rs.240/- will be released to SLF/TLF through online
b) After 6 months and after confirmation that the beneficiary is using the toilet, the inside portion of toilet will be geo-tagged and the balance payment of Rs.60/- will released through online.
1. Before first payment is made to the beneficiary/ SLF, in case it is found that beneficiary is not eligible the same can be cancelled by the MC at ULB level
2. In case payment is already made and the beneficiary is ineligible, the amount paid shall be recovered and a DD in favor of SwachhaAndhraCorporation has to be obtained and letter may be sent to SAC with the details of the beneficiaries. Deletion of such beneficiaries will be done by SAC.
1. For Community Toilets which are already sanctioned, Rs. 65,000 per each seat will be released by both GoI and GoAP (Rs.26000/- will be released by GoI and Rs. 39000/- will be released by GoAP)
2. For new CTs sanctioned now, the amount is enhanced to 98000/- per seat. (Rs.39,200/- will be released by GoI and Rs. 58800/- will be released by GoAP)
3. All households who dosent have IHHT shall be covered through CTs. Maintenance of the community toilets shall be by women groups or through bidding process among the agencies shortlisted by SAC. Monthly user charges shall be collected for maintenace of the CTs wherever feasible.
4. In case where land is not available for construction of community toilet, same can be taken up in the land available with any public institution like schools/hospitals etc., with their consent.
1. Construction can taken up in PPP mode. No funds will be released by both GoI and GoAP.
2. If the construction is taken up by ULB, the same financial assistace as that of CT will be released.
3. For construction of urinals an amount of Rs.12,000/- will be paid.
All the CTs, PTs and School toilets (existing, renovated, newly constructed and under construction) shall be geo-tagged and uploaded in SAC website. First the geo-tagging of the structure will be completed. After this, data pertaining to the same will be entered in the website.
1. Every school in a ward provides self-declaration that all students enrolled in it have access to, and are routinely using toilets at home and at school.
2. Every SHG active in a ward gives a declaration that all residents of that ward have access to, and are routinely using toilets at home.
3. Every ward councillor / corporator gives a declaration that all residents of that ward have access to, and are routinely using toilets at home.
4. After obtaining all declarations a preliminary resolution declaring City to be ODF is made by the Council.
5. 15 Day timeline is given to call for public objections/feedback.
6. Final resolution declaring City as ODF is done and sent to the Government if no substantial objections are received.
7. Third party verification will be done by the State Government and formally declare the City as ODF. For details the formats can be downloaded from Sl.No.36 under GOs/Circulars/Guidelines of our web site
8. Recently GoI have communicated new guidelines for third party verification of ODF cities/towns. Procedure can be downloaded from Sl. No. 2 under GOs/Circulars/Guidelines of our web site
GoI have communicated a calendar for the entire year to take up an event for every 15 days and to celebrate the same in each and every ULB on those days and also the event photographs are also to be geo-tagged.
The Swachha Andhra Pradesh has developed a simple app i.e., Swachha-App, for geo-tagging the THEMATIC DRIVE event photographs.
Every person using mobile for geo-tagging has to register his IMEI Number in the website and he will receive the link as
Then download the app using the above link. This version is called 1.0.1 version. If earlier version 1.0.0 is downloaded in the mobile first it is to be deleted. Then open the link and download the app of version 1.0.1
This will be useful to geo-tag, IHHLs/ CTs/PTs/STs/OD sites and also for Thematic drives, to capture of the fort-night events under Thematic drives.
Procedure for geo-tagging thematic drives: The entire procedure is explained in Sl.No.35 under GOs/Circulars/Guidelines of our web site
1. Select District/ULB, then on mobile it appears as capture details/saved details/download.
2. Then click download and then come back and select capture details.
3. The screen appears as IHHL/ CTs/PTs/STs/OD sites/Thematic Drives.
4. Then select Thematic drive and then select capture image.
5. Then take the photograph of the event and signals are there, then press button ‘submit’ or if signals are not there then press ‘save’ button. The image will be saved.
6. After reaching wi-fi area then get the image from saved details and then press ‘submit’ button. Then automatically the photo will be uploaded.
Instructions have already been issued to geo-tag all the CTs/PTs/STs/OD site in the ULB through geo-tagging. The entire procedure is explained in Sl.No.35 under GOs/Circulars/Guidelines of our web site The procedure is as follows:
1. The person (Municipal Engineer/Graduate Engineer) who is responsible for field visit has to collect the information i.e Name of the ULB, Location/Street name, No.of CTs in that ward from their ULB.
2. Download the mobile app in their android mobile phones before going to field.
3. Select District/ULB followed by selection of CTs out of School,CTs,PTs, OD site options. Press the new button to capture either completed (or) In-progress CT.
4. Select the ward then enter location name and select type of toilet & status from the mobile app.
5. Now Geo-tag that particular CT by using capture image.
6. Four images of CTs may be captured i.e front view, side view, rear view and inside view.
7. For in-progress CTs select District/ULB/Ward and select in-progress option.
8. Later as per the present stage of the toilet select the following options i.e:
§ basement level
§ Roof level
§ Completed toilet block
• Then capture the image and press the save button and upload.
The details like CTs maintained by, condition of the CT, water facility and Power supply is available or not, No of users using the CTs may be noted to fill the format.
Procedure to fill the format of CTs/PTs/STs/OD sites: After collecting the information regarding CTs/PTs/STs/OD sites, the computer operator has to open the SAC website using their user name and password.
Select the option data entry format for CTs/PTs/STs/OD sites, which details the operator is going to enter.
For ex:-select CT, then respective data entry format will be displayed.
Select location, ward and click on geo-tag photo automatically the respective geo-tagged photo will be displayed. Compare the details of that CT and then proceed to enter the balance data.
Also it is informed that for each CT/PT/ST photo is geo-tagged an amount of Rs.100/- will be paid to the ME/GE and for capturing and geo-tag of each OD site an amount of Rs.25/- will be paid to the ME/GE.
One SwachhataDhoot will be kept as in charge for each OD site. He will be paid an amount of Rs.5000/- for making each OD site as Open Defecation Free.
1. 25% of amount will be paid upfront on selection as swachhatadhoot ( to support his/her daily commutes and expenses)
2. 50% of amount will be paid when the spot becomes ODF ( no visible faeces in the spot, no body found defecating in the open at the spot
3. Balance 25% will be paid 3 months after spot becomes ODF subject to the ULB conducting an inspection to evaluate whether the ODF status is being maintained.
The GoI have introduced mobile app for redressal of grievances uploaded by public on online, the concerned ULB will receive the complaint and they have to resolve the issues. The detailed procedure is explained in Sl.No.18 under GOs/Circulars/Guidelines of our web site
1. ULB representative will access and clicks on ‘login’.
2. If the ULB representative has the login credentials, they can fill in the credentials and login.
3. If the representative is entering the portal for the first time, they will have to click on register button from the login screen.
4. ULB representative will have to enter his/her Name, ULBs name, Email address, Mobile number and location of ULB and register themselves.
5. The ULB details will be sent to the Swachhata Admin for approval.
6. Once the Swachhata admin approves, the ULB will be Successfully registered and the account details will be mailed to the respective Email- Ids as provided by the ULB representatives while registering
7. ULB representative will be able to login to the account using the details of user ID and password sent to them.
8. Once the ULB representative logins, they will be asked to complete a one time activity to the Sanitary Inspectors/Engineers who work for the 9 Swachh categories to on-board.
9. ULB representative will have to enter the name, mobile number, designation, ward, category (type of complaints handled) of the sanitary inspectors/Engineers of the same can be entered in an excel and upload in to the system.
10. Once the Sanitary inspectors/Engineer are successful added, ULB representative can start using the portal to view and assign complaints, add sanitary inspectors/Engineers, verify resolutions etc.
Engineers Backend Mobile Application
1. Sanitary Inspector/Engineer downloads the mobile application from the Goggle Play store and installs the SBM – Engineers/backend mobile app.
2. Sanitary Inspector/Engineer will enter his/her mobile number in the field provided.
3. If the number is already registered, sanitary inspector/Engineer will receive a 4 digit OTP code in his/her mobile number. On verification of the same, the Sanitary inspector/Engineer will be able to start using the mobile app.
4. If the number is not registered, Sanitary inspector/Engineer will have to self on board by filling in a form containing the fields – Name, Designation, Category (Type of complaints handled). Email Id and Location.
5. On completing the above step, the Sanitary inspector/Engineer details will be sent to the respective ULB for approval.
6. Once the ULB approves the Sanitary inspector/Engineer details from the agency portal, the later will receive an SMS about the approval.
7. Sanitary inspector/Engineer will visit the app again and enters the mobile number. A 4 digit OTP code will be sent to the Sanitary inspector/Engineer mobile number.
8. Once the Sanitary inspector/Engineer passes the OTP verification, they will be successfully registered.
1. Go to SAC website and open it using the concerned ULB user name and password.
2. Select an option declaration of ODF entry format
3. A format will appear and fill the blanks with the ODF ward details
4. And Press button ‘YES’