Brief for FEAST Rural Touring Strand of 2008/09
What we are looking for:
For this first strand, we are looking to commission rural touring work, which must be new work or innovative approaches to exciting work which has not toured Cornwall before.
(So for example this can include an existing script, provided the approach to it is innovative)
We will need all commissions to result in a physical product (performance, musical activity, screening etc) which can be enjoyed by communities in Cornwall.
This work would need to be appropriate for rural touring, (including meeting the physical restraints of village halls) and would need to help establish new audiences for new venues in market towns, working with Carn to Cove.
Ideally we would like details of the work to be part of the Carn to Cove menu in early April so that it can be available for booking for the autumn 2009 season. For that you’ll need to be able to provide an image and synopsis, plus physical details of show size.
We do not expect you to contact Carn to Cove prior to application although you are welcome to discuss your ideas with them. Please note that being included on the Carn to Cove menu doesn’t guarantee that local promoters will pick your show.
We welcome applications for small (for example a one person show) or large shows, but we will be looking for value for money. A show with many participants may well be cost prohibitive – as a guide, your performance fee, including transport once on tour, should be in the range of £300 - £750 per performance.
We welcome applications which offer opportunities to link with other touring networks throughout the country.
We welcome applications from companies who have already secured some revenue funds, in-kind support or sponsorship.
We have the opportunity to allocate £45,000 for the 2008/09 financial year alone, to kick start an exciting new programme of work for village hall touring. We would ideally like to commission three new pieces of work from this money, but this will be evaluated at the time of application, based on the projects short listed. We anticipate that projects will need to be at an advanced stage of development for this Year One round of funding. The funding is to enable artists or companies to work up a show to the point at which it is ready to tour.
In addition to this funding for artists to develop new work, Carn to Cove has been allocated funding to bring in new venues. This means that successful artists or companies will also enjoy the benefits of potentially being able to tour to more venues in Cornwall which are underwritten by Carn to Cove.
All applications need to fulfil the key FEAST framework criteria:
1. Quality and the ability to excite
We are looking to commission inspiring work of the highest professional standard
2. Innovative and creative approaches to engagement and promotion
What are you doing to bring in new audiences?
3. A considered approach to inclusion
We would like your product to reach as wide a range of people as possible, from all ages and backgrounds
4. Contribution to a network of knowledge and connection across the FEAST programme so that the whole becomes more than the sum of its parts
We want all projects funded via FEAST to help promote each other in some way, in addition to being featured on our website.
Proposals will also be evaluated against the FEAST framework criteria,
We will not expect projects to meet all of these criteria, but the more you meet, the more highly your project is likely to score. We want projects to:
· Distribute excellent cultural activity across a rural population base
· Network activity in a way that makes it visible and combines the small scale and intimate with big impact
· Address issues arising from lack of venues and access, particularly in the North and East
· Find individuals who are involved in their communities, and develop their confidence and skills to lead, create and take part in future creative work.
· Develop links between the creative sector and community led cultural and celebratory activity ( to bring sustainability, excitement and high production values to community events )
· Maximise the potential of existing programmes being delivered by creative and cultural sector organisations
· Partner with others, for example schools, organisations or other sector agencies, linking to a non-creative agenda in a creative way, for example, dealing with social issues or targets
· Build people’s confidence and creativity in responding to change and environmental challenges
· Leave behind skills, enthusiasm and energy in communities
· Lever new funds into a project which makes the impact of FEAST reach further, for example, applying to FEAST for a project already part-funded or seeking additional funds, sponsorship or in-kind support
Applicants must be a professional artist or artistic organisation resident in Cornwall; if you are not a professional, we would welcome applications partnered with a company or individual who is.
The project must be developed and delivered in Cornwall, but it can have a life outside Cornwall.
If you have Grants for the Arts funding for your project, you can also apply to FEAST, but we cannot make up the additional 10% required by the Arts Council for their applications, as FEAST is also Arts Council money.
You cannot apply for just core costs, capital costs or building costs, but you can apply for running costs of your project as necessary for its delivery. If this includes overheads or certain capital expenditure then we would consider it, but we are looking for value for money.
The deadline for application forms for the Year One FEAST rural touring grant is
12 noon on Monday January 26th, 2009.
We prefer applications to be sent by email, but we will treat postal applications equally favourably.
Please send to:
Laura Hardman
Feast Project Manager
The Creative Unit
The Old Grammar School
West Park
TR15 3AJ
If you want to discuss your application, please email or call Laura on 01209 218826 – her working days are normally Monday to Wednesday.
Short listed applicants will be invited for interview on Wednesday 28th January, and a decision will be made as soon as possible after this time.
Interviews will take place at Krowji in Redruth.
We will be advertising the opportunity for Year Two for FEAST rural touring funding in February of this year.