Brief for Evaluator
Generate - dementia arts group
Time period: August 2017 – July 2020
Freelance fee: £5000, inclusive of expenses (Year 1: £2000, Year 2 : £2000, Year 3 : £3000)
Aspex wishes to appoint an Evaluator for Generate, a visual arts programme for people with dementia and their carers.
Generate Project Summary
Through weekly workshops, participants with dementia work with the same two artists to develop their own artistic skills, producing individual works. Alongside this, carers have formed their own self-led support group in our cafe.
Starting in 2015 as a pilot research project with the University of Portsmouth, Generate sought to explore the possible benefits of visual arts workshops for people with dementia, as well as the positive impact on the health & well-being of their carers. Following a short programme, the group became established and Aspex continued to run the project with further support from Portsmouth NHS Clinical Commissioning Group.
In 2017 we were delighted to have the support of The Rayne Foundation and Arts Council England through their Catalyst:Evolve programme, which enables Generate to continue until 2020.
Over the next three years we will be seeking to continue to measure the impact that this programme has on the participants, while further exploring our unique model of working with participants as artists, to enhance their learning and develop new skills.
Through this project we aim to achieve four main outcomes:
- People with dementia learn new skills and have new experiences and in-turn show improved health & wellbeing.
- Carers feel supported and have an improved quality of life and in-turn show improved health & wellbeing.
- Connecting communities through a dementia friendly environment; audiences are more dementia aware and value the importance of learning.
- Artists, educators, gallery staff & volunteers are trained to support people with dementia.
Timescales & important dates:
August 2017Evaluator post begins
June 2018Interim monitoring form completed
June 2019Interim monitoring form completed
May 2020Draft evaluation report submitted
June 2020Final evaluation report due
Job Description
The Evaluator will be responsible for overall evaluation of Generate.
This will include:
●Working with the project team to devise a methodology to evaluate Generate, including tools for capturing data and measuring impact.
●Visiting the group at regular intervals and attendance at special events.
●Collect quantitative and qualitative data from participants, audience members & project staff.
●Completion of annual interim Monitoring reports for funders.
●Analysis of data and production of a final evaluation report.
●Making recommendations for the future sustainability and succession planning for the programme.
Person Specification:
●Experience of evaluating arts and education activities.
●Experience of and interest in, health & wellbeing projects.
●Competence in handling both quantitative and qualitative research.
●Excellent written and spoken communication skills.
●Knowledge and experience of visual arts and gallery education practice.
●Ability to produce high quality evaluation reports for a range of stakeholders.
Application Process
Please submit the following documents by midday Monday 24th July 2017 to
●A Proposal outlining how you will approach the evaluation (maximum 2 sides of A4)
●A covering letter outlining your interest in, and how your experience relates to, this project