Bridges to Youth Self Sufficiency Project
Participant Name: ______Age: ______Phone: ______
Address: ______Date of Birth: ______
School: (if applicable) ______Social Security Number: _____-____-______
Parent/Guardian Name: ______Phone: ______
Address: ______Email: ______
- Are you a U.S. citizen or legally eligible to work in the U.S.?
Yes____ No____
- What type of work experience have you participated in? (Please check all that apply)
None____ Paid____ Non-paid____ Volunteer Work____ Community Service____
(Please attach resume)
- Are you currently employed?
Yes____ No____ If yes, where? ______
If no, do you want part time (at least 20 hours per week) or full time work? (Please circle your preference)
- If you are currently employed, how many hours do you work per week? How many hours is a job coach with you?
Hours per week: ______Job coach hours per week: ______
- Are you currently receiving accommodations or using adaptive equipment at work? If not, would you be more successful with this additional support? What specifically do you need?
- Do you feel that you are able to advocate for yourself? Can you explain to others your personal strengths and weaknesses?
Yes____ No____
- Do you currently receive SSI/SSDI benefits? If under age 18, who is your legal guardian? If over age 18, who is the responsible party that provides for or assists with your needs?
Yes____ No____ Legal Guardian/Responsible Party ______
- Are you currently receiving Medi-Cal/Optical Benefits?
Yes____ No____
- Are you currently a client of the Department of Rehabilitation and/or Regional Center?
Yes____ No____ (If you answered ‘Yes’, please circle the name of the agency.)
- Do you currently use public transportation to get around (for example, bus)?
Yes____ No____
- Are you currently enrolled or do you plan to attend post secondary training i.e., adult education, community college, ROP, etc.?
Yes____ No____ (If you answered ‘Yes’, please circle the type of training.)
- What is your current living situation?
On my own____ With parents____ Other______
- How will your living arrangement change after leaving school?
On my own____ With parents____ Other______
(If you will be living on your own, will it be with or without support? Please circle your answer.)
- Do you have a goal for yourself? Where do you see yourself 5 or 10 years from now? Where will you be living? Where will you be working?
- What support/assistance do you feel you need to reach your goal?