BridgeLink Pre-installation Questionnaire
Pre-installation Questionnaire
Version 1.00
BridgeLink Group
7/25/2003 8:03 AM
85 Enterprise Drive, Suite 450
Aliso Viejo, CA 92656
London Bridge in the US operates as LBSS, Inc.
Copyright © 2002 LBSS, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transcribed or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of LBSS, Inc.
LBSS, Inc.
85 Enterprise Drive, Suite 450
Aliso Viejo, CA 92656
BridgeLink Pre-installation Questionnaire
Last Revised:
Publication Title: LBSS, Inc., BridgeLink Pre-installation Questionnaire
Revision History
Version# / Issue# / Date / Comment / Initial1.0 / 04/16/02 / Initial draft / scf
1.02 / 04/19/02 / Second draft / scf
Issue 1 / Doc owner – / Page 1 of 14
Lenstar Pre-InstallationQuestionnaire1 / London Bridge Group
BridgeLink Pre-installation Questionnaire
Table of Contents
2Questions (Business):
3Questions (Development):
4Lenstar Specific Questions
Issue x / Doc owner – / Page 1 of 14LBG-I-LS-xxx-xx
Lenstar Pre-InstallationQuestionnaire1 / London Bridge Group
BridgeLink Pre-installation Questionnaire
This document will provide London Bridge Group, Aliso Viejo with the necessary pre-installation information to determine the specific needs of each individual client.
The purpose of this document is to outline the basic needs of the client before London Bridge Group software systems will be installed.
It is assumed that the user is familiar with basic mortgage industry terminology.
The following is a list of terms and definitions given in this document.
Term / DefinitionDatabase / A collection of data arranged hierarchically in tables for speed of search and retrieval.
BPO / Broker price opinion
REO / Real estate owned
FORA / Foreclosure specific screen in Alltel system
2Questions (Business):
These questions relate to your relationship with London Bridge Group, and will help the consultant prepare for his/her onsite visit.
Who will serve as the primary operational point of contact?
Please provide that person’s full name, title, address, telephone number and e-mail address.
Who will serve as the primary technical point of contact?
Please provide that person’s full name, title, address, telephone number and e-mail address.
- What is your correct mailing address for regular mail and overnight delivery?
- What kind of time frame are you looking at for the onsite visit?
Depending on the number of people to be trained, this may need to be split into two visits.
- Are you planning to use the BridgeLink system to track cases with attorneys who are on the BridgeLink system as well as those not on the system?
- Briefly describe your portfolio:
Portfolio Size: ______
Loan Types Serviced (primarily): ______
Investors Serviced (primarily______
Other (sub-service, sub-prime loans, first or second liens, odd due dates, etc.): ______
- Approximately how many new foreclosure referrals, requests for motion for relief and requests for proof of claim do you do per month?
- Will a training facility be made available?
Briefly describe the facility (i.e., number of computers, whether a projector is available, etc.).
- Do you prepare and submit Proofs of Claim on bankruptcy cases or do you send figures to attorneys who will prepare and submit the Proofs?
If you prepare and submit some items, and send others to the attorney, please explain in detail.
- Please indicate the most convenient airport to fly into and provide directions to your office from that airport.
- Please recommend a hotel convenient to your office. If possible, provide the street address or telephone number.
AmeriSuites, Crown Plaza, Sheraton (on or near Metro Center/Peoria Avenue); Embassy Suites (at Greenway exit, approximately 3 miles north)
Preferred hotels: Marriott (Courtyard, Residence Inn, etc.), Hilton (Embassy Suites, Hampton Inn, etc.)
- What is the dress code in your office?
____Business (suit, tie)
____Business casual (no tie, khaki pants, collared shirts)
____Casual (jeans)
- What database software are you currently using(SQL Server, Oracle, etc.)? ______
- How do you access your servicing platform (AS400, NT, XP, ME)?
- What version of Internet browser are you currently using (IE5, NetScape6, etc.)?
- What version of XML is being used in your office?
- Do all employees have Internet access?
- Please list all outside viewable public IP addresses on your firewall or proxy server:
- Do you have the capability of screen resolution of 800x600 or higher? If not, what is your current screen resolution?
- What terminal emulation software do you use (i.e., Extra, Rumba, Reflections, etc.)?
Do you use more than one?
If so please describe.
- Are you on 7 or 10 digit loan number (for each client ID)?
- Do you use a report writer, such as Alltel Passport, Daisy, etc.?
- What system(s) do you currently use to process foreclosure and bankruptcy files (i.e., FORTRACS, DRI, etc.)?
In what manner are these systems used?
- Are you a licensed or remote user? In other words, does your company own the source code?
If you are licensed, have you customized any screens used to track foreclosures or bankruptcies?
Have you purchased any optional enhancements that affect bankruptcy or foreclosure processing? If so, briefly describe.
3Questions (Development):
For future development of the system, please take a few moments to answer the following questions:
- Do you skip trace?
If so, do you use an outside vendor?
If so please provide the name of the vendor.
- Do you order broker’s price opinions (BPO’s) through a system or with a specific vendor/vendors?
If so please provide the name of the vendor(s).
- Do you use an imaging system?
If so, what is the name of it (i.e., filenet)?
In what capacity do you use an imaging system (documents, invoices, etc.)?
- Do you use an outsourcer (for foreclosure, bankruptcy, eviction, or REO?
If so, who?
Very briefly, describe their duties.
Note: Lenstar specific customers please continue to the next set of questions.
4Lenstar Specific Questions
The following questions will help our Lenstar development team to more completely understand your specific business needs
- Are you currently a Lenstar customer?
If so have you added any upgrades since your initial installation of Lenstar Windows, in addition to Alltel, to process foreclosure and bankruptcy files (i.e., FORTRACS, DRI, etc.)?
In what manner are these systems used?
- What servicing system to you use. If Alltel, please list your Client ID.
If you have multiple client numbers, please list them all.
- Are you a licensed or remote user? In other words, does your company own the source code?
If you are licensed, have you customized any screens used to track foreclosures or bankruptcies?
Have you purchased any optional enhancements that affect bankruptcy or foreclosure processing?
If so, briefly describe.
- Are you planning to use the LenStar system to track cases with attorneys who are on as well as attorneys who are not on the LenStar system?
- Which of the following do you intend to use LenStar for:
__ Foreclosure
__ Bankruptcy Motion for Relief
__ Bankruptcy Proof of Claim
__ Eviction
- How many people do you estimate will need to be trained on LenStar in the following areas:
SessionNumber of people
Order Entry (Referrals)_____
Case Tracking_____
Order Entry (Referrals)_____
Case Tracking_____
Eviction (if applicable)
Order Entry (Referrals)____
Case Tracking____
Overview (including Order Entry and Case Tracking)____
Template Builder *_____
Manager’s Utilities *____
* If a London Bridge Group administrator will be assigned, that person should attend these training sessions
Host Post (initiating the posting of information back to your Host system____
Reindex ____
If available, please provide an organizational chart of the default administration area.
Part Two - Requested Items (LenStar):
LenStar needs these Items prior to the onsite visit; please forward the following items via e-mail or mail to the consultant to the address listed at the top of the first page:
- LenStar will initially build the table cross-referencing your investor number (investor number only, not category) to who to foreclose in the name of. Make sure that each investor number corresponds to only one investor name. Lenstar only reads investor number, not category. Please provide a list of your investors and, for each, whom the attorney should file the foreclosure in the name of. Please include a column for each investor that provides which investor category it falls into, using the following list: FHLMC, FHLMC Designated Counsel, FNMA (wholly owned), FNMA (recourse), RFC, or Other. You can include investor number, investor name, contact name, address, and telephone number. However, the only required fields are investor name, investor number, and who to file in the name of. This information should be sent electronically in database format (i.e., excel, access, lotus). Each field should occupy a separate cell. For example, the investor address should be broken down with street address, city, state, and zip code each occupying a separate cell. With this information, a table will be built within LenStar for the referral process.
See “ADD/EDIT INVESTORS” in the Manager’s Utilities section of the Case Tracking module section of the user documentation for instruction on maintaining users within LenStar.
As investors change, it is the responsibility of the servicer to maintain the user table within LenStar.
- You can set limits within LenStar so that if a balance is below a certain amount (for each type of referral), a warning will display that requires acknowledgment by the processor before proceeding with the referral. Please advise what amount the tolerance should be set at for each type of referral:
Foreclosure - $______
Motion for Relief - $______
Proof of Claim - $______
Eviction - $______
See “LOW BALANCE CHECK” in the documentation for more information about this feature.
Part Three - Required Items (Servicer):
Once the LenStar software is received or downloaded and installed, the following items will need to be gathered and completed prior to the pre-installation process (LenStar consultants can assist you, prior to the visit, with these items):
- Within the LenStar system, offline and online attorneys can be maintained. Attorneys are activated as “online” attorneys after they’ve contacted LenStar and have signed up to receive files electronically. “Offline” attorneys can be added to the system for internal tracking purposes. It is necessary for the servicer to designate which attorneys they actively use and to assign cross-reference codes so that certain fields within LenStar will be automatically populated during the referral process. You should obtain a list of the attorneys you use for foreclosure and bankruptcy. With that, obtain a report or list of the escrow payees for each attorney and the state the attorney does business in. LenStar will read that code and pre-fill the attorney into the Order Entry module when doing a referral. (You should verify that associates are entering the escrow payee information into the applicable workstation).
As attorneys are added or deleted as preferred attorneys, the servicer will be responsible for maintaining this table with LenStar. If an attorney is not available within LenStar as an offline attorney, or if an online attorney is not showing as online or is not in LenStar at all, contact the Help Desk for assistance.
- Foreclosure timeframes and fee limits can be loaded into LenStar. Reports and timelines key off of these tables. Obtain a list of foreclosure timeframes (in days) for FHLMC, FNMA, VA, FHA, and servicer. LenStar measures referral to foreclosure sale. Adjustments will probably need to be made to the FHA list since that is normally the due diligence timeframe of first legal to marketable title. A list of Allowable foreclosure fees per FHLMC, FNMA, VA, FHA and servicer should also be obtained.
See “ALLOWABLE TIME & FEE CONTROLS” in the Template Builder module documentation for direction on setting these controls within LenStar.
As timeframes and/or fee schedules change, it is the responsibility of the servicer to maintain these tables within LenStar.
- Templates are created inside LenStar to track foreclosure, bankruptcy and eviction events. You can create state and loan type specific tracking events for foreclosure, chapter specific tracking elements for bankruptcy motion for relief and proof of claim files, and tracking events specific to tenant or borrower for eviction.
If you have contracted with LenStar to have your templates built, in addition to reading through the summary for each area, please see the *Note at the end of each section for the items you should provide to LenStar.
FORECLOSURE: Determine whether you would like to create servicer and attorney steps in your templates or attorney only steps. When a foreclosure is loaded into the Foreclosure Workstation, the PROCESS type is required to indicate judicial or non-judicial. LenStar will read the process field from your servicing system to tie to the foreclosure template within LenStar. When building your foreclosure templates, it is important that you build the templates to reflect your process - what the foreclosure processor enters on each account. If possible, you should obtain the list or report your foreclosure processors use when loading an account into the workstation to designate whether the foreclosure is judicial or non-judicial. In some states, you may have both a non-judicial and judicial template.
See “TEMPLATE BUILDER OVERVIEW”, then “FORECLOSURE TEMPLATES” in the Template Builder module documentation for instruction on building foreclosure templates.
If you are not having LenStar build your templates, you can create a “base” judicial and non-judicial template, in a Word document, with all appropriate investor and loan type steps, then assign upload codes (Alltel step codes) as applicable. LenStar consultants can create a base template for each state (according to your direction) for you. You will then have a base template for each state that you can then go into and customize.
As template items or upload codes change, it is the responsibility of the servicer to maintain the templates within LenStar.
* Note:
If you have contracted with LenStar to have your foreclosure templates replicated:
Please provide a template report containing applicable templates. Be sure to include non-standard and standard templates in the report if applicable. An attachment will accompany this questionnaire containing state foreclosure methods commonly used. Please refer to the attachment and indicate whether this would be acceptable for your templates or indicate changes as appropriate.
BANKRUPTCY: Within LenStar, like with foreclosure, templates are used to track events relating to Proof of Claim and Motion for Relief requests.
See “TEMPLATE BUILDER OVERVIEW”, then “BANKRUPTCY MOTION FOR RELIEF TEMPLATES” and “BANKRUPTCY PROOF OF CLAIM TEMPLATES” in the Template Builder module documentation for instruction on building bankruptcy templates.
Sample bankruptcy motion for relief and proof of claim templates will accompany this document as an attachment. This is meant only as a “guide” to assist a client in creating templates specific to their process.
As template items or upload codes change, it is the responsibility of the servicer to maintain the templates within LenStar.
* Note:
If you have contracted with LenStar to have your bankruptcy templates built:
Please provide a report or list of events specific to motion for relief and proof of claim. Be sure to specify chapter for each, whether individual events are servicer responsible steps or attorney responsible steps and whether a future date should be allowed to be entered on the individual step. See the attached sample document for an example of what should be provided to the consultant.
EVICTION: If applicable and available, obtain the report for your eviction templates. As with foreclosure, Alltel templates can be replicated. Currently, information does not post back to your servicing system when using LenStar for evictions. Therefore, there will be no upload codes in the templates in LenStar.
See “TEMPLATE BUILDER OVERVIEW”, then “EVICTION TEMPLATES” in the Template Builder module documentation for instruction on building eviction templates.
As template items change, it is the responsibility of the servicer to maintain the templates within LenStar.
* Note:
If you have contracted with LenStar to have your eviction templates replicated:
Please provide a template report containing applicable templates. Be sure to include non-standard and standard templates in the report if applicable. Please indicate if the template should be created as a borrower occupied property or tenant occupied property.
- LenStar will read the processor assigned to an account on the servicing system and pre-fill the processor in LenStar (if the user has been set up in LenStar). The name of the processor will be needed exactly as it appears in the servicing system. You should also obtain a list of additional processors that will be using the LenStar system. For all processors that will be set up within LenStar, designate the level of security the associate will need (manager, user, or viewer), their telephone number and extension, if applicable, and fax number.
See “ADD/EDIT USERS” in the Manager’s Utilities section of the Case Tracking module documentation for instruction on maintaining users within LenStar.
As users change, it is the responsibility of the servicer to maintain the user table within LenStar.
- Standard verbiage can be loaded in LenStar, which can accompany each referral. This verbiage can be changed on a loan level, if necessary. Sample verbiage for each type of referral can be found in the documentation. The sample language is merely suggested verbiage. Please review the sample language prior to creating your verbiage. You should review the referral letter you are using for foreclosures, evictions, requests for motion for relief and requests for proof of claim.
See the section “REFERRAL VERBIAGE OVERVIEW” in the Template Builder module documentation for an overview on creating verbiage for each type of referral.