Online advertising

•form of advertising => uses Internet and World Wide Web

•deliver marketing messages

•to reach customers

•examples: banner ads, advertising networks, e-mail marketing


•information and content not limited by geography or time

•content can be modified and updated

•interaction between advertiser and user possible

•visitor communicates with advertiser through e-mail, chat or phone

•control effectiveness directly and precisely

•requires users to click on the message and to go to the website

•results of campaigns immediately measured and tracked

•advertisers pay per banner impression (CPM), pay per click (PPC) or pay per action (CPA)

•easy to find out which messages more appealing to the audience

•offline-marketers segment their markets according to age group, sex, geography, other general factors

•online marketers => advantage of targeting by activity

•advertiser knows target audience people will like his new product or service

Different types of online advertising

•Interstitial ad

–display of ads before requested content

–form of interruption marketing

–most common => pop-up ad

•Pop-up ad

–effective form of online advertising

–new window in front of the current one

–appear without clicking them on


–new browser window hidden under the active one

–do not interrupt user

–difficult to find out which site opened them

•Banner ad

–displayed on an external website, in an application or in an HTML e-mail

–a graphic image or an animation

–have got different sizes

–placed on the top or on the bottom

–purpose: attract people and make them visit the web site by linking them automatically

–usually on highly frequented sites such as online-newspapers and search engines (google, yahoo and AltaVista)

–also so called “moving banners”

–banners of different sales promoters are shown one after the other

•Button ad

–graphical advertising unit

–little bit smaller than a banner

–placed towards the middle of a page on the left or right side

•Floating ad

–moves across the user’s screen or slides above the content of a web site

Other ads:


-long ads at the top of the page

Sky-scraper ads

-similar to banner ads

-run vertically down the left or right hand side of the page

-more expensive than banner ads

Text ads

-text link to your site

Unicast ads

-basically a TV commercial

-run in the browser window

-last from 10 to 30 seconds

-offer the ability to click on the ad for more information

Advantages and disadavantages of ads:

Banner Ads:

Pros: message in front of customers eyes

Cons: does not usually convert directly to sales

Pop-Up Ads:

Pros: Harder to ignore

Cons: irritating; surfers are using software that blocks pop-ups

Interstitial Ads:

Pros: visitor is much more likely to look at the ad

Cons: annoying

Leaderboars and Sky-scraper Ads:

Pros: large eye-catching ad

Cons: may not convert directly to sales well

Purchasing variations

CPM (Cost Per Mille)

-advertisers pay for exposure (Darstellung) of their message to a specific audience

CPC (Cost Per Click)

-advertisers pay a user clicks on their listing

-they do not pay for the listing, but when the listing is clicked on

-this system allows advertising specialists to gain information about their market

CPA (Cost Per Action)

-publisher takes all the risk of running the ad

-advertiser pays only for the amount of users who complete a transaction such as a purchase or sign-up

How to design a powerful ad?

-secret to a successful ad is the headline

-with AIDA approach(Attention, Interest, Desire, Action) you would be successful in creating a powerful ad

-first job of advertising is to get people’s attention, then their interest, …, and finally, get them to act

A / -Attention / -Grab your targets attention
I / -Interest / -Create curiosity
D / -Detail / -Provide details
A / -Action / -Call for action

Pop-up ad

Banner ad

Interstitial adFloating ad