2.4.83 Release Notes
Version 2.4.83

Version 2.4.83Bridge User Guide2.4.83 Release Notes

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Purpose of This Document

2.4.83 Core Enhancements

External Links Can Be Used To Download Files

New Calculate Refund Action Available for Integration Configurations

Address Matcher Web Service Has Been Replaced

Auto Class Code Lookup Web Service Has Been Added

New Option to Make Editable-In-Grid Checkbox Read-Only

Document Templates Module Now Shared Between Policy, Billing & Claims

Associated Documents Can Be Generated And Combined From All Quote Versions

New Settings for Creating Endorsements

Account Number Details now Available in Certain Billing Reports

2.4.83 Minor Enhancements and Functionality Fixes




Version 2.4.83Bridge User Guide2.4.83 Release Notes

Version 2.4.83Bridge User Guide2.4.83 Release Notes

Purpose of This Document

Therelease notes detail new features, enhancements, and fixes to be found in each release of the Bridge platform.

Version 2.4.83Bridge User Guide2.4.83 Release Notes

2.4.83 Core Enhancements

External Links Can Be Used To Download Files

External Links can now be configured to download files instead of opening a web page. This is useful for providing users with a convenient way to access relevant files.

Two controls have been added to the Portal - External Links page:

  • A Link To File checkbox is used to indicate that the link should be used to download a file.
  • A File field is used to upload the file.

For details on configuring External Links, see the section on Managing External Links on the Main Menu in the Reference and Administration Guide.

New Calculate Refund Action Available for Integration Configurations

In order to provide more options for when and how Bridge should interact with external systems, another Action has been made available to initiate integration configurations.

Integration configurations can now be set to initiate from the Calculate Refund action, which has been added to the Action drop-down of the Integration Setup panel on the Integration Configuration Management page. This is useful when Bridge needs to share data with an external system immediately before or after calculating a refund.

For information on integration configurations, see the section on Creating a New Integration Configuration in the Product Design Guide.

Address Matcher Web Service Has Been Replaced

The Address Matcher web service has been replaced with a new service called Address Lookup. The main benefits of this new service include:

  • Results from all over the world can be returned instead of just the USA.
  • A single search filter can handle the entire address lookup.
  • Results contain more information including a Calculation Method, Confidence level, Subdivision and Secondary Subdivision field.

For more information on this web service, see the Web Service List for Data Sources in the Product Design Guide.

Auto Class Code Lookup Web Service Has Been Added

A new web service called Auto Class Code Lookup has been added for data source configurations. The service retrieves vehicle class codes based on search filters.

For more information on this web service, see the Web Service List for Data Sources in the Product Design Guide.

New Option to Make Editable-In-Grid Checkbox Read-Only

Further control over how a grid can be edited directly is now available. Checkboxes that are editable directly in a grid can now be made read-only when certain conditions exist.

A new field called Read-Only Override is available to override the Editable in Grid option of a Checkbox in the same grid. This can be configured in the Field detail window of the Fields panel on the Panel Management page.

For details on how to configure field behavior at the panel level, see the section on Workflow Configurations in the Product Design Guide.

Document Templates Module Now Shared Between Policy, Billing & Claims

The Policy, Billing and Claims modules are now using the same Document Templates module. This will produce a more consistent look and feel when accessing document templates from various modules in Bridge, and allow all document templates to be stored in the same place.

When viewing the Document Template List from the Policy module system, the following changes will be apparent:

  • The View File column has been renamed to File.
  • A Code column has been added.
  • The Line of Business column has been removed.
  • A Product column has been added.
  • The Validate All column has been removed.
  • A Culture column has been added and will be hidden by default.
  • Clicking on the Name of a document will now open the Document Template window, instead of opening a new page.

The Upload Document Template button has been removed from the Master Document panel on the Master Cover - Documents/Forms page.

For more information on managing document templates, see the Managing Document Templates section in the Product Design Guide.

The following changes have been made to the Export / Import page:

  • The Export Document Templates and Import DocumentTemplates panels have been moved to the new Export / Import Document Templates page.
  • A new Export / Import DocumentTemplates panel has been added, which contains a link to the new Export / Import Document Templates page.

For more information on exporting or importing document templates, see the Exporting and Importing Document Templates section in the Export / Import section of the Product Design Guide.

Associated Documents Can Be Generated And Combined From All Quote Versions

A transaction may have multiple quote versions and each of those versions can produce multiple Associated Documents. A new feature has been added so that all of these documents can be combined into a single output document. This is useful for presenting and comparing the documents produced by the various quote versions.

The Generate For Each QuoteVersion checkbox has been added to the Associated Document window in the Associated Document panel on the Master Cover - Documents/Forms page. When checked, a copy of the associated document will be generated from each quote version where the status matches one of those selected in the master document configuration.

When unchecked, the associated document will only be generated for the quote version used to generate the output document.

 For more information on Associated Documents, see the Adding a Document or Form section in the Documents/Forms section of the Master Covers Guide.

New Settings for Creating Endorsements

New settings have been added to control how Endorsements are made. Two fields have been added to the Miscellaneous Settings panel on the Master Cover – Policy Settings:

  • A Prompt for Endorsement Effective Date checkbox has been added. When checked, a detail window to prompt a user to enter the Effective Date of an endorsement will appear when they click on Endorse in the Actions widget. This is useful for creating an endorsement with an Effective Date that is prior to the endorsement’s creation date. It can also be useful for keeping the endorsement’s Effective Date in-sequence with the dates of the other transactions in the term.
  • An Endorsement Source Transaction radio button has been added to specify how the system should select a policy transaction from which to create an endorsement. The system can now be configured to use the transaction that was used to initiate the endorsement, or to use the latest bound New Business, Renewal or Endorsement transaction whose coverage period includes the endorsement’s Effective Date.

For details on configuring rules for endorsements, see the section on Policy Settings in the Master Covers Guide.

Account Number Details now Available in Certain Billing Reports

In order to provide additional information about accounts, two optional columns have been added to Billing reports.

  • The Bill to Party Account Number column is available as an additional column in the Receipts report, accessed through the Billing, Reports, then Collections menus.
  • The Account Number column is available as an additional column in the Online Payments report, accessed through the Billing, Reports, then Collections menus.

Additional columns can be added to the report by right-clicking the grid header, opening the Select Columns list, checking the columns to add, then selecting Apply Changes.

For details on the Receipts report, see the section on Receipts Report in the User Guide – Billing document.

For details on the Online Payments report, see the section on Receipts Report in the User Guide – Billing document.

Version 2.4.83Bridge User Guide2.4.83 Release Notes

2.4.83 Minor Enhancements and Functionality Fixes


  • Drop Down control types are now supported for use with the Editable in Grid feature.


  • Users would sometimes be able to enter more characters into a textbox than specified by its Maximum Length. This is because some older versions of Bridge did not support this feature. The code has since been updated to ensure that this feature is fully supported.
  • Placeholders in the Policy module that referenced certain data from the Billing module were not being populated. This was caused by a limitation that only allowed such placeholders to return numerical values. The placeholders have been enhanced, and can now return all data types.
  • A server error could occur when trying to publish an imported workflow. This would occur when the system did not successfully match fields to their codes during import, producing Null values. This has been corrected to identify and correct missing information during import.
  • When viewing the list of claims e-mail configurations, the Recipients column was displaying internal codes instead of recipient names. This was due to the system reading the data from the wrong internal resource. This has been corrected, and the recipients are now displayed correctly.
  • When confirming a cancellation transaction, a server error could occur. This was due to the fact that the text supplied for the Cancellation Reason exceeded five-hundred characters. To correct this problem, the system will now accommodate the maximum number of characters that can be stored within two gigabytes of memory.
  • When viewing a claim, the screen resolution or a significant amount of content in the widgets could cause one or more widgets to extend off the bottom of the screen. When this occurred, there would be no scrollbar to allow access to the hidden areas of the widgets. The scrollbar has been enabled.
  • The validation that would warn users that they were trying to save an older version of the submission would not occur when necessary. A recent update of the code disabled this validation. The code has been further updated to ensure that it will occur when necessary.
  • A system error could occur when a transaction entered quoted status following an accepted compliance referral. This would occur due to the system performing a calculation on an outdated version of the data. The system now uses the correct version.
  • When importing a product, the process would sometimes abort with a system error. This can occur whenever the product file being imported has identifiers containing upper-case characters. The system will now ensure that all product files contain identifiers that use only lower-case characters.
  • A validation error would occur when publishing a workflow, referring to fields missing from shared workflows. This would occur if the formula in a calculated field referenced a field code without exactly matching the case of the code. This has been corrected to ignore case when referencing field codes.
  • When trying to upload a data file to a Domain / Rate Table configuration, an error would appear about the "type initializer" throwing an exception. This was caused by an incorrect setting in the internal component used to import the file. This setting has been corrected.
  • When adding claim payments, clicking Add & New or Save & New then clicking Close would close the window but not refresh the payments list until the entire page was refreshed. This was due to the Close button not being set to refresh the page. This has been corrected so that the Close button will now refresh the page.
  • An error would occur on Calculate Quote due to a related OFAC Compliance Scan integration service call failing. This occurred because Bridge received a code update that made it incompatible with the Compliance Scan service. A further update to the code has been made to ensure that Bridge and the service are compatible.
  • When printing documents that contained premium grids, the Transaction Premium and Term Premium columns would be empty. This was caused by the system incorrectly storing the premium values. Values are now being stored properly, and are available for documents.
  • When printing documents, the currency information would sometimes be missing and replaced with: “()”. This would occur when the system mistakenly overwrote the existing values. The system has been corrected so that the currency data will not be overwritten.
  • Some calculated fields would sometimes display quote option values without a quote option having been selected. This occurred due to system operations that would prematurely populate these fields. The system will now populate these fields only after a quote option has been selected.
  • When using the SaveToField() function within a grid, data would be saved to the first row instead of the current row. This was due to the system incorrectly tracking the rows. This has been corrected, and the function will now save to the same row where the function is being calculated.
  • A server error would occur in a Data Source Configuration when saving a Filter set to a Constant Value. This was introduced by a recent enhancement that mistakenly inserted a 0 for the unused Field selection in the filter. This has been corrected to save the Field selection as null when no field is selected.
  • When creating or modifying a document template, the Document Template List would not update. This was due to an error in the code that would prevent the list from displaying the change. The code has since been fixed to ensure that any newly created or modified document templates get displayed.
  • When trying to reset a password, the expected password-reset email would not be delivered. This occurred because a recent Bridge update temporarily disabled this feature. The code has since been updated to ensure that the email is delivered.
  • A server error would occur when creating a new FNOL in certain environments. This was caused by an old system file interfering with the application. This file has been removed.

Version 2.4.83Bridge User Guide2.4.83 Release Notes



2.4.83 Core Enhancements 2

2.4.83 Minor Enhancements and Functionality Fixes 7


Account Number Details now Available in Certain Billing Reports 6

Address Matcher Web Service Has Been Replaced 3

Associated Documents Can Be Generated And Combined From All Quote Versions 5

Auto Class Code Lookup Web Service Has Been Added 3


Document Templates Module Now Shared Between Policy, Billing & Claims 4


Enhancements 7

External Links Can Be Used To Download Files 2


Fixes 7


New Calculate Refund Action Available for Integration Configurations 2

New Option to Make Editable-In-Grid Checkbox Read-Only 3

New Settings for Creating Endorsements 5


Purpose of This Document 1

Version 2.4.83Bridge User Guide2.4.83 Release Notes

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