Composition of the Ecosphere water over time

Ecosphere Water Quality Data - With Bacteria, Snails & Algae
Parameter / After 100 days
Turbidity / Within acceptable levels
Dissolved Oxygen / Within acceptable levels
Carbon Dioxide (CO2) / Within acceptable levels
Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx) / Within acceptable levels
Ammonia (NHx) / Within acceptable levels
Dissolved Phosphorus (POx) / Within acceptable levels
Organic Phosphorus (P) / Within acceptable levels
*x stands for a number (2, 3, 4, etc).
Turbidity: measured in Nephelometric Turbidity Units (NTU)
A measurement that provides an estimate of the muddiness or cloudiness of the water due to clay, silt, fine organic and inorganic matter, soluble colored organic compounds, plankton, and microscopic organisms. A nephelometer is used to measure how much light is scattered by suspended particles in the water. The greater the scattering, the higher the turbidity. Therefore, low NTU values indicate high water clarity, while high NTU values indicate low water clarity.
Carbon Dioxide (CO2): Carbon Dioxide dissolves in water and combines with other chemicals in the water to form various compounds.
Nitrogen and Phosphorus are essential to the growth of organisms. Nitrogen and Phosphorus present in water may be bound up in plant or animal tissue, in which case it is referred to as "organic".
Ecosphere Water Quality Data - No Algae. (has shrimp and bacteria)
Parameter / After 100 days
Turbidity / Just barely within acceptable range
Dissolved Oxygen / Significantly below acceptable levels
Carbon Dioxide (CO2) / Above acceptable levels and increasing
Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx) / Within acceptable levels
Ammonia (NHx) / Significantly below acceptable levels
Dissolved Phosphorus (POx) / Within acceptable levels
Organic Phosphorus (P) / Significantly above acceptable levels
Ecosphere Water Quality Data - No Bacteria. (has shrimp and algae)
Parameter / After 100 days
Turbidity / Significantly above acceptable levels
Dissolved Oxygen / Within acceptable levels
Carbon Dioxide (CO2) / Just below acceptable levels
Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx) / Significantly below acceptable levels
Ammonia (NHx) / Significantly above acceptable levels
Dissolved Phosphorus (POx) / Significantly below acceptable levels
Organic Phosphorus (P) / Significantly above acceptable levels
Ecosphere Water Quality Data - No Shrimp. (has bacteria and algae)
Parameter / After 100 days
Turbidity / Within acceptable levels
Dissolved Oxygen / Within acceptable levels
Carbon Dioxide (CO2) / Within acceptable levels
Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx) / Within acceptable levels
Ammonia (NHx) / Significantly below acceptable measures (at 0).
Dissolved Phosphorus (POx) / Within acceptable levels
Organic Phosphorus (P) / Within acceptable levels