Group Evaluation Form for N401: Public policy paper and debate

Use this form to rate your group members for the public policy group paper and debate. If you are completely satisfied with the contributions of all group members, you need not complete this form; the instructor will assume that 100% participation was given.

DATE: ______Group Topic ______

Evaluator: ______

Please write your name here

Group Work Assignment: ______

Please record your group contribution scores for one project/assignment and turn in the form to the instructor when the project/assignment is due. All information will be kept confidential. Your evaluation of other group members will NOT be shown to them unless you notify me or the teaching assistants in writing otherwise. Do NOT include your name (nor score yourself) in the table.

Group Member Name – Alphabetical Order
(Last Name, First Name) / Contribution Score
(Possible range 0 - 100%)

Guidelines for scoring contributions:

90.0% - 100% (A) Frequent and useful participation. Participation included significant conceptual insight. Completion of tasks in a timely manner and with high quality. Encouraged others to participate. Acknowledged, integrated, and built on the comments of others. Helped keep discussions and writing organized and on target. Helped identify and distribute necessary case study tasks with appropriate deadlines for completion among group members. Attended all group meetings.

80.0% - 89.9% (B) Offered some new information or insight. Participation and presence at group meetings were consistently high. Completed case study tasks in a timely manner and with good quality.

70.0% - 79.9% (C) Participated irregularly although attended most group meetings. Completion of case study tasks was late or of mediocre quality.

60.0% - 69.9% (D) Missed several key group meetings. Offered little or no new information or insight into the analysis of the assignments. Contribution to the completion of the assignment was minimal or of poor quality. Behavior may have impeded group process and progress.

<60.0% (F) No contribution was made towards the completion of the assignment (i.e., conceptual information, analysis, group organization, discussion integration, literature review, etc.). May or may not have attended group meetings.