No lead article this week


A Calendar of Prayer for our Presbytery


4- Doug Hatch, Teaching Elder

11 - Bert More, Teaching Elder

18 - Marena Vittorio Schindler, Teaching Elder

25 - Mark Montfort, Teaching Elder

Prayers of joy

Congratulations to Teaching Elder , Sharan Knoell Rosso and Gerard Rosso, got married on September 6th, 2015.

Prayers of healing

Prayers for Dorothy Friedmann(elder, deacon) of Stamford suffered a stroke and under 24 hour care at home.

Prayers for Rev. Duane Buddle, of Delhi, the United Ministry of currently recovering.

Prayers for Janet Schwengber, Commissioned Lay Pastor, who is having health issues.

Prayers for Ina Cathy, Judi Gages mother and for Laurens Presbyterian.

Please contact Committee on Ministry co-chairs, Mark Montfort and Pat Raube if you have a pastoral care concern or need.


Other News


All are Saturday Mornings --- Same Checklist as 2014

October 17 - Binghamton United 9:30-11
October 24 - First Presbyterian, Delhi 9:30-11
November 7 -- East Guilford, 9:30-11
November 14 - First Presbyterian (Brown Door) Oneonta - 9-11


Remind Employees To Check Their Benefits Coverage

Annual enrollment, now through November 13, is the chance for employees to review, choose, and change benefits coverage.

During this time, employees may
change their level of medical coverage;
enroll in or make changes to dental coverage; and
apply for or change supplemental death benefits coverage.
Annual enrollment is the only time employees can enroll for or make changes to these benefits for 2016 unless they experience a qualifying life event during the year (such as marriage or the birth of a child). It's also a good time for employees to review their savings and investments in the Retirement Savings Plan of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) (RSP) in preparation for a secure retirement.

Look for the annual enrollment postcard in your mail soon, and visit for additional information.


Mission, Fun & Fellowship Gathering

A Presbytery Wide fellowship gathering will be taking place on Monday, November 2 –and YOU are invited! The day will include shared mission work as well as fun, fellowship, and feasting. ALL are invited –Ruling Elders, Pastors, and other interested PSV persons!

In the morning (time to be determined), we look to gather at a location somewhere in the Binghamton – Nineveh – Bainbridge corridor, so as to be convenient for those coming from all quarters of the presbytery. We are currently seeking an opportunity in / near one of those locations to participate together in Mission. Please send us your suggestions and contact information for the people / organization involved!
* Location will be posted on the PSV website by October 20

Ideally, the activity would allow all of us to gather and work together, or at least in groups; and also would be activity(ies) that could include the varying levels of vip, vim and vigor that constitute who we are as a presbytery.

Following this, the saints at Nineveh Presbyterian Church have offered their facilities to us for part two of the day: some light games and fun activities (i.e., Corn Hole / bean bag toss, Karaoke, etc.); a time for sharing and offering our talents with one another (do you sing or play an instrument? do you do magic tricks? do you have a hobby or interest you could tell us about briefly?); and some feasting together with a full table of salads, sides, main course, drinks and desert! We will look to finish up by mid-afternoon so as to leave the rest of the day and evening free for you.

We are also looking for volunteers whose gifts might run along the lines of something that could help enhance our experience even more –do you make signs? Enjoy producing paper or e-brochures? Do you love to cook so that you could help prepare one or more of the dishes?

There will be no cost to you for this gathering, as the Committee on Ministry is throwing the party and you’re invited! Please respond to Christine at the presbytery office with your RSVP () or 607-323-4477, ability to help out, talents you’d like to share, and for any questions.

Please post this flyer at church. We look forward to seeing you there!

Mark Montfort, Mark Piedmonte, Sarah Hooker, Emrys Tyler, Christine Rogalski –planning team extraordinaire.


Roast Pork Dinner at the Unadilla Presbyterian Church

On Saturday, October 24, 2013 from 4:00 – 7:00 p.m. there will be a Roast Pork Dinner in the fellowship hall of the Unadilla Presbyterian Church at 156 Main Street, Unadilla. The menu will include roast pork tenderloin, mashed potatoes, gravy, dressing, winter squash, applesauce, & homemade apple and pumpkin pies (served with cheddar cheese & whipped cream) and beverage. This fundraiser is to benefit church operations and the church’s mission outreach.

For more information, call David Johnson (607-369-9431) or Louise Lesh (607-369-9579). (The church of handicapped accessible via the entrance ramp on the Church Street side of the church and the elevator indoors.) Take-outs will be available.



Day of Recovery “PATHWAYS”

Sponsored by the SUNY Oneonta Counseling Center
Rehabilitation Support Services; NAMI Otsego County

October 17, 2015
108 Ravine Parkway, Oneonta NY
Registration begins at 9:30 with speakers starting promptly at 10:00
Refreshments will be served

Join us for a day to celebrate recovery from mental health conditions and addictions to increase awareness that recovery is possible. Three speakers will share their recovery journey. A panel of local agencies will highlight their programs and there will be round table discussions. This event is open to the public and is free. Advance registration is required as seating is limited.


First Presbyterian Church Hosts Holiday Bazaar

With the Christmas Season fast approaching, many may be interested in getting their shopping done early by attending the Holiday Bazaar at the First Presbyterian Church in Delhi on Saturday, November 7th from 9 am to 2 pm.

Highlights include Country Crafts, a huge White Elephant sale with used books, homemade, new and gently used Christmas items, Children items, a Bake Sale with homemade baked goods, a used Jewelry table, Plants and a Silent Auction.

Brunch will be served from 11 am to 1 pm. The menu includes quiche, salad, assorted bread and rolls, fruit crisp and a beverage for $7.00 per person.

First Presbyterian Church is located at 4 Clinton Street, Delhi. The church is handicap accessible through the side elevator entrance or the ramps off to the side and parking lot areas. For more information, please call the church office at (607)746-2155.


Crestfield Camp offering 'A Faithful Response to Bullying & Suicide' retreats

Apparently, fall has started. Not that I am complaining about the ongoing warm weather. But as is human-nature, it seems important we talk about it.

Speaking of important that we talk about it� Our Middle School Retreats are coming up. Yes, I said "retreats" since we are hosting the same retreat twice � because we think it’s an important topic.

Broken: A Faithful Response to Bullying & Suicide

November 13-15th and 20-22nd

We believe this retreat is the wider church doing what Christ calls us to do: to lead from the front, be pro-active and offer the tangible love of Jesus Christ in meaningful ways.

Middle School Retreat (MSR) 2015 will respond in a Christ-centered way to the issue that is destroying our youth, their families and any hope many have for the future. We are not seeking to give answers, but in tangible ways offer information, support and a real and relevant view on how much Christ cares for our youth.

We expect this retreat to fill up (two times over) as it's being pitched to all of you in our Synod � The Synnod of the Trinity.

So check out Crestfield's website here on how to register and for more detailed information on what great healing and wholeness we are prayerfully trying to do with this retreat. The Synod also wrote a story on the retreat and explains a little more about what is being planned. You can read it by clicking here.

Check out Crestfield Camp on Twitter (@crestfieldcamp) as we get closer to the dates.

Paul Humphreys

Program Director for Outreach & Disciple-Making

Crestfield Camp & Conference Center
Ph: (412) 327-1598


Sisters and Brothers in Faith,

It warms my heart when I hear about young people who are faithful in preserving God’s creation, so this month's story about a local teenager who operates a totally “green” lawn care service is truly gratifying. Please read about Noah and his good works—he’s already accomplished so much and has a bright future ahead of him!

Keeping with a youth theme, please join other national faith-based communities in observing the Children’s Sabbath, October 16–18, and help improve children’s lives in your community and across the country. Resources and information are available below.

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Domestic violence is one of the most insidious problems underlying all communities. We should be prepared to help victims, or potential victims, so please make use of the fantastic resources offered by our Presbyterian Health, Education & Welfare Association.

2015 marks the 45th anniversary of Self-Development of People. The SDOP program is a testament to people who work daily to empower the oppressed and fight for those who struggle for social and economic justice. They are truly a transformative group, and I believe you’ll be inspired by their story.

Click here

Faithfully in Christ,

Sara Pottschmidt Lisherness
Director, Compassion, Peace and Justice Ministry======