April 14, 2015
Dear Parents,
This letter is to inform you that Mrs. Wither’s Language Arts classes are working on a scrapbook for the last quarter of the school year. This project will be a major grade for this quarter. Creativity is encouraged, as the scrapbook should be something each student will want to keep for years to come. Although a student’s artistic ability will not be part of the grading rubric, he/she will be graded for creative effort. We will have ample class time to complete the required writing assignments for the scrapbook, and students are encouraged to complete the writing in class to minimize work at home. All essays must be typed. If students wish to use special paper for printing the essays, it must be brought to school. The final scrapbook must also be bound. Students may use card stock paper for the front and back and bind it using ribbon or any other creative binding that they choose. Please read over the requirements on the back of this letter in order to help your student with the scrapbook. If you have questions, please contact me at . Thank you for your support!
Raeya Withers
- Must include 8 typed essays (two are required and six you choose from list)
- Must be bound
- Must have both front and back covers
- Must have some pictures and miscellaneous memorabilia such as:
ticket stubsnotesnewspaper clippings
Mandatory Written Pages:
Choose eight topicsfrom the list below, and write an essay for each topic. These will be the mandatory written pages of your scrapbook. All essays must be at least a minimum of three paragraphs (about one page) typed, except for the self-portrait which is a two-page minimum.The font styles for the essays are your choice (except for the Self-Portrait which must be a Times New Roman, size 12 font), but it must be readable (please do not use outrageously fancy and hard to read fonts). The essays must also be double-spaced with one inch margins. You will submit one completed essay each week for a weekly writing/journal grade, and you will be given time to work on these each week in class!
- Most influential person
- Most memorable moment this year
- Favorite thing about school
- Self-portrait (detailed) –required 2-page minimum, Times New Roman, size 12
- Funniest moment
- Scariest moment
- Proudest moment
- Most embarrassing moment
- My best friend
- Most important lesson learned
- My future– required
Extra Pages: You may choose to add extra pages; however, these may not be substituted for the mandatory written pages. You can earn up to ten points for any extra pages. The highest grade on this project is 110!
- Family Page
- Additional writing (poems, essays, songs, letters)
- My Favorites (TV program, song, car color, hang out, hobby, sport, book, etc.)
- Whatever other type of page (appropriate) you want to include