Brenda’s Pet Services * 7 Market Street, Barnesville, GA 30204 * 770 358-3006

~~ A T T A C H C U R R E N T R A B I E S C E R T I F I C A T I O N ~~

Owner's Name:______Pet's Name:______

Email address: ______Breed & Gender:______

Complete Address:______

Has your pet ever bit or attempted to bite anyone? ______

Phone# (h)______(wk)______(c) ______Emergency#______

Dogs must be on a leash & collar.Cats in a carrier.Birds in a cage. ____(Initial here please)

Veterinarian:______Ph Number ______

Date of last rabies shot______Was it 1 yr or 3 yr? ______

Medical Problems (ie skin allergies, seizures)?______


Owner understands this is an appointment only business; therefore it is very important that the pet arrives at Brenda’s within 5 minutes of scheduled appointment time. It is also very important pet is picked up within 15 mins of ended appointment as another pet will be coming for their appointment and deserve the same attention as Brenda was able to give to your pet. Dogs must be on a leash & collar. Cats in a carrier,or leash & collar. Birds in a cage.

As an appointment only grooming shop, a scheduled appointment that is not kept and results in a no-show incurs a Loss of Income fee to the client of $45.00 per appointment. All appointments must be canceled no less than 48 hours in advance to 770 358-3006 to assure appointment can be refilled with another client and no fees incurred. No emails to cancel or change appt. Balance must be paid in full before any further appointments are scheduled.

If pet is hurt or becomes ill, Brenda’s Pet Services (BPS) has permission to call or take pet to veterinarian of our choice if pet's vet is inaccessible; or administer medication; or give other advisable attention, with our discretion and judgment, and such expenses will be paid promptly by owner unless injury is direct result of negligence of BPS. BPS will not be held responsible for any sickness or injury caused by the pet to itself during grooming or boarding.

BPS is not responsible for any accidental death of pet of the nature of pre-existing health condition or natural disasters (fire, storm, flood, etc.).

BPS will not be held responsible for clipperburn and/or minor nicks resulting from grooming of matted, neglected coats or for irritation caused by removing coat from pets possessing mild to severe skin allergy, nor will we be held responsible for stressful effects grooming may have upon an elderly pet.

BPS will be notified of any claims by owner regarding compensation for medical attention given as a result of alleged negligence on our part within 48 hours. In the event we dispute owner's claim, we will personally consult the attending veterinarian prior to settling any claim.

BPS reserves the right to charge additional fees for services we consider over and above the norm covered by our standard rates. We also reserve the right to refuse service to customers whose pet may pose a threat to me or to the other pets left in my care, whether it be an aggression problem, health problem, or parasite problems (including fleas).

Owner agrees to be responsible for any property damages by pet. Owner understands he/she is to park in designated area only.

If the pet is not called for within three (3) days of stated time of return, BPS has the right to dispose of pet as BPS see fit (in most cases, placement in a suitable home) at that time. This statement serves as notice to further notice will be given.

I am here to serve you and your pet to the best of my ability; if you have any problems, please notify Brenda J Mitchell. Signature: ______Date:______