Open House Checklist

Brenda L. Tholin Future Executive Senior Sales Director 10/15

I like to plan a minimum of 2 weeks out!

___invite a minimum of 100 people

___create a face book event and continue posting daily in the event page to create enticement

___Allot for a 3 hour time frame, not an all day!

___Have several dates booked for future open houses so if someone can’t attend you can immediately tell them your future dates

___print invitations so you can hand out to people you may see or run into and mail others that you won’t see 2 weeks prior

___Send a SAVE the date on email AND text 3-4 weeks prior AND post in your Facebook event

___1 week prior email, text and post in your face book event and call everyone you have invited.

If they say “Yes, say GREAT, I look forward to seeing you at ___. Also, feel free to bring a friend and you’ll receive a gift certificate” (I give a $5 gift certificate for a guest)Even better, I like to encourage them to bring 3 friends and she can be a hostess and I give them the hostess extravaganza hand out so she sees what is in it for her and be sure to coach like any other hostess. Of course, at your open houses you can have 1 more than 1 hostess.

If they say “no” say “I’m so sorry you won’t be at my open house, is there any reason why you wouldn’t like to book your own open house and receive FREE product or would you like to attend my next open house?” Pause (have another date on your calendar)

Her own open house: “Which is better for you? ____ or ____(Pick 2 days you want to work) Is ___ or ____(time) better for you? GREAT! (pause) I’ll check back with you on ____(in 2 days) to get your guest list so I may send invites and create an email for you to forward to your guests! Also, you may want to create a face book event for your guests. Thank you ______and I’m so looking forward to meeting with you!

____Call, text, email and post in your face book event 1 day prior to the Open House to remind everyone and confirm the time and location.

At the Open House:

___Plan light refreshments like coffee, hot chocolate, water or seltzer AND cookies or cheese and crackers.

___Have your starter kit out with:

___sales tickets, business cards, customer profile cards and Look books with your contact information on the back

___I like to do satin hands with their choice of flavor

___door prize or gift certificate

___Always offer a gift with purchase (usually $40 or more is when they get a gift, I use the current samplers we can purchase like the mini oil-free eye makeup remover or a mini microdermabrasion.

___display the Cadillac collection roll up and current product promos

___have the create a roll up sheets printed in color

___If you need help or have questions ask your recruiter or director, having a sister consultant there to assist is a good idea as well! She can help you and then you can help her another time.

__ If you have time and no one is there call, text and email your customers (Often times at the last minute someone may not be able to attend but they will still order)

After the open house:

___Send handwritten thank you notes to all that attended. Women love to be appreciated!

___Place orders immediately for items you didn’t have in stock. Women don’t like to wait and it shows great customer service to offer products asap.

Thoughts to keep in mind:

Please keep in mind it doesn’t matter how many actually show up as it can still be successful if you follow my suggestions above! The law of averages are that you will get 15-20% of who you invited will attend. Which is GREAT! The most important aspect of an open house is to inform everyone that you are a gift source and book future appointments.

If you follow these steps diligently you will have a VERY successful open house and have great sales and future bookings!