Breastfeeding System Meeting

Breastfeeding System Meeting

Breastfeeding System meeting

Thursday 7th March 2014 @ 2:00 – 4:00

Room 322 Richmond House

  • Welcome/Introductions

Apologies received from: [Redacted personal information] and [Redacted personal information]

Jane also advised the group that Catherine Pearson has joined the team and they may in due course get emails and correspondence etc. from her.

  • Jane informed the meeting that she had been approached by representatives from UNICEF expressing interest in children’s feeding, Jane felt is was appropriate for them to be involved in the meeting in future and had invited them to attend the meeting once DH and other colleagues had finished discussing official information/Data. Asked if the group agreed that the invitation being extended, it was agreed that it was the correct approach to take.
  • Minutes were looked and no comments or amendments requested
  • Actions from the last meeting

[Redacted personal information] to issue a joint statement on quarterly data collections -[Redacted personal information] has advised that it hasn’t been done as he hadn’t had the minutes from the previous meeting.

  • JV was to find out the name of the NHS England infant feeding policy representative – Birte Harlev-Lam has been contacted and invited to this meeting; however there has been no response from her.

Update on publication of the breastfeeding statistics (27 March) – [Redacted personal information] & [Redacted personal information]

  • Objective:

To implement a collection of 12 week maternal check, breastfeeding initiation & 6-8 weeks data at GP practice level to monitor uptake and effectively commission services

Progress since the last meeting:

  • The conflicting 6-8 breast feeding definition that was included in the health visitor dashboard has been changed as has the dashboard which is now an early year’s profile. The new profiles will be using the same definitions as the official collection.
  • The aggregated data which is coming from both PHE and CCG’s has been collected during 1st to the 28th feb. There has been a positive response to the data collection for the 12 week maternal check and breast feeding initiation as out of 139 maternity providers, 103 had reported using the correct data collection parameters/template, 13 other has responded but had used the old template, only the data for 12 weeks could be extracted from those returns.
  • Of the 110 CHIS providers there were a 91 responses, 4 of the outstanding ones couldn’t submit data at all due to not recording it and some of others reported technical problems.
  • Sarah B will be checking who has submitted data and will be in touch with those that haven’t in order to ensure a return for Q4 data collection.
  • [Redacted personal information] calculating existing profiles
  • [Redacted personal information] asked for the data to be made available to Tracey and it was agreed that she would added to the preapproved circulation list.
  • [Redacted personal information] did say that she would be running a clean-up on governance irregularities before Q4 collection started.
  • [Redacted personal information] also identified that there had been some clusters where data hadn’t come from but on one specific area.
  • JV asked if it would be possible to draw comparisons between the old data collections and the new, but [Redacted personal information] advised that there would be no England data for Q4
  • The data should be published on 27th March

Current issues:

  • Some areas of missing data but this will be addressed for Q4 collection

Next steps:

  • [Redacted personal information] will carry out an exercise around cleaning up issues around governance and some of the irregularities that have been identified
  • Alison Kirby and Bayan Amin to be invited to take part in the next meeting to discuss the data


  • [Redacted personal information] to ensure that the right people are on the pre-approved publishing list for the data, including [Redacted personal information] and [Redacted personal information]
  • [Redacted personal information] to ensure that [Redacted personal information] and [Redacted personal information] are included in the invite for the next meeting
  • [Redacted personal information] to ensure that [Redacted personal information] is included in the invite list
  • After publication of Q3 data [Redacted personal information] will contact all those who couldn’t/haven’t submitted data to ensure that they will have data to submit

Infant Feeding survey

  • The survey is currently funded by DH and it is run through a devolved administration
  • Continued funding for the next financial year has not year been agreed
  • MOU should be signed by early June

Minutes after Sue and Francesca joined.

  • Introductions were made and a brief explanation given for the invite for the meeting.
  • Jane asked if a short agenda for the meeting could be agreed before proceeding and it was agreed the items for discussion where

a) Data and timetables

b) Networks and Work that UNICEF is doing

c) Roles and responsibilities

d) Commissioning communications with Public Healthcare

  • Data and timetables – [Redacted personal information] gave a quick summary of what is happening on the data collection, [Redacted personal information] asked about what level the data is collected and [Redacted personal information] confirmed that Q3 data is collected from source providers and Q4 will be collected at CCG and provider, Annual data is collected at GP level and CCG.

Q3 data will be published 27 March and Q4 data will be published 1July and Q4 data will include annual outcome figure

  • National Infant Feeding System – progress
  • Initial work is underway and the procurement process for hardware is taking place
  • Currently there is no confirmed funding for England for financial year 15/16
  • Commitments from Wales/Scotland and Ireland have been received
  • Networks and UNICEF’s work

Last year DH supplied £30,000 to Unicef to set up network of infant feeding coordinators. This year another £30,000 funding has been supplied for this network .

  • [Redacted personal information] and [Redacted personal information] provided some hardcopies of the new pages on the UNICEF webpage
  • They reported that progress on the network had been patchy but was progressing slowly
  • Elections had been held and regional leads have now been appointed
  • There is now a database available for all 600 infant feeding network members to use it also included all details of all Infant Feeding Leads
  • A branding exercise had been undertaken to ensure that the new products were easily identifiable and corporate approach could be taken
  • A new baby friendly website has been launched giving contact details of all breastfeeding networks available
  • They have been trying to Wales/Ireland and Scotland to adopt the infant feeding networks, to date only Ireland has expressed interest, they are still waiting to hear from Scotland and Wales.
  • Commissioning
  • [Redacted personal information] informed the group that was no details on the website about commissioning infant feeding networks
  • [Redacted personal information] asked if [Redacted personal information] and [Redacted personal information] would find it useful to contact all of the Children’s Centre lead and inform them of the new initiative, they felt that it would be beneficial
  • [Redacted personal information] informed that group that there were now 27 NHS England area teams, [Redacted personal information] asked if there was any overlapping of the teams, SB didn’t think so

A discussion took place around the new role and responsibilities for the group. It was agreed a new name and description of the group was required, it was agreed that the DH membership would come up with a new name and description.


  • DH to develop a new name and description for the group
  • [Redacted personal information] to provide [Redacted personal information] and [Redacted personal information] with a list of all 15 Children’s Centres leads
  • [Redacted personal information] to provide a mapping of NHS England areas to all
  1. Roles and responsibilities
  • [Redacted personal information] suggested that [Redacted personal information] and [Redacted personal information] attend a regional UNICEF meeting to help with the dissemination of information
  • JV suggested that the group meets to discuss what form the information from the data collections should take and what information would be useful and to whom
  • Good practice guidelines on using the information should be used
  • The data should be used to drive forward health improvements and programmes being put in place as a result of good data usage
  • [Redacted personal information] asked if the purpose of the group could be defined and roles and responsibilities by key people could be identified and aligned with the networks


  • JV to write a Terms of Reference for the group, but this is a starting point only and is subject to change following contributions from other members of the group.
  1. Date of next meeting
  • Wednesday 2nd July 2014

Attendees :

Jane Verity (Chair)

[Redacted personal information]

[Redacted personal information]

[Redacted personal information]

[Redacted personal information]

[Redacted personal information]

[Redacted personal information]

Joined after 2.00pm by:

[Redacted personal information]

[Redacted personal information]