Breaking Free Review 3

Breaking Free Review 3


LESSONS 7, 8 and 9


  1. Choose the best option
  1. A: I bought a cell phone online last night! B: Really? I didn’t know you were an ......
  1. Bargain hunterb. online shopperc. mall rat
  1. Sally is not married, she’s ………..
  1. Engagedb. an only childc. single
  1. This is Jackson, and that girl is …… sister
  1. Myb. herc. his
  1. Charly ……… in the morning
  1. Chatb. played gamesc. reads and sends emails
  1. Are …….. your CDs?
  1. Thoseb. thisc. that
  1. What time is it?
  1. Is five to sixb. it’s five fifty-fivec. It’s quarter to six
  1. Andy is very ….. today, his girlfriend broke up with him
  1. Stressed outb. enthusiasticc. sad
  1. I feel really ….., I worked all morning and all afternoon!
  1. Tiredb. happyc. relaxed
  1. These are my …… They are my sister’s children
  1. Aunt and uncleb. niece and nephewc. brother and sister
  1. I’m a total …… I always look for the “on sale” signs on stores
  1. Bargain hunterb. spendthriftc. tightfisted shopper
  1. Complete the words for the definitions
  1. Your mother’s sister and brother are your ………………………………
  2. Your parent’s parents are your ………………………………………………..
  3. The woman married to you is your ………………………………………..and you are her …………………
  4. A person who doesn’t like spending money is ………………………
  5. Someone who loves to go to shopping malls is a …………………….
  1. Complete with IN, ON or AT
  1. Mrs. Marsh lives …… Charleston Ave.
  2. The theatre is …… 45 Crimson Street
  3. The class starts …… three fifteen
  4. We always go shopping ….. Sundays
  5. The kids are …… the library now
  6. She’s from Brazil but she lives ….. Portugal
  7. Her birthday is …… November 4th
  8. They went on holidays …. March last year


  1. Complete the chart with the past form of the verbs. Then complete the questions and answer them with complete sentences

  1. Did you ……. The news this morning?
  2. Where did you …… on your last vacations?
  3. What CD or book did you …….. this year?
  4. Did you …… your bills online last month?
  5. Did you ……… your dog for a walk this morning?
  1. What time is it? Look at the pictures and write the times
  1. Choose the best option to complete the passage

Laurie is my aunt, ………. (her/his) husband Jack is …….. (her/my) uncle. They have two children. ……. (Their/His) names are Sandra and Benny. Benny has a dog, ……… (it’s/its) name is Chad.

Betty is ……. (your/my) best friend. ………. (our/her) family is very big. …….. (Her/She) has five cousins, I can’t remember ……… (your/their) names!

I have a baby brother ……. (his/he) name’s Luke. ……….. (Our/We) parents are Daniel and Julie.

Thomas is stressed out today, …….. (he/his) boss is very busy and ……….. (his/he) asked Thomas to work overtime

We go to a language class in the evenings, ……. (her/our) teacher’s name is Susan