Puffin Class (Year 3/4) Timetable 2011-12 Term 5 Week 3
8.30 – 9.00 / 9.00 -10.00 / 10.00-10.30 / 10.30-11.00 / 11.00 – 11.15 / 11.15 – 12.15 / 12.15 – 12.45 Lunchtime12.45 – 1.15 / 1.15 – 2.15 / 2.15 – 3.15 / After school
Open afternoon / Morning work / 8.50 Sheldon BRP (SG)
9.00 Jazmine Parrots for maths
Numeracy (+LK)
WALT relate addition and subtraction
Teaching: Use dominoes and number line to model how addition and subtraction facts are related (e.g. 5+2 and 7-2).
Activity: (nÀUse dominoes to draw and write related facts; Â Mentally subtract TU-TU)
Support: See note below about AR.
Guided: blue group. / Guided reading (+LK)
See GR timetable below / Whole school assembly
Break time / Spelling (+LK) (Bk 1: Unit 5 oo, u-e, ew, ue / Bk 2: Unit 6 -el, -il, -al) / 11.15 Abigail BRP (LK)
Literacy (+LK 11.30-12.00)
WALT use punctuation correctly in a story
Teaching: Model using exclamation and question marks.
Activity: Finish writing story of The Boy, The Bear, The Baron, The Bard.
Support: LK to support Abigail, supporting her to segment CVC words and providing other words for her to copy.
Guided: focus group. Focus on applying phonics for spelling and on using full stops accurately. / 1.20 Riley BRP (LW)
1.30 McKenzie BRP (KH)
1.40 Chloe BRP (LW)
2.00 Faith BRP (LW)
ICT (Maths)
Times table games. Group children working on same times tables. / Topic (+KH 2.00)
Use books and fact sheet to find out about Henry VIII. / 3.00 Story / SLT
Tuesday / Maths morning work (+LK) / 9.00 Abigail BRP (LK)
9.00 Jazmine Parrots for maths
9.20 McKenzie SALT (SG)
9.40 Colby SALT (SG)
Numeracy (+LK)
WALT subtract by counting up
Teaching: Recap how to use number line for subtraction (counting up)
Activity: Maths on Target p. 101 (n TU-TU; À HTU-TU; Â HTU-HTU)
Support: See note below about AR.
Guided: Use bead string and pegs to find answers. Model how to record this on number line. / Guided reading (+LK)
See GR timetable below / Singing Assembly
Break time / 11.20 Jazmine BRP (SG)
Football (Bristol City coaches) / VCOP
Punctuation kung fu / 1.20 Chloe BRP (LW)
1.30 McKenzie Handwriting (KH)
2.20 Faith BRP (LW)
PPA (+KH 2.00)
Music / PE / PSHE / Marking
Wednesday / Maths morning work (+LK) / 9.00 Jazmine Parrots for maths
Numeracy (+LK)
WALT subtract by bridging through ten
Teaching: Model how to use number bonds to subtract T0-U. Then model to À &  how to subtract single digit by bridging through ten (counting back) and record on number line. Discuss with  when to count forwards and when to count backwards.
Activity: (n T0-U; À TU-U; Â HTU-U)
Support: See note below about AR.
Guided: focus group. Emphasise link with number bonds. / Guided reading (+LK)
See GR timetable below / KS2 Assembly
Break time / Spelling (+LK) / 11.15 Abigail BRP (LK)
Literacy (+LK 11.30-12.00)
WALT write dialogue
Teaching: Show picture from book and discuss what characters might be saying. Add speech bubbles . Include some questions and exclamations, with punctuation.
Activity: Write in speech bubbles (on sheet) to show conversation between boy and baron.
Support: LK to scribe for Abigail.
Guided: focus group. Shared write to include some questions and exclamations. / 1.20 Faith RWI (Parrots)
1.30 McKenzie BRP (KH)
Spelling & x tables tests / 2.00 – 3.00 Premier Sports Multiskills (+KH)
(MK leadership time) / 3.00 Story / Staff meeting
8.25 Briefing
LK covering A.M. / Maths morning work (+LK)
Maths on Target p.110 / 8.50 Jazmine BRP (SG)
9.10 Jazmine Parrots for maths
WALT read and write amounts of money
Starter: Learning Clip ‘Correct Change’ – use whiteboards to show answer
Teaching: Model how to count amounts of money and write amount. Model how to find coins to make given amount.
Activity: (n Count amounts of money then colour coins to make amounts; À Â Find all combinations to spend 10p)
Guided: focus group. Use coins to count and make amounts of money, writing amounts on whiteboards. / Guided reading
See GR timetable below / Church assembly
Break time / Literacy
WALT use speech marks
Teaching: Model how to use speech marks and how to set out dialogue. Show poster with reminders.
Activity: Use sheet from yesterday to write conversation between boy and baron.
Support: Abigail to have sheet with speech marks on to fill in gaps.(copying speech from yesterday).
Guided: blue table. / 1.15 Abigail SALT / Number box (JW)
1.20 Faith RWI (Parrots)
1.20 Riley BRP (LW)
1.30 McKenzie Handwriting (KH)
Handwriting / 1.40 Chloe BRP (LW)
Topic (+KH 2.00) / 3.00 Story / Marking
Leave by 5.00 for appt.
Friday / Parents morning work (+LK)
Counting coins / 8.50 Sheldon BRP (SG)
9.00 Jazmine Parrots for maths
Numeracy (+LK)
WALT solve problems using money
Starter: Learning Clip ‘Correct Change’ – focus on which coins to give as change.
Activity: (n Change from £1 – multiples of 10p; À Change from £1 – multiples of 5p; Â Train tickets problems – using table to find info and writing calculations)
Support: See note below about AR.
Guided: / Guided reading (+LK)
See GR timetable below / Celebration assembly
Break time / Spelling (+LK) / 11.15 Abigail SALT (LK)
11.30 Colby SALT (SG)
11.45 Jazmine BRP (SG)
Literacy (+LK 11.30-12.00)
Guided: / 1.15 Abigaiil SALT / Phonics (SG)
1.20 Faith BRP (LW)
1.30 McKenzie BRP (KH)
1.40 Riley BRP (LW)
VCOP / 2.30 Golden time (+KH)
Free choice – Lego, games, finger knitting, drawing, etc. / 3.00 Story
Break duties: Alternate weekly Week 1 EH & LK assembly / MK & TB playground Week 2 EH & LK playground / MK & TB assembly
Maths - Abigail:
Abigail to first complete independent sheets (counting set of shapes / filling in missing numbers on number line / addition) while LK ensures blue group / green group (depending on which group MK is working with) can get started on task.
Then LK to work with Abigail to practise subtraction:
· Practise counting backwards along the numberline, staying within very familiar numbers (1-10) to start with, and if confident try counting backwards without number line.
· Practise finding the number that comes before a given number on a number line and later without a number line.
· Practise subtraction with objects and a ‘story’ (e.g. I had 5 pencils and I lost 3. How many did I have left?) and ‘act out’ story with objects to find answer.
· Draw pictures to represent subtraction (e.g. 5-3 draw 5 things and cross out 3, count how many are left); teach Abigail how to draw this for herself and record in maths book, e.g. draw 5 circles (one in each square) then cross out 3 herself and write answer.
· Laminate Numicon subtraction covers and use Numicon to model subtraction by covering up and counting what is left (Sticky labels on covers might help, labelling with -1, -2, etc.).
· Practise subtraction by counting backwards along numberline, including some recording in maths book.
· Use coins to act out shop with price labels and objects. Practise finding coins to pay exactly for an object. Start with amounts less than 10p and build up to 30p.
· Teach how to pay 10p and work out change (using coins and objects as before). If confident, extend to paying 20p and working out change.
Each day, begin with familiar activities and introduce one or two new activities. Use some of the sheets to provide a record of the work (trim and stick into maths book).
Guided reading timetable
Year 3 / Lillie, Ellie, Tommy, Connor B, Ryleigh, Billy, Samuel (7) / Welcome to Planet Earth / Independent reading / Comp. / Spelling / Research / Independent reading / individual reading (LK)
Year 3 / Lucy, Ellie-Lou, Reece, Elise, Shane, Ethan (6) / Gobstoppers / Independent reading / Comp. / Spelling / Research / Handwriting
Year 4 / Colby, Riley, Louis, Dylan, Chloe (5) / Gobstoppers / Spelling / Comp. / Individual reading (LK) / Handwriting / Guided (MK) / GR comp.
Year 3
/ Maddy, Josh, Archie, Keira, Jazmine, Faith (6) / Zoom In / Individual reading (LK) / Spelling / Guided (MK) / GR comp. / Handwriting / Comp.
Year 4
/ Connor W, Jordan, Taylor, Shae-Anne, Sheldon, McKenzie (6) / Fantastic Fish / Guided (MK) / Individual reading (LK) / Spelling / Guided (MK) / Handwriting / Guided (MK)
Year 4 / Abigail
Puffin Class (Year 3/4) Timetable 2011-12 Term 5 Week 3
Home reading Term 5 Week 3
Fri 27/4 / Sat 28/4 / Sun 29/4 / Mon 30/4 / Tue 1/5 / Wed 2/5 / Thu 3/5Abigail
Connor B
Connor W