Application to join Prayer Shield around
Out of Our Minds Banners
Thank you for applying to join the prayer shield around Out of Our Minds Banners. You will be joining an international group of faithful intercessors who have been providing a prayer shield around the ministry for more than eight years.
As David and the team at OOOMB have stepped up to another level of ministry internationally, we have noticed that the intensity of the backlash against the ministry has increased.
The role you are about to undertake is a crucial role in providing a prayer shield and “air cover” for the assignments that lie before us. We understand that this is a significant responsibility that you are offering to undertake on our behalf. We covet and will be counting on your prayer support.
We love to receive feedback from the watchmen who are interceding on our behalf. In order to facilitate this, Nikki Phillips, OOOMB's Intercessors Coordinator, receives and compiles the feedback. Please send ANYTHING you receive to Nikki. We have found that often confirmation comes as bits of the puzzle come in from different intercessors around the world.
We will provide you weekly with prayer assignments and feedback on previous assignments and we commit to pray for you as well.
For the security and integrity of the prayer shield we need to ask some questions to make sure we know those who are praying for us.
Please fill in the form on the next page and e-mail or post it back to us.
Nikki Phillips
OOOMB Intercessors Coordinator
Out of Our Minds Banners
PO Box 415
Morehead City, N.C. 28557
OOOMB Prayer Shield Application Form
Please save this form as “Your Name prayer shield.doc' and then fill in the blanks with your responses.
Then save it again and e-mail it with a nice smiley photograph of you to Nikki at .
Name ___________________________________________________________
Address _________________________________________________________
Phone ____________________ Alternate phone _______________________
E-mail ___________________________________________________________
1. How did you come to know David Stanfield and Out of Our Minds Banners?
2. What has motivated you to form part of the prayer shield for this ministry?
3. List your name, address, phone number and e-mail address.
4. List the name and contact details for a Christian leader who would know you well and who could vouch for your integrity as an intercessor.
5. By sending us this application form we understand that you:
a. agree to keep all information received totally confidential and not share it with any other person.
b. have committed to pray at least weekly for David and his team, except under exceptional circumstances, until such time as you feel released from this assignment.
c. will send feedback to the Intercessor Coordinator if the Lord shows you anything in regard to the ministry or the prayer requests.
d. will let us know when you feel you are released from this assignment.
Don’t forget to attach a nice smiley photo! We can crop the photo for you if necessary.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have.
Nikki Phillips
OOOMB Intercessors Coordinator
Out of Our Minds Banners
PO Box 415,
Morehead City NC 28557