Student Feedback
Branch: ………………………University of Nottingham Sub Aqua Club #822 ………………………………………………
Number of students: ……20……………..
Instructors Name(s) / Grade(s)Ignore me / Ignore me
Student Information: for each of the following please select the answer that most closely related to your experience.
- What is the highest qualification you hold?
None / ☐ / A-levels / ☐
Apprenticeship / ☐ / Degree / ☐
NVQ / ☐ / Master’s degree / ☐
GCSEs or equivalent / ☐ / PhD / ☐
- Prior to starting the Ocean Diver Course I knew:
Nothing about diving / ☐
A little about diving / ☐
A reasonable amount about diving / ☐
Lots about diving / ☐
- Regarding the theory lessons please rate the following 1 -5 with 1 being strongly disagree and 5 strongly agree.
I found the content easy to understand / Choose an item.
The lessons were a suitable length / Choose an item.
The lessons taught me the topics well / Choose an item.
The slides were visually appealing / Choose an item.
The lessons contained all the information I needed / Choose an item.
The instructor explained the information clearly / Choose an item.
I found attending the sessions essential to develop my in water skills and understanding / Choose an item.
The materials presented were high quality / Choose an item.
The theory lessons enthused me to further progress my diving skills / Choose an item.
The theory lessons were interactive / Choose an item.
The theory paper questions were easy to understand / Choose an item.
- Regarding the pool lessons please rate the following 1 -5 with 1 being strongly disagree and 5 strongly agree.
I found the skills easy to understand / Choose an item.
I gained sufficient knowledge of SCUBA equipment and pre dive checks / Choose an item.
My skills progressed well with each pool session / Choose an item.
The pool sessions were enjoyable / Choose an item.
I felt safe in the pool sessions / Choose an item.
The instructors demonstrations helped me understand the skills / Choose an item.
I found attending the pool sessions essential to develop my in water skills and understanding / Choose an item.
The pool lessons enthused me to further progress my diving skills / Choose an item.
- Regarding the open water lessons please rate the following 1 -5 with 1 being strongly disagree and 5 strongly agree.
I found the skills easy to understand / Choose an item.
I gained sufficient knowledge of SCUBA equipment and pre dive checks / Choose an item.
My skills progressed well with each open water session / Choose an item.
The open water sessions were enjoyable / Choose an item.
I felt safe in the open water sessions / Choose an item.
The instructors demonstrations helped me understand the skills / Choose an item.
I found attending the open water sessions essential to develop my in water skills and understanding / Choose an item.
The open water lessons enthused me to further progress my diving skills / Choose an item.
- Upon completion of Ocean Diver please rate the following 1 -5 with 1 being strongly disagree and 5 strongly agree.
I feel confident to develop my diving skills further / Choose an item.
I will continue diving with a BSAC Club / Choose an item.
I am likely to take further BSAC Training Courses / Choose an item.
I would recommend BSAC diver training to friends / Choose an item.
- Any further comments?
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