Date: / 3 Feb 2016
Time: / 7pm
Venue: / Ivanhoe Business Park
Meeting No: / -



Initials / Name / Initial / Name / Initial / Name
PW / Phil Wilson / JJ / John Johnstone / LFP / Lizz Fields-Pattinson
KS / Kevin Swift / GSM / Gary Musson / MC / Mark Creed
DT / Dan Terry / CM / Chris Marsh / EB / Eric Barbour
T (HSEC) / Tristan (HSEC Employee)


Initials / Name / Initial / Name / Initial / Name
CW / Catherine Wilkes / DB / Dom Barraclough / JJ / John Johnstone
KS / Kevin Swift
/ Welcome from the Chair / PW
/ Branch Business / PW
/ Discussion Forum / Committee
/ Closing remarks from Chair / PW
(if applicable)
2 / March Branch Meeting – Connect Ergonomic specialists – a practical session that requires people to be in the room ideally to go through some exercises to help explain why we suffer from back and neck pain when sitting and driving.
  • Branch needs to request IIRSM for travel expenses for them.
  • Invitation required ASAP to check attendance before the night.
Regional Group Update
PW noted the change in venue and timing of the next IIRSM Branch forum that we usually have an attendance at. This change had not been made with any real discussion among those who attend.
GSM reported that he was involved in the IIRSM Groups Advisory Forum. In his opinion there appeared to be little activity, despite much discussion from IIRSM central. He has contacted IIRSMwith his feedback at the seeming lack of action, following much debate and discussion. The group agreed that it seemedwe are putting a lot of effort into supporting the IIRSM in getting more groups together, but this effort does not seem to be reciprocated in how IIRSM central is supporting its branches. / PW
3 / Discussion Forum
Mark Creed- New Sentencing Guidelines - Does anyone understand the potential repercussions for businesses now that H&S will be considered in the same way as other regulatory issues such as Data Protection are? Billed as the most significant development since the 1974 Act, are consultants fully conversant with how the changes will be enforced and what this means for the smaller business?
The discussion stemmed around understanding that the focus would now be on potential harm not actual harm which is similar to other regulatory issues like data protection. Risk of injury is now risk of harm. Currently few prosecutions but will this now increase? How will it fit in with the enforcing authorities? Does there need to be a change in enforcement? Is it going to mean more court cases or more fines? Corporate level may start to take more interest if the fines are big enough or get to a personal level, but without more enforcement they will not pay attention. Smaller businesses are unlikely to be that aware of the change. What can we do to influence companies via the IIRSM?
IIRSM could put together some information outlining the main points. Currently the guidelines are too large and complicated to pull out the relevant information. It would be useful to something aimed at various size businesses that summarises the key areas and where to go for more information.
Lizz Fields-Pattinson – Behavioural Safety - Is there an acceptance that it is human nature to break rules and therefore we can’t stop people taking short cuts? Why do people not follow the procedures as laid down and not get challenged for it? Culturally there are shortfalls if people need to be policed to work safely.
The discussion moved onto lone working and groups of workers (possibly volunteers) who are relied on to act as per guidelines,however we often only really find out if this is happening when something goes wrong.
Training is important but it’s the culture of the business that makes the difference to how people conduct themselves. People make mistakes but it’s the deliberate decisions not to follow guidance that is frustrating for companies who invest money by putting these risk assessments and policies together. Strong leadership was suggested as the key to getting people to work safely and follow rules. Everyone aware of companies where a lot is expected from the operational teams but the Senior Management do little to support their HSE teams by not following the basic rules themselves.
The discussion moved to the NHS and how to get people to speak out about the errors that take place. This includedthe fear of being blamed and found at fault which leads to issues/incidents being covered up and/or not reported and investigated effectively (another lost opportunity to learn). / PW
4 / PW ended the meeting by thanking everyone for their input.

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