Trilateration and Triangulation

2 marks ques-

Q-1.Where EDM instruments are used ?

Q-2.What do you mean by satellite station and reduction to centre ?

Q-3.Define trilateration and triangulation ?

7 marks ques-

Q-1.Write short notes on-

  1. Reduction of observation.
  2. Strength of figure.
  3. Station marks and signals.

Q-2.Discuss about the principle and classification of triangular system ?

Q-3.What is meant by a satellite station and reduction to centre. Derive expression for reducing the angles measuredat the satellite stations to centre ?

Q-4. What is the extension of the base? How it is done ?

Q-5.Two triangulation stations A and B are 60 Km apart and have elevation 240m and 280m respectively. Find the minimum height of signal required at B so that the line of sight may not pass near the ground than 2m.The intervening ground may be assumed to have a uniform elevation of 200m ?

Q-6.What do you understand by phase of a signal. Derive the formula for reducing the observation to correct the phase ?

Q-7.A , B and C are the stations in a minor triangulation survey. A satellite station S is setup near C suchthat S is due to C. Given AC=7246.4m BC=6756.1m,CS=44.5m , <ASC=62035’20” , <ASB=72058’30”. Calculate <ACB ?


Adjustment Computations

2 marks ques-

Q-1.Define most probable value ?

Q-2.Define what is station adjustment and network adjustment in triangulation ?

Q-3.Define an accidental error ?

7 marks ques-


  1. Weight of an observation.
  2. Conditioned quantity.
  3. Conditioned equation.
  4. Normal equation.
  5. Observed value of a quantity.
  6. Most probable error.

Q-2.Define general principle of least squares ?

Q-3.Find MPV of angle A from the following observation equation

A = 30028’40” weight 2

3A = 91025’55” weight 3

Q-4.Explain the method ofcorrelates ?

Q-5.Find MPV of angle A , B and C of triangle ABC from the following observations equation

A = 68012’36”

B = 53046’12”

C = 58001’06”

Q-6.The following angles were measured at station O to close the horizon

<AOB = 83042’28.75” wgt 3

<BOC = 102015’43.26” wgt 2

<COD = 94038’27.22” wgt 4

<DOA = 79023’23.77” wgt 2

Adjust the angles by the method of correlates?



2 marks ques-

Q-1.What is tacheometer ?

Q-2.Explain principle of tacheometery ?

Q-3.Define range finders ?

7 marks ques-

Q-1.Derive the expression for horizontal and vertical distances by the tangential method when both anglesmeasured are those of depression ?

Q-2.Discuss about construction and use of reduction tacheometers. Also write a brief note on Range finders ?

Q-3.What isTacheometer and its constant. State the procedure of determining the constant of this instrument ?

Q-4.Write short notes on-

  1. Subtense method.
  2. Tangential method.

Q-5.What are the different methods employed in tacheometricsurvey ?

Q-6.Two distance of 20m and 100m were accurately measured out and the intercept of the staff between the outer stadia webs were 0.196m at the formed distance and 0.996m at the latter. Calculate tacheometricconstant ?

Q-7.Derive the expression for horizontal distances and vertical elevation for fixed hair tacheometric method, inclined sight elevation, staff held vertical ?

Q-8.Derive the equation for stadia constant of a tacheometer ?


Photographic and aerial surveying

2 marks ques-

Q-1.Define photo-theodolite?

Q-2.Define flying height ?

Q-3.Define principle point of photograph ?

7 marks ques-

Q-1.Derive an expression for the relief displacement in a vertical photograph ?

Q-2.Write a note on-

  1. Reduction of soundings
  2. Station pointers.

Q-3.Discuss about the comparison between air photograph and map ?

Q-4.What is tilt distortion? Prove that in a tilted photograph tilt distortion is radial from the isocentre?

Q-5.Define various scale of a photograph?

Q-6.Define- Principal point, Nodal point, Flying height, Isocentre, swing, Exposure station, Vertical photograph ?

Q-7.Explain the principle of ecosounding. Write its advantages ?


Hydrographic Surveying

2 marks ques-

Q-1.Define hydrographic surveying and what are its uses?

Q-2.Define Nadir point?

Q-3.List the different tide gauges?

7 marks ques-

Q-1.Explain the mechanical methods of solution of 3 point problem in hydrographic surveying?

Q-2.What is tide Gauge? Differentiate between non registering and self registering type gauge. Describe the working of a float gauge?

Q-3.What do you mean by reduction of soundings. Explain the methods of reduction of soundings?

Q-4.Write short notes on-

  1. Shore line survey.
  2. Sounding gauges.
  3. Problems in hydrographic surveying.

Q-5.The following observations were made on 3 station A , B and C from a boat at O with the help of a sexant. Station B and O being on the same side of AC

<AOB = 30025’ , <BOC = 45025’ , <ABC = 130010’ , AB = 4000m , BC = 4995m

Calculate the distance of the boat from the 3stations?

Q-6Discuss various methods of locating soundings when observations taken entirely from the shore?

Q-7.Write short notes on equipment needed for sounding-

  1. Sounding boat
  2. Lead rods or poles
  3. Lead lines
  4. Sounding machines
  5. Fathometer.